My baby grunts and gets red in the face. Is she constipated?

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Many babies grunt at night and there are a ton of different things that might cause that. So I recommend bringing it up with your baby’s doctor. If it’s due to congestion, which is normal for infants to have, there are a few basic things that will help. A humidifier in your baby’s room at night might make a big difference. Or before putting your baby down to bed you can sit in a bathroom that is full of steam and just kind of let your baby breathe it in and that may help loosen secretions before you put your baby down. You can also go to the store is get some nasal saline drops and put two to three drops in each nostril then use a bulb syringe to suck the secretions out before bedtime. If these things don’t help and you’re worried about your baby being constipated, do know that it is normal for babies to strain a little bit when they’re having a bowel movement. But if your baby has tried for ten minutes without success, if there is any blood in the stool, if the stools are extra hard or your baby has dramatically changed the frequency of bowel movements, or if you’re just concerned about it, your baby may be constipated and it would be good to talk to the doctor to see if there are any issues there. Some babies just simply grunt in their sleep for whatever reason. Mine was one of those and it just kind of passed with age. But then on the other hand grunting can also mean respiratory distress, your baby is having a hard time breathing. Because of this I would recommend bringing it up with your baby’s doctor and they can decide what the cause is and if there is any cause for concern or not. If you have any other questions for me feel free to ask them on our Facebook page and recommend us to your friends and family too.


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