Did the Tsarnaev bros. hire crisis actors too? Docs, EMT’s and war veterans are getting some good laughs from this one. Smoke and mirrors folks. Stop giving in to the fear tactics on TV. Stop [More]
During May 2009., new “5+ fruit yoghurt” was ready to hit the shelves. Strawberry created campaign where imaginary characters, – Strawberry, Cherry and Apricot, became real celebrities who got together in “5+ b(r)and. TV Commercial [More]
Parody of Get Lucky ! Après la teub et la constipation j’ai voulu abordé un thème légèrement différent: Les Mathématiques ! Si vous avez un contrôle demain et que vous êtes angoissés, il ne vous [More]
Tryin to reach a catch a imaginary butterfly lol
The DruglessDrs are discussing the significance of posture and your health. Do you know that every inch your head is forward from the imaginary plumb line the passes through the ear, through the shoulder to [More]
Check Out the Full Strengthening Yoga DVD by Wai Lana: http://www.wailana.com/shop/products/Strengthening-DVD.html Learn the Imaginary Chair Pose from Wai Lana’s TV series on PBS. This pose will strengthen your legs, lungs, and tone your heart.
Special Guest Scott! Us Gays. Sign Language. Halloween. VMAs. My Fridge. Constipation. Grandma Cordaysha. Scott’s Own Channel. Leave Scott. Bye Scott! Parody Week. Glozelle. Justin Tynne. Click here for Scott’s new channel: http://youtube.com/scottadventures Special thanks [More]
For more football funnies, please visit http://www.ian-holloway.com Referee Peter Walton produces an imaginary yellow in the Everton v Birmingham fixture after forgetting to bring his cards to the game!
See the Full Collection of Wai Lana Yoga Video DVDs at http://www.wailana.com/shop/categories/Yoga-DVDs-%26-Music/ The Camel Pose Yoga Asana from Wai Lana’s TV series on PBS The Benefits of this Pose are :- + It stretches the [More]
http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/thrall/Gambit Music: Laszlo – Imaginary Friends Warptech – Resolution