Pregnant Women are Smug by Garfunkel and Oates: The Official Video

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Here’s a musical number from our webseries on! Cause pregnant women are smug. Everyone knows it, nobody says it, because they’re pregnant. Directed by Ryan McFaul.

For more about the series click here:


Kaleb H says:

You guys, calm the fuck down, one of the lyrics to another one of their
songs is “Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus.”
I am at least 100% sure we aren’t supposed to take anything they say
seriously, its a comedic musical.

SalvageB292 says:

This song is the war cry of everyone single, on Facebook, and in their
early 20s

Ramon Suarez says:

The fact that this song seems to unsettle so many people speaks to its
quality. The best comedy often makes half the population laugh while
pissing off the rest. I hate safe comedy and these two don’t go that way. 

balzonurchin says:

Where can I rent a giant vagina like the one at the end of the video?

Danielle K says:

i cant wait to never have children. have fun having your vagina and your
future destroyed

SelphieFairy says:

Some girl I knew wrote on fb the other day that “Getting pregnant for the
first time is like getting your period for the first time.” (because that’s
supposed to be deep or something) and her reasoning was that you’re
“jealous” of everyone who already had it ? Lol, no thanks. This song
immediately reminded me of her haha.

Marlene S says:

This is amazing! Pregnant people are annoying.

Fro Namath says:

Pregnant women are smug
Everyone knows it, nobody says it
Because they’re pregnant

phillyslasher says:

You know, pregnant women don’t bother me as much as the women who brag
about how tough they are because they “endured” childbirth. I mean it’s
great that you had a baby but you’re no more special than the billions of
mothers out there in human history that did it. Grow up.

Evija3000 says:

But it sort of makes sense. Obsessing over their babies-to-come just means
that they’ll probably be good mothers. It would be worse if they didn’t
care about them.
I’m not talking about the ones that are annoying purely out of arrogance

William Bear says:

I so agree with this. My cousin got pregnant and now her spiritual bullshit
got even worse.

Yanny the Sphinx says:

+Brittney Johnson Oh shut up! You say your child is your world, he or she
is still using you. Only time will tell if he ever really grows up
appreciating the mother you are to him or if he will grow up to be an
asshat and consider shooting you in the face rather than hugging you. You
shouldn’t settle for even loving him as a jerk, you should steer him
straight and have him not show everyone else you probably weren’t a great a
parent as you think you are. Stop thinking this way before it is too late
and raise him right.

Stephanie Briggs says:

Thank you!!! I love this! Smug Pregnant Women drive me nuts! 

fightthefairy says:

Hahaha, this is brilliant!!! It’s so true, and anyone getting butthurt
about it is just doing so because they know the song refers to them!!!

Emmeli Lundquist says:

I am laughing my ass off right now! FINALLY someone says it! No, bitch,
you’re not fucking holy because you’re pregnant, and no, I don’t want to
hear about your pregancy problems! Women have carried children through
centuries, you’re not special. At all!

Magnolia Rose says:

One of the worst parts is the “I’m preggers,now give me a baby shower/free
stuff/gifts!” attitude…sorry I don’t owe you free shit just cuz you let
Joe Blow blow his load in you.

LCdrDerrick says:

Later it doesn’t gets better. The names of todays’ babies are getting
stranger and stranger, just to produce mom’s miserable ego. And then the
heavy pompin’ milky mama thing. Oh! Baby is hungry! Quick quick, right out
into the public for breastfeeing on the busiest place in town. (excuse my

Carson McDonald says:

People say something undeniably true and get ridiculed for it.. Nothing new

Celeste Rast says:

Cute video. I was never smug about being knocked up. The only thing I
wanted when I was pregnant was to be not pregnant.

Google+ is Censorship says:

Pregnant women and ones with fresh baby children behave oddly. Even weirder
than their babies. Freaks me out every time…

astaraelsget says:

Kinda bummed they took out the part where the pregnant woman talks about
how everything before her pregnancy was “meaningless”. Still, great song!

Yogesh Thangam says:

Lol.. The two of you come up with such wacky ideas.. Creative .. But
wacky… :P

pinkaddiction13 says:

pregnant women are the biggest attention whores

Ziba Aryai says:

I love you gurls .. you are my fav xD

Jessica Phillips says:

I loved this lol. There’s nothing wrong with being excited about your
pregnancy and your baby, obviously. But some woman take it too far and it
get’s annoying. When you’re posting 10 pictures a day of your pregnant
belly or newborn, it’s irritating. When every status update you post has
something to do with being pregnant like “Ugh heartburn sucks.
#PregnancyProblems.” It’s irritating. Just toss everyone a picture every
once in awhile, and be done with it.

Court Michel says:

That blond one sounds hot, but shes not too far apart eyes

Freddie Taylor says:

‘Pregnant Women Are Smug’ Video Will Totally Crack You Up (VIDEO)

Lexie Smith says:

I love this video. It’s funny as hell and I agree. Kate Micucci looks a
little like Zooey Deschanel. Which I find ironic because also in August
Zooey was quoted in a magazine saying something along the lines “Not every
women is dying to have a baby” and well now she’s knocked up and quoted
“over the moon for this new baby”. (it was probably an accident, but still)
Bottom line.
Zooey Deschanel is a fucking hypocrite.
That is all.

Aislinn De'Ath says:

I’ve seen this so many times and it still crack me up

ColonelPaterson0698 says:

This video was both hilarious and scarring at the same time. 

bbbushhh says:

Holy hell….I am gonna need surgery to get the smile off my face. These
two ladies give me hope for the world.

Dave Trejo says:

You’re not mother earth now.

Nicole Lock says:

Randomly watching this show on IFC …. makes me think of some people i
know. Every day… oh every day! 

Michel Spiegel says:

Comedy but on the button!

Patsy Vega says:


No Hope For Humanity says:

So many women I’ve met who were obviously pregnant ALWAYS drew unnecessary
attention to the fact that they were pregnant. As if they deserve some
reward. “Oh, you’re pregnant? Really? You didn’t eat a whole turkey? Wow. I
just thought you were fat.” Pregnancy is not an accomplishment. 

lorycastellana says:

I like you both as original artists but more than anything else loooove
your beautiful dresses in every videos <3

Cannibal Teddy says:

Liked it with them just singing better. This music video doesn’t really do

46Leona says:

I’m not pregnant and I never have been but I know that NOT ALL pregnant
woman are smug. And not just they could be smug, anyone!

lauz tosh says:

hahaha this is hilarious

B Mullin says:

I love reading the comments by these conservative right wing trolls who
keep bad mouthing Garfunkel & Oates. Heaven forbid if they or anyone else
for that matter challenge or question traditionalism, conventionalism and
the status quo through the use of humor, song and satire, you’ll be on Fox
News & Rush Limbaugh’s shit list and labeled a ‘COMMIE SOCIALIST’, an
Oh God, the Humanity!

Chris Clark says:

Pregnant Women are Smug by Garfunkel and Oates: …:

Emily McVicker says:

I think you two are genius. and a funny team. more videos please :)

Sazul says:

This is so true haha

Tesla Purtle says:

Its not the pregnant woman that’s special its the baby… smfh

Kelly Redmond says:

Rhett and Link + Female + Dirty = Garfunkel and Oates? :3

SuperJoshdave says:

This song is spot on 

Leighton Shell says:

I wonder why they cut out the little bit about “everything was so
meaningless before I got pregnant”. :(

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