What Causes Constipation? — Why Eliminating it Can Prevent Tons of Problems!

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In this article I’m going to share with you what causes constipation, how we can improve our digestive system, and prevent nearly every disease. You might be a little bit skeptical that I can show you how to prevent nearly every disease, but the truth is almost every disease is linked to the digestive system, according to the US Senate Committee on Nutrition.

If I say the word constipation what images come to mind? Probably something to do with infrequent bowel movements correct? It could be hard stools, difficulty passing stools or perhaps no stools for long periods of time. This really comes down to problem in someone’s digestive system, and it’s the reason for this constipation.

Now there are a lot of reasons that could cause problems in the intestinal tract, but of course food is the likely cause. You see humans are really geared towards hunting, scavenging and eating fresh food. We are not really built for all the weird food that has been created to extend it’s shelf life that most of us eat on a daily basis.

When we consume real food like fruits, berries, vegetables we get enzymes. These enzymes help break down the food so we can digest it. Heavily cooked and processed foods kill these enzymes and our whole digestive system suffers. Not consuming enough fiber could be another reason. What fiber does is weigh stools down and you may think more weight would make it harder to digest, but it’s the opposite.

This fiber creates bulk so it can more easily be moved through our system. I like to think of it like it’s easier to move something if you can get a good hold on it. Water is another thing, which is very important for digestion, and in fact we our made up of 60 percent water that is used for all kinds of things. How it affects our digestion is that it helps flush waste from the intestines.

Next is something called bacteria, which lives in our digestive system. Now don’t get all freaked out there is actually good bacteria down there and it is constantly fighting the bad bacteria. If the bad bacteria wins it could cause this health problem. There are a lot of things that we can actually do to prevent bad bacteria from entering us, and one idea would be to brush your teeth before eating. Also eating uncooked meat and chewing your food more all can help.

When it comes to improving the good bacteria you might have heard of something called probiotics. Do you know what to eat to get this stuff would be? Yep, it’s yogurt and it helps by adding good bacteria and is actually man-made. What you might not have heard of is something called prebiotics and it’s found in certain foods like Kiwi’s. What prebiotics does is stimulate the production of good bacteria in your body. Which one do you think is better for you?

Actually studies show prebiotics are much more beneficial than the stuff in yogurt called probiotics, but both are helpful. Also you can exercise after a meal, which helps the blood

and food move through your body. Plus there are a variety of herbal remedies that could be of assistance. Now I’m not going to go over all these herbal remedies, because this post would be way too long, but there is a free guide you can view.

This guide goes over herbal remedies that you should consider and what they do. It talks about how to choose a brand that could be the most beneficial, while avoiding brands that are very risky. There is a bunch of other things in this guide like what governments do to protect you and it even goes over dosage amounts. To view this free guide click on the link.



kwhitsitt1 says:
vorkev1 says:

probiotics cause constipation I have found that out the hard way and when I
asked my dr about it she sed yup most people have this problume and most
people do not believe it to be true but it is and its du to changing the
bodys naturel flow

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