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Approaching age 54 so I had my first colonoscopy. What an experience! Did you know that they pump you up with air so they can look around and get really “jiggy” with it? I didn’t! I prearranged to have my wife shoot some video during my recovery because I heard you wouldn’t remember much about it. I guess I didn’t realize how bad it could be. Ahh well. Enjoy! 😉
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ChemGuy210 says:

0:08 “This will be for our private collection”

Puts it on Youtube…

adlufc1141 says:

ha typical American hospital, what do you want to drink? water juice?
tea?……. no coke or pepsi ha

Ichika Orimura says:

HAHAHAAH you cant stop Laughing I cant stop Laughing myself! HAHAHAH!!

DanielleeeeK says:

That 2d fart killed me

Erica S. says:

Not so private collection I guess then huh lol

skust1975 says:

Farts while the song goes, chestnuts roasting on an open

Mike Harkins says:

LMAO, nothing better than telling your wife “You’re so beautiful!” right
after ripping major ass for like 30 seconds straight LOL

Zahra Ali Mohammed says:

That is some serious fart endurance!

Angelica Hagood says:

I’m laughing my ass off

Razorokc says:

Hes farting telling his wife shes pretty, LOl Oh man that’s so good, lol

Courtney Butzko says:

Your husband is so handsome! Lucky you that he said you are so pretty
despite the farts lol!!

falcon webb says:

chestnuts roasting on an open fire…prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttt i don’t
think id get that near a fire dude

Todd Buckley says:

That blast at 1:24 was epic. If there was a Farting Hall of Fame, this
guy would be a first ballot hall of famer. His reactions are priceless
“that was a good one, I like that”. Thanks for the laugh brother.

Will Bribiescas says:

The beeping after that last fart lmao. It’s like it was rating it. Like
when at the fair you hit the hammer on the thing that makes the thing see
how strong you are lmao!!!

Will Bribiescas says:

The beeping after that last fart lmao. It’s like it was rating it. Like
when at the fair you hit the hammer on the thing that makes the thing see
how strong you are lmao!!!

Shaun Kahler says:

LOL the classical music in the background

BeautyAndBrains says:

“this will be for our private collection” LOLLLLL over 100,000 views on

tcp2150 says:

Your choice of music is nothing short of PRICELESS! 

carmen says:

Quedo bien guango dedpues de la colonoscopia

bubbasouth1969 says:

I’m getting scoped on Monday. Ironically, you uploaded this video the day
before I lost my dad to colon cancer. As unpleasant as it may be to talk
about, getting a colonoscopy can be a real lifesaver!

coc0s says:

For their private collection? Must have gotten divorced.

Deb F. says:

Priceless!! Academy Award worthy. His wife laughing was as funny as the gas

bluehollis says:

People saying it stinks. It doesn’t stink because you had to clean yourself
out before the procedure.

Lrdvltr says:

Fucking disgusting fuck. How do these disrespectful pigs get married or
have women by their side? Fucking nasty fucks!!! holy shit…

5tonyvvvv says:

Diet coke after cleansing! WOW! morons! Just shows the medical community
knows nothing about health!

andrielisilien says:

“private collection” hehehe, up on YouTube it goes!

GT Tree Trunkz says:

First off how did I get here lol 2nd ive had a lot of these done I have a
lot of medical problems growing up in hospitals blah blah blah anyway one
of my medical problems is that I have a under reactive colon and bowls and
the muscles dont contract and i cant make them like most ppl because of
nerve damage from one of my spinal cord releases so I dont fart lol
seriously im not just saying that cause im a young woman my mom always
tells her friends and they are amazed my friends get jealous and my bfs
mind was blown its not a good feeling to have all that air in you and not
be able to burp or fart it feels like your bloated 247 and when it gets
really bad it feels like your going to die or alien himself has taken
residence inside me I get indigestion a lot which helps a little cause some
air comes up and out but seriously dont take your farts and burps for
granted I cant belive im going to say this but whenever I hear someone just
let one rip I get a little envious lol I cant believe I just said all this
but hey we are all human and its a beautiful thing in a sense as how our
bodies regulate and take care of themselves in order to survive amd thrive.
Anyway to anyone here thats about to get this procedure done good luck and
good health to all and hopefully good news from the results and outcomes
for all :)

Dom Oranzi says:

My Mom got this done a year ago and I didn’t stop joking about it for a
month or two.

Aminals says:

Wife:”I can’t stop laughing!”
Husband:”I can’t stop farting!”

cockneyrebell says:

Ha ha mint let it rip I has one today an agree with the that’s so good
remark it’s not just good it’s awesome!

AnAutumnWind says:

That’s a hell of a Xmas gift; a colonoscopy.

Coady MMC says:

Not very private anymore lol

Bobbo Tron says:

man i dont know what a colonoscopy is but i want one if it makes me fart
like this

Evolutionize me says:

I was up and out of there soon as they wheeled me out .

Bellasoph Kidco says:


steve998 says:

Awwwww! I am female (despite my sign in name) and if my husband told me I
was pretty, and that he loved me while he had just come out of anasthesia,
I wouldn’t care how much he farted. What a lovely guy. You are one lucky

Ymous Anon says:

by far the worst part of colonoscopy is the prep. I talked to a fine
university hospital gastroenterologist and he thinks colonoscopies should
not be done so often. He says with a simple fibersigmoidoscopy that he can
tell from fluid samples sucked out if anything is wrong further down the
colon, and through specific blood tests and so on. I got low blood
sugar. I tried the prep once and went delirious. had to cancel. So the
next time they put me in the hospital the day before. Sure enough after
having the chemical induced diarrhea for only an hour or 2 my blood suger
went down dangerously low and they put the needle in me and had me on a
glucose or whatever it is, drip. Stupid medicaid had to pay 5k usd. It
would have been a lot cheaper to have a home nurse stay with me overnight
with the sugar drip and a few other things. sigmoids, you only have to do
like a few enemas before procedure, doctor sticks it up your colon about 40
inches, and everything is over total 45 minutes. And i had no aneasthesia
and it was not bad at all. I got a lot of electorlytes in drink form right
after. felt as good as i came out with a few big farts of goodbye walking
out through the hospital to the exit. 

Tevin Phillip says:

Definitely for the “private collection”

madmomentsgo says:

the whole ward is making music, bum notes.

Evolutionize me says:

Diet and exercise are the two most important ways of lowering your risk
.That’s one room I would want to vacate ASAP .

Daniel says:

Poo hole farts hard to play hard Lol

soloban81 says:

When the Priest says “in sickness and in health…” this the is the
sickness part.

Dig Bick says:

Utorak, wtf are you up mate?

The Expert says:

Whats up his ass

patinla777 says:

My nurse told me before the procedure, that I must pass gas in the recovery
room before I could leave. When she came in I told her I had passed some
gas, but it was silent gas and I really wanted to go home. She told me I
could go under one condition…..that I make an appointment to get
a hearing aid!!!

spookerr says:

Wow, love between husband and wife…..Touching vid.

merlinman44 says:

I’ve worked in an endoscopy unit heard that all the time you don’t have any
control over it, they feel your bowels full of air so they an open them up
and see what’s going on but it never fails to make me chuckle because most
patients don’t realise it’s them making that noise so funny, hope all was
clear for you anyway

D Breez says:


Roger Smith says:

Whats funny, is mine sound like this all the time.

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