Complete Cure for Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis and all other stomach Problems Part 1 – Baba Ramdev

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Today 50% of people are suffering from colitis and IBS. Colitis is a disease in which you eat the food and you feel like excreting it out, there is huge abdomen pain, gas in stomach and problem of indigestion. Stools are improper and watery. This problem is very dangerous. It is much bad then BP, Heart problems, etc. It is very trouble creating disease. People consume steroids to overcome the problem. Initially it gives relief to the problem, later problem becomes worst.

The disease occurs usually who ate heavy foods, junk foods, ghee in large amounts in their childhood and to children who have drank large amount of milk. Same is the case for adults. IBS is directly related to stress. When a person is stressed or angry, IBS starts. When there is imbalance in ecology of stomach, colitis and IBS occurs. The good ecological health of stomach should be maintained. All the stomach diseases occurs due to imbalance of stomach ecology.

The best remedy for stomach problems, colitis, IBS, Constipation, Diarrhea is curd or buttermilk. Buttermilk or Curd also balances the ecology of stomach. Colitis can be cured permanently by drinking buttermilk or eating curd. But it should not be sour in taste. It should be fresh. Drink this by adding rock salt. Do not add sugar in buttermilk or curd for eating. If you eat unfresh curd or Buttermilk, it will increase acidity and may increase ulcers of stomach. This is the best remedy for ulcerative colitis.

Some times patient suffers from such a bad condition that they have 35-40 times of excretion a day with blood stools. For such treatment, at Patanjali Yogpeeth- we mix well ripe banana (Banana having black spots on it) with fresh curd (This is mixed in mixer grinder) and we give this to the patient of ulcerative colitis for consumption (CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE DOING THIS BECAUSE IT MAY CAUSE ACIDITY TO SOME PEOPLE). You can also eat boiled apple. It is very helpful. Boil it slowly and little. Sprouted grains works best in colitis. It may cause gas in beginning but later gas will be eliminated. Gas occurs because suddenly stomach is not able to adjust with new food. Later, it adapts and helps in curing the problem. Sprouts should not be long or short, length of it should be normal. You can also do TAKRAKALP which we also do in Yog Gram, Haridwar. We make patients drink MATHA KALP from 1-6 litres with the gap of 2-3 hours. This increase or decrease of litres is done very slowly and gradually. To some patients, problems get cured in 1 month and to some patients it may take long time. In Yog Gram, we do it for 45 days. Slowly and gradually patient is advised to stop this MATHA KALP. Boiled vegetables are given as a meal for some days. Slowly and gradually, normal meal is followed. Patient do not have to start eating heavy food after MATHA KALP treatment. Slowly and gradually, meal is increased if needed. We also do mud coating treatment in Yog Gram. This helps in curing swollen intestines and healing of ulcers in intestines. (If mud is unavailable) You can do this at home by using cotton cloth mixed with cold water. If you are using mud, it should not be dirty, it should be pure. This is best remedy for intestines and severe constipation and diarrhea. If you are doing Mud Coating at home, store that mud in fresh cold water 12 hours prior.

Well riped banana works best in Swollen intestine. Apple and carrot juice, lauky juice works best in ulcers. Aloevera also heals the ulcers. You can drink wheat grass juice in small amount. If you will eat wheat grass in large amount, it will reduce constipation and will cause diarrhoea. Colitis patients should stop consuming Milk, Ghee, Sweet things immediately because this work as an increasing the problem in huge amount. Pomegranate works best in colitis (DIABETIC PATIENTS CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE CONSUMING POMEGRANATE). Pomegranate can be consumed in empty stomach or after meal as per wish of patient. Bael fruit or Wood Apple fruit is best remedy for colitis. Consume powder of this fruit with butter milk or water after meal. Do

not store the powder for longer period as worms spoil it. Store as much you can use. We also give Bilvadi Churna, Gangadhar Churna as a medicine. If your body has become weak because of colitis, you can consume fig in small amount for recovery. You can also do this- Take 1 kg of raw bael fruit. Take one litre of water. Boil it till it reduces to half. After cooling consume half a cup thrice a day with the gap of 3 hours. Do this for 1 week and see the benefits of it.

Steam the apple fruit with its skin. Later, while eating the fruit, you can remove the skin. Do not boil the fruit in much quantity of water.

This was all the solution for colitis, Ulcerative colitis, Diarrhea.


sajid butt says:

Could somebody please translate the methods described in this video. To my
surprise he seems to know what he’s talking about. Long term sufferer of
ulcerative colitis.

Allison Mitchell says:

i have been eating Pomegranate fruit for years. But this year I have been
eating them more often than ever. I started eating them as soon as I seen
them in the store. At first I would eat them without properly peeling them
and the yellowish part would tear my stomach up. But now I take my time and
get all of the seeds into a bowl, rinse them off and enjoy them by the
handfuls Since I’ve been eating them almost everyday since October 2014, My
Ulcerative colitis seems to be gone. I chew the seeds and suck the juice
out and discard the seeds. I have not had to take any medication since I’ve
been eating them everyday. Then I found this video along with another video
because in my mind, the pomegranate has healed me of Ulcerative colitis. I
am having constipation though. But I will figure that out soon. maybe I’ll
just take some fiber with my drinks. This is my truth. I hope it can become

Vikram Jeet Kaur says:

Many viewers have asked about the person accompanying Baba Ramdev. He is Dr
Narinder Neeraj, Director of Yoga Gram.

syed tabrez says:

is there any ayurvedic medicine for dyphagia

shantilal jeantilal says:

how im admit to patanjali,because i have colitis for last 8 years

Ganesh Das says:

kya kamal ka treatment hai, itne acche desi chikitsya chorke humlog british
treamtement me lakh lakh kharch karte rehte hai



enry que says:


Jega K says:

Is there a translation foe this video

Charu Chauhan says:

Can we add harde with banana & curde in place of issablog?


Seeking for your kind advise..

Harshdeep Cheema says:

Hey, can somebody please tell me who is this guy .and where is he locaed

ronnie63 says:

Thus is very helpful, who is this man beside baba ramdev?..somebody please
tell, many thanks

dharmeshadesai desai says:
ronnie63 says:

Thus is very helpful, who is this man beside baba ramdev?..somebody please
tell, many thanks

nicks1799 says:

genetic . ? R U SERIOUS………

Amy A says:

Can you put a translation? Thank you so much!

Daniel Gontar says:

My good man please do not spread misinformation about people with
ulcerative colitis or IBD in general by saying they have it because of
eating junk foods, drinking milk excessively, or from experiencing stress.
These are some minor factors but the main cause is the genetic
susceptibility to the adjuvants in vaccines which excessively stimulate the
immune system.

Rajiv Tulsiyan says:

Dear Sir, I am 37 year old,I have little bit heartburn and problem of
little bit itching in rectum.I have to go stool for 1 or 2 time daily.No
problem of Nausea,vomitting,weakness,fever,No diarhea,no bloody diarhea.My
routine and cultural report of stool doesnt show any problem,it just show
undigested pood particles found. What disease I may have?.I feel I may have
Ulcerative collitis or Gerd or Acidity. Plz advise what should I

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