About the Colonoscopy Procedure

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Visuals help show how a colonoscopy procedure is the only screening tool that can examine the entire length of the colon. Other conditions that colonoscopy can detect are discussed.


UsedStryker says:

Colonoscopy is a procedure that can help your doctor detect a number of
problems within the gastrointestinal tract. It’s best to get this procedure
done, even if you do not feel any pain or have any symptoms, just as a

oofahman says:

@jay13thstep I know MANY people who have had colonoscopies and not ONE of
them had ANY problems whatsover. :)

Alvaro Rivera says:

I am scheduled for this on the 3rd of november and i am 25 years old!! Ugh
i don’t think i am going to enjoy this 1 bit!!

kaissarMCR says:

Gonna do this next week

MrStan1941 says:

informative, had mine yesterday, a few polyps, nothing worse

AuntyM66 says:

Good video

BittersweetxRomance says:

I have to do this tomorrow as well… and I don’t like the sight of it…
what’s colyte?

drlest says:

OMG, I am having one tomorrow morning! I am very nervous, but because I had
a close friend recently pass away likely for not getting checked soon
enough, and I feel this is for my life’s sake! I keep hearing the prep is
the worst, YUCK!!!!

Tsumefan2 says:

i have to do this tomorrow…ad its not fun…plus i barf the colyte…now
is that normal to barf up the colyte?

drlest says:

Yes, my brother works for a GI doctor and part of the procedure is that
they actually pump air into your colon to view it better. So yes, you will
have a lot of gas/air to expel!

oofahman says:

I’m due for mine. Not worried. As long as I’m out like a light, that’s fine
with me 😉

speedypt says:

The worst part of a colonoscopy is the prep….taking the laxatives and
sitting for hours…don’t plan anything else for that afternoon or evening
before. Don’t wipe—use a bedet or spray water to clean up after each

mabol19 says:

is it true you get a lot of gas after the colonoscopy?

cuteulala1 says:

@AlvaroAndfriends I just had mine today and i felt nothing iwas completly
out of it even tho your comment is 5 months old 😛


I gotta do this on May 6 and I am NOT looking forward to it. I don’t wan a

Paul Champkin says:

I had a colonscopy this week but had to work later that day so had it done
without sedation just pain killers only hurt when it moved around corner

Arkeen Smalls says:

Having my second done tomorrow..doesn’t hurt. Can’t eat for Easter..that
hurts more!

jay13thstep says:

@Flareon0274 Did it hurt or anything? Im having one in 2 weeks… this
looks quite uncomfortable

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