Baby Massage Colic Constipated Gassy Relief

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This is a video that address specifically constipation and gas relief in babies. Please use this at your discration, this is not a medical advice, so if you have any other questions or concers please contact your health care provider. If done correctly you may be able to help your baby relieve abdominal pain connected with consitaption, gas, or colic.


Giselle Duarte says:
Beauty Belinda Mwiinga says:

Great video. My baby was gasy n constipated. I massaged him n after 5 mins
he managed to go! Thank u so much!

divina borrego says:

My son RAMSES has had constipation since 3 months now he is 1 year old
(14months) and I was so desperate to find something that would work I did
this and he was laughing like crazy(it tickled him so bad) but it actually
worked I started massaging and he pooped almost instantly thank you so much
I cried tears of happiness and was so happy about my son finally pooping
right (him not having to struggle no tears out of him) thanks :,,)

Leanna Rose Maglinte says:

Thank you so much for this video! My 10 month old son was constipated all
day and he pooped right after I gave him this massage! Thanks again! 

4hisglory365 says:

Thank you for posting this it really helped my baby-The constipation was
released later that day I have never celebrated so much over poop-haha!!

Isuru Perera says:

hi everyone ,if anyone else trying to find out
how to get rid of colic
try *Greega Colic Calmer Guru* (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive
heard some awesome things about it and my neighbor got excellent success
with it.

T. Nychol Knisley says:

Thanxxx for video

L.A S.Y says:

thanks my as soon as i done this my daughter was gasy so i knew strate away
was on the right track lol thanks

MSeegers says:


Gen Aleksandrov says:

The babies tummy may feel hard to the touch because if the gas it really
depends on how it feels to your touch because if its just gas then you
should be able to tell by how it feels . On the other hand if its rock hard
then it could be a sign of something more serious so I would take my little
one to see a medical specialist.

joe delgaudio says:

was the babys tummy hard when he had gas pains?

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