Colonoscopy actual procedure [ENG SUB]

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Guest: Dr. Diana Alcantara – Payawal
Date Aired: May 24, 2015



HipFit SoooGood says:

This is a life-saving procedure and the best way to prevent colorectal
cancer. Love this video no matter what language it’s in. I just put up my
video about my experience as an average person. The procedure is not
painful, and might just save your life.

OhhChezy says:

Well, this is how I spend my Thursdays I guess.

Dr Ankur Baruah says:

English motherfucker,do you speak it?

– Pulp Fiction

F*** My Life says:

I thought it said suspected coitus 5:19

Christopher Caridi says:

imagine if there was a show called colonoscopy wars

S J says:

How many people do they need in there. Geez

Gwen King says:

Love the spanglish ☺

crankylifter says:

Wife: “What’d you do today?”
Me: “Well, I went to the bank; did the groceries. Oh, yeah, and I
researched colonoscopies in Tagalog.”

Bokimon says:

magkano daw?


for English press 1

Doctors Hub says:

Colonoscopy procedure is used for diagnostic as well as therapeutic
purposes for colon disorders.

Winter Sonata says:

nakuh delikado babae mabigay ang kamay ahaha

ابو ايليا says:

مو فهمان شي

jose martinez says:

When all this people making negative responses about lenguage spoken by the
lady in the video get cancer they”l change their attitude!!

Paul Fhorest says:

andaming galit na nag comment dahil hindi nila maintindihan ang
spanish daw

steve wujek says:

Why is this in my suggestions :(

Rahul Verma says:

Rahulkumar vermarmig52rahumustaybatgayabiha

Cutegamerkitty 40 says:

(Tagalog) dito po sa Canada wala po kaming bayad sa test na yan, I had my
test few t months ago.

Keegan Lee says:


mie1100 Nowak says:
Psychotroniczny generator przesyła
fale dźwiękowe słyszalne wyłącznie przez osoby na które zostały
one nakierowane wytwarzają one w mózgu człowieka wrażenia
słuchowe z możliwością przekonania kogoś, że jest psychicznie
chory. Manipulowanie ludzkim umysłem i jego zachowaniami przy pomocy
programu HAARP dokonują operatorzy HAARPa w Krakowie Mały Rynek 4.
Operatorzy HAARP-a gadają wulgarnie bezpośrednio do mojego mózgu
za pomocą fal ultradźwiękowych przez 24 h./dobę, komentują
odczytane przez nich moje myśli i to na co patrzę, krytykują,
grożą i szantażują, ja ich słucham i odpowiadam, ataki słowne i
ataki falą elektromagnetyczną dokonane przez operatorów HAARP-a
opisuję w „będę cię usypiać i dawać w
nerwy jednocześnie na odległość jak będziesz prowadzić samochód
albo będziesz wariować za kierownicą podczas prowadzenia samochodu
bo ci dam w c… i w nerwy falą elektromagnetyczną” mówi
operator HAARP-a bioenergoterapeutka Lidia Miron „nikt ci w to nie
uwierzy że my cię tak jebiemy” mówi ww Lidia Miron czytać www
HAARP i wwwSTOPZET „ja ci teraz ustąpię ale na chwilę a jak mi
nie dasz pieniędzy to będę cie jebać w jaja i nerwy kurwa w jaja
i nerwy dajemy chłopom podczas prowadzenia samochodu fala
elektromagne tyczną a tobie w cipę i w nerwy” mówi ww Lidia
Miron” “ty kurwo
nie wytrzymasz tego bólu w cipie , to kurwa moja metoda na zdobycie
pieniędzy , tak przymuszam cię energia elektromagnetyczną”
mówi ww Lidia Miron “ciekawa jestem jak długo wytrzyma z tym
chujem obrzezanym w cipie i naciskiem na nerwa w cipie” mówi ww
Lidia Miron “ja ci będę dawać rozkazy a Stochmal będzie cię
jebał w jaja i nerwy fala elektromagnetyczną” mówi ww Lidia
Miron „pomalutku ,pomalutku wkładam do cipy wiązkę promieni, tak
jak małej dziewce córeczki mojej pacjentki” mówi ww Lidia Miron
„tak dźgam w cipki małe dziewczynki córki moich pacjentek bo nie
chce żeby były zdrowe te dziewczynki” mówi bioenergoterapeutka
Lidia Miron Centrum Seminaryjne – CUD Kraków, Mały Rynek 4 „ty
kurwa nie usiedzisz za kierownicą żeby żeby prowadzić samochód
bo ci będę dawać wiązką ultra w jaja i w nerwy kurwa w jaja i
nerwy dajemy chłopom podczas prowadzenia samochodu fala
elektromagnetyczną a tobie w cipę i w nerwy teraz i podczas
prowadzenia samochodu” mówi ww Lidia Miron” mówi ww Lidia Miron

się powieś jak pułkownik Berdychowski albo Lepper „ mówi ww
Lidia Miron

mówiłam im do mózgu żeby to zrobili i groziłam że im zniszczę
rodzinę” mówi ww Lidia Miron

się zabij jak minister Blida albo Wałęsa, tak myśmy nakierowali
energię elektromagnetyczną na Papałę” mówi ww Lidia Miron

„ napisz
komendanta” mówi operator HAARP-a Zdzisław Stochmal

sophie Web says:

I got a pain in my stomach would I need to have a colonoscope as its hard
for my to do my business in the toilet and I am only 25 year old chick
email me and reply ASAP as I am worried that I got colon cancer and I
haven’t had an colonoscope before

mary grace Nagales says:

magkano po pa ganyan?

Lance Baker says:

USELESS. Not English, no subtitles. Maybe Spanish??? THUMBS DOWN!!!!!!!

doberfag says:

bongalong university

John Vacchio says:

Shut the fuck up you asshole !

Liz Johnson says:

English dummy

moore moore says:

aooo aoooo aoooooooo aooo you can see aooo aooooo

Mariana Marques says:

what is this language??

restituto rebucas says:

what colonoscope did you use? olympus?

nor suzana Khamaruddin says:

Good video 👍

Evil Rick says:


Didzee 002 says:

I had this procedure..
but I was handcuffed to a screw…that gave him plenty to say in the pub

James Abuda says:

Mas nakakatakot kasi ang presyo kesa sa procedure!

restituto rebucas says:

what particular type of flexible endoscope ang ginamit? linaw ng video.

Charlie Beagle says:

I thought you only get it check if you 50 years old or older

Allen Franks says:

I wonder if these people who care so much would like a room full of people
when they theirs done ? No because they think they are too good

graycloud057 says:

She ain’t from around here is she. WTF.

Rameshup रमेश says:


Ismael Rodriguez says:

that abuse

joy stella says:

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Shamsie Supsup says:

Magkano po mag pacolonoscopy

M&G Medical Forum says:

Good video…. Gastroenterology – Endoscopy – Surgery – My YouTube Channel
– More Videos There

Cheeky Lass says:

Shut that cock sucking music off. Fucken christ

anjinsan says:

cant you just douch with alot off water and fast 24 hours seems easier?
and douch not enema=i put hose in my butt and flush with warm water to
empty untill water is clean coming out as going in

Rexon Panganiban says:

how much it cost po? para sa test na ito?

MJ Sanchez says:

Are you people Filipinos ?
If the patient has large hemorrhoids do you recommend that the patient not
have a colonoscopy ?

Lance Baker says:

Mostly a music soundtrack. No commentary, no audio from the actual
procedure room. Total GARBAGE!!!

Jon Stevens says:

Science !!! I didn’t know that, chicken 🐥🐔and turkey 🦃and pigs 🐷 and
eggs🥚 and cows🐮 really healthy, so I
Gorillas, elephant, rhino, antelope, wolves, lions et cetera, never have
cancer… they never have cancer !!! We humans have cancer, cancer, cancer
all the time, chicken, fish (Mercury), turkey, pigs, cows
🐖🐄🦃🐓🥚🐣🐟🐮🐷🐔🍗🍖🍕🌭🍔🍤🥓🍳🥘🍣🍦🥛😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵.(Cows, pigs,
chicken… steroids, hormones 💉, pus, tiny cages, cancer, cancer
😵😵😵😵😵). Lions🦁, wolves🐺, bears🐻 shortcuts, 3-6
meters😸😸😸😸😸🐅🐆🐺🐕. Science !!! Elephants 🐘, gorillas 🦍,
antelope🐏, (humans,) it’s sector, have longer, 10-16 meters 😬😬😬😬😬
!!!! Science !!! (humans, colon, bowel…. cancer, fish🐟, chicken🐔,
cows🐮, Pigs🐷 ….😵😵😵😵😵)(Gorillas 🦍 Bonobos are vegan, 0.001🐜 ants
and termites.) Deodorant you soon are you smelly🤢 chicken🐔🐣 in pigs🐷
and cows🐮(Shoes, stink 👞🤢). Colon, stomach, let’s go on… cancer,
rotting in your stomach 😵😵😵. Science !!!!!. No I’m a vegan, I don’t use
the deodorant now and clean and fresh😃 !!!! (Gorillas or a clean, they
never have a bath, clean and fresh, vegan !!!). (Doctors don’t know 99% of
it… Science !!!! I had a stroke, really, really bad, lucky to be alive
!!! Right side nearly gone… Blocked arteries…
🐄🐖🐓🦌🦃🧀🍤🍔🌭🍕🍖🍗🥘🍟🍣🍦🥛🚬⚰️ !!!! (–) blood, meet, blocked
arteries 😵😵😵😵. Only us that’s a problem 😵😵😵.( ) blood, vegan, clear
!!! 😃😃😃😃 Google it and see !!! ( ) blood, gorillas 🦍, antelope, lions
🦁…… Chemo 97% 😵😵😵😵😵😵. X-ray 😵😵😵😵😵. Money money money
🤑🤑!!!! (Science) Eat right healthy, you won’t have any cancer, vegan
!!!!) Vegans live the longest(10 years longer, on average !!!) then meet
eaters 😵!!! Curry is my favourite (red rice (Taiwan, Malaysia..) is good,
really good) meal 🍛 !!! Science !!!!!! Garlic, mushrooms, walnuts, peanuts
🥜, lentils(beans, legumes), (red) onion, spinach, broccoli, tea (ginger,
hibiscus 🌺 Every day), flaxseeds, dates, seeds, oranges, apples, bananas,
cherries, lemon, melons, lemons, blueberries, hemp seeds (cures cancer)….
(Coconut is bad, oil is bad, Science !!!)Sushi seaweed, very, very good one
of those, awesome. One day is good, every day !!!! Science !!!!Beetroot,
one day, kiwi 🥝one, or two a day, I day oatmeal or something, go to the
gym 💪 (shopping, bike 🚴) feel good absolutely good, anything you want,
try it and see !!!!! Science !!!!! (☀️ 10 minutes, every weekly. Science)
Eggs and sperm, disgusting 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢!!! Cows baby males get killed at
birth or close to birth, mother accounts get taken away at birth, the
mothers at birth taken away from them, mothers get sad, so sad for days and
days and days, the “milk is for us, pus cells 135 millions or more”…
Hazenutl milk, Almond milk, Soya milk…. really good for you !!! Science
!!!! “Hydraulic fracturing, for natural gas, uses a staggering 100 billion
gallons, of water per year in the USA however, raising livestock in the
u.s. consumers thirsty four trillion gallons of water and the methane
emissions, for both areequal one quarter pounder require 660 gallons of
water to produce this is the equivalent of showering for two months
!!!!”Only one Earth, 🌎….. Two children, no more, no more !!!! The Earth
is full, 13.6 billions 🌏…. (Stroke) Artery is blocked, (IMAGES)
Google… “Are human omnivores, carnivores or herbivores?” “Meat Your
Future” YouTube !!!! “Earthlings” YouTube (film) !!!! “COWSPIRACY” YouTube
(film) !!!! Dr. Greger. “Uprooting the Leading Causes of
Death” YouTube !!!!

Jon Stevens says:

Science !!! I didn’t know that, chicken 🐥🐔and turkey 🦃and pigs 🐷 and
eggs🥚 and cows🐮 really healthy, so I
Gorillas, elephant, rhino, antelope, wolves, lions et cetera, never have
cancer… they never have cancer !!! (Gorillas are vegan !!!! (0.001
🐜ants)). We humans have cancer, cancer, cancer all the time, chicken,
fish, turkey, ham, cows
🐖🐄🦃🐓🥚🐣🐟🐮🐷🐔🍗🍖🍕🌭🍔🍤🥓🍳🥘🍣🍦🥛😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵 Lions,
wolves, bears shortcuts, 3-6 meters😸🐅🐆🐺🐕. Elephants 🐘, gorillas 🦍,
antelope🐏, (humans) it’s sector, have longer, 10-16 meters 😬😬😬😬😬 !!!!
(Doctors don’t know 99% of it… Science… I had a stroke, really, really
bad, lucky to be alive !!! Right side nearly gone… Blocked arteries…
🐄🐓🦃🧀🍤🍔🌭🍕🍖🍗🥘🍟🍣🍦🥛🚬⚰️. (–) blood, meet, blocked arteries
😵😵😵. Only us that’s a problem 😵😵😵.( ) blood, vegan, clear !!!
😃😃😃 Google it and see !!! ( ) blood, gorillas 🦍, antelope, lions
🦁…… Chemo 95% 😵😵😵😵😵😵. Money money money !!!! (Science) Eat right
healthy, you won’t have any cancer, vegan !!!!)Vegans live the longest(10
years longer, on average !!!) then meet eaters 😵!!!
Curry is my favourite (Black rice (Chinese) is good, really good) meal 🍛
!!! Science !!!!!! Garlic, mushrooms, walnuts, lentils, (red) onion,
spinach, broccoli, tea (ginger, hibiscus 🌺 Every day), dates, seeds,
oranges, apples, bananas, cherries, melons, lemons, blueberries …
🍏🍌🍒🍎🍉🍑🍐🍇🍍🍊🍓🥝🍋🍈🍅🍆🥒🥕🌽🌶🍠🌰🥜🥙🌮🌯🥗🍲🍛.Sushi seaweed,
very, very good one of those, awesome. One day is good, every day !!!!
Science !!!!Beetroot, one day, kiwi 🥝one, or two a day, I day oatmeal or
something, go to the gym feel good absolutely good, anything you want, try
it and see !!!!! Science !!!!! Eggs and sperm, disgusting
🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢!!! Cows baby males get killed at birth or close to birth,
mother accounts get taken away at birth, the mothers at birth taken away
from them, mothers get sad, so sad for days and days and days, the “milk is
for us, pus cells 135 millions or more”… Hazenutl milk, Almond milk, Soya
milk…. really good for you !!! Science !!!! “Hydraulic fracturing, for
natural gas, uses a staggering 100 billion gallons, of water per year in
the USA however, raising livestock in the u.s. consumers thirsty four
trillion gallons of water and the methane emissions, for both areequal one
quarter pounder require 660 gallons of water to produce this is the
equivalent of showering for two months !!!!”Only one Earth, 🌎…..
“Are human omnivores, carnivores or herbivores?” “Meat Your Future” YouTube
!!!! “Earthlings” YouTube (film) !!!! “COWSPIRACY” YouTube (film) !!!! Dr.
Greger. “Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death” YouTube

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