House Call: How to Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a Few Days

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Nancy C Holmes says:

*Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are
nutritious and help prevent constipation. However, if you experience
bloating from increased fiber intake, try focusing solely on soluble fiber
found in fruits and vegetables instead of grains.*

Jennifer Ma says:

I just started having IBS and I’m losing weight but bloated all the time.
More and more foods I can’t digest everyday/week. This is getting
retarded!!!! I don’t think the doctor will help but I’ll go anyways because
my friends and family are worried and so they don’t think it’s just
something I made up!!! Because why would I do that!!!! 

micah smith says:

Thank you Thank you THANK YOU! I have had IBS for just about 4 years now
and it has made my life miserable. My doctors have never seemed to
understand or help and it has affected me physically and emotionally.
Everything you said in this video answered most of the questions that have
seemed unanswerable and it all makes sense now. In not even a 10 minute
video you told me more valuable information than my doctors have in years.
THANK YOU. I’ll be trying all of your methods soon

TheHallucinati says:

Please don’t call bacteria “bugs”. I assume you are talking to adults, so
no “bugs” and no “pee-pee”. It’s actually a very common problem in Medical
Ethics. Most adults dislike the “kiddy-talk” because they want to be
treated like adults.

IBS is, in all likelihood, a chronic neurological disorder and cannot be
“cured”, mainly for the reason that it is not completely understood. I
really don’t know why you would want to give your patients false hope.
Most patients with IBS test negative for C. Dificile, T. Whipelli or other
harmful bacteria that invade the gut, so bacteriological cause is highly
unlikely… In any case the more fitting word would be “maintained” or
“treated” rather than “cured”.

I had IBS for many years, and although the diet can matter, with certain
foods more likely to trigger the symptoms, more often it just occurs “out
of the blue” or is brought on by stress.

jennifer roberts says:

I am at my wits end! I have had IBS for over 10yrs.I have seen several
doctors and not one has helped me.I have gotten to the point that I no
longer visit the doctor the reason being that they put it down to
depression when I pointed out to them that it was making my life a misery!
I had never been allergic to anything in my life and suddenly developed
painfull swellings all over my body.After several visits to the doctors
over several years I was informed I had physical uticaria which I had never
heard of.I looked it up on line and it comes in several forms.I have all of
them.It can get very painfull as my skin has to stretch and is very itchy
and very hot.Along with that and the IBS life is awfull.I use to be very
fit I did a lot of swimming.gymnastics and trampolining and now I do
nothing.I have gained a lot of weight as a result and feel constantly
exhausted and miserable.If anyone can help it would be much appreciated

Giovanni Navarrete says:

Tried the above suggestions and it didn’t work. FODMAPS did help but its
hard to follow.

Jade Parrish says:

I have this thing that has been going on since I was twelve. Im fourteen
now. Everytime I get my period, I cant poop. I have ALL the symptoms of
irritable bowel syndrome, but only on my period. It hurts, makes me cry,
and I cant pass gas. And since I cant pass gas, I get this really bad pain
in my butt, well…rectum inside and it hurts so bad. What is it? I need to
know whats wrong with me

CentralStateMower says:

I have had IBS & Panic Attacks for over 2 years now… These two illnesses
are like evil twins. One can trigger the other. I’ve had the majority of
gastrointestinal tests that doctors can perform and they can’t find
anything. In fact, my family doctor told me that one can eat the same foods
for a week and be fine and then eat the same foods again for a 2nd week and
get diarrhea / constipation – that’s what makes IBS so hard for doctors to

Idaho Girl says:

Why do I wake up like Ive been drinking when I have not. Its weird no other
symptoms and it wears off with in my daily routine. Its happened a lot
lately. Its not blood sugar that I can tell. Perhaps I will do a poke and
see.. What is it that’s going on..

Suzie Sunshine says:

I have had IBS along with several other issues since I returned from
Honduras. My first symptom was a distended belly and holding water. I have
always been a small person so this was shocking to me. Years have now
passed and I suffer daily. Most docs look at me now like I have always
looked this way and chalk it up to bad eating and no exercise. Trust me, I
have tried so many diets I cant remember them all and nothing seems to
work. I have no problem being compliant I just cant find anything to work.
I would love to try xifaxan and perhaps an antifungal just wondering how
long I would stay on this treatment. The drs I have found are basically

Sofy Madott says:

Lot of hope and kindly keep on updating on this as many are suffering and

Martha Munters says:

Thank you for that. 

Joyce E Williams says:

I stopped eating sugar and it went away immediately. There is a
site…Foodintol. You check off symtoms from 5 food groups and it will tell
you what to stop eating. Very good.

Idaho Girl says:

Ok I also get a vibration in my gut to lower groin uterine area. It seems
like something it bubbling and trying to sieve thru.. Its likes radiation
of energy. Now that is weird or at least I thought so till I gooogled.
Others have experiences this. So what is this?

Jim Martin says:

Wendy, if you get this share this doctor’s thoughts with Trish. Love Dad

Idaho Girl says:

Why is this grass roots so strong but failing to make the GMO gut issues.
We need to sing it at the roof tops and blow it out off the roof tops. Its
the pigs study and GMOS but in humans.

Nikola381 says:

Dr. Hyman, I have IBS (constipation). I took prev pack before for H.
Pylori. I finally got the GI specialist to prescribe Rifaxamin 550 mg twice
a day. I plan to take probiotics (VSL3 and S. boulardii) with this
antibiotic. My question is can, can Rifaxamin further damage my stomach or
cause neurotoxicity?? Thank you!

IWildPkI says:

fuck my ibs will never go away :(

CentralStateMower says:

The mind-gut connection is an area that most Doctors are still not 100%
clear on…The digestive system is so complex that it has it’s own
specialized branch of the nervous system called the enteric nervous system.
It can regulate all aspects of digestion from start to finish without input
from the brain.

hueeeeey says:

I just got this last week was fine then got really bloated n gassy. Was bad
felt like vomiting n nausea. Dr told me was ibs but it comes and goes.
Anyone know if yogurt works? yesterday ate wheat n fiber all day n was

redwine1991 says:

I’ve had IBS for nearly three years now. It’s beyond a joke. I used to go
GYM 5 days a week, i had an awesome physique years ago. Since then, I’ve
lost 15kg of muscle, can’t even eat 6 big meals a day without going to the
toilet every 2 seconds, which means I can’t go GYM anymore, because I can’t
gain any mass.

Everyone is different in life. All i wanted to do in life was get big, and
look good. If you look good, you feel good. Those days are over, due to IBS.

As I said above, I’ve had IBS for nearly 3 years now. . .

Now I’m thinking of suicide. I can’t go on living like this. I’d rather die
than be skinny. 

Rachel Paterson says:

Calm Gen (herbal remedy) has cured my IBS and helped my body to absorb B12
and Iron vitamins. You can order it from the Health Palace web site. It
also helps me sleep better and I don’t get cold sores anymore. It’s been a
life saver for me!

Tanjil Kamal says:

Nothing to fear about IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome anymore. There is no
medicine in market invented by any doctor but though you can easily get rid
out of this problem, I can guarantee!! I had same problem long before and I
took a lot of doctor prescribed medicines but nothing worked. It happens
due to severe pressure erupted inside your mind & body . So relief all your
distress, anxiety or any other pressure inside your mind & body by just
practicing remaining cool most of the time. The reason for growing severe
pressure happens if you try to practice to remember a lot from your studies
or information, you try to play as a heavy sports man spirit, or you have
not done sexual intercourse fully or too much distress you face at your
work or family. If you need any help or further information to get cure
please contact me……!!!!

prettylolitadoll says:

Drinking water even bloats me. :(

yasar ali says:

Hi thank you for very informative video, i have been suffering from ibs for
most part of my life, my GP simply referred to as IBS, did many test and
even seen the specialist, everything seems to be fine but i suffer from
extreme bloating all day and every day. i have given up hope so just living
with it but wish there was a cure.

Grant Williams says:

thank you for your interesting video. I have visited my doctor many times
with my only symptoms of uncomfortableness in my stomach and sometimes thin
stools. he explained that I have IBS but gave no remedy. the thin stools
have worried me but they are not always like that but more often than not.
he explained that it’s nothing to worry about. I keep reading that thin
stools are indicative of colon cancer. I’m in a foreign country. what do
you suggest I do. my health is generally very good but this is definitely a
worry. thank you for any advice.

Imanuel Grape says:

I had IBS for 4 years & tried everything on the market to get rid of it. I
eventually found that it was the genetically modified soy added to many
processed food that was causing my stomach inflammation. I started eating
organic & drinking aloe vera to heal my gut & the IBS went away in about 3

Maria Bernal says:

Thank you so much for posting this video! It was extremely helpful. My
mother is a microbiologist so I will ask her to check my stool and I will
add more anti fungal foods in my diet. And re-watch this video to make sure
I follow all your recommendations as I do not have health insurance. 

Imma Light says:

Dr. Hyman… I just love your approach… I love your attitude, your
benevolence, your flexibility, your intelligence, your
open-mindedness… These very qualities have a profoundly healing
effect that so many doctors of today are missing… I also know that your
recommendations are spot on. For those who are adventurous, explorations
into energy healing may prove most interesting. I’ve been playing in that
realm and found it of great value. Thanks so much for all your wonderful
work… Infinite blessings… 

Sereen Eljabri says:

Ive had IBS for 3 years now and im 12 years old. My doctor told me to have
buscopan tablets but they’re not doing anything. I still get really bad
cramps all the time they only ease the pain with a hot water bottle on my
stomache. Its really affecting my studying and im falling behind in school.
Can any1 give me any advice that really works.
Thanks, sereen eljabri.

Pamela Isak says:

Thanks so much! I have a question, when you say leaky gut can cause
allergies (near the end of the video) does this include seasonal allergies?

tangobart says:

******* CANDIDA ******* and it is allready in my blood **** skin-problems
I want to get rid of candida in my bowl, but also get rid of the candida
that is allready in my whole system ? HOW do i get this out ?? Papaya-seeds
with honey ??
Taking anti-biotics sounds un-logical, even if they are not absorbed into
the whole system, they allso kill the good guys ? I dont like this idea…
But if it HAS to be done, then i do it…
But then, i want to get the M-type candida out of my system and blood ? How
can this be done ? Because it seems that these big-pharma-anti-fungal-drugs
make your liver suffer ?
I wanna use herbs, natural stuff…
Or, would you do the drugs to get faster results.
I have a so-called Ringworm now (butt-area), so i’m kinda worried…

Playboysmurf1 says:

I get it, generally when I’ve been working too much, coffee makes it worse.
Magnesium tablets are my cure. 

qwe098qwe098qwe098 says:

Great video.

madmonkey1968 says:

I am not sure weather or not I have IBS. I have an average of 4 Bowel
movements per day. Usually soft stools. sometimes I have more and cramping.
when it gets really bad it leads to hemorrhoids. I have had an upper and
lower GI, they have found nothing abnormal. I notice when I have dairy it
seems to get worse, but tying lactose free dairy seems to have little to no
difference. This has been going on for over three years now.

Alec Dolter says:

Dr. Hyman

clayfeathers says:

My sons pain is so severe that he has horrific panic attacks. They say it’s
ibs causing his abdominal pain even though he has had inflammation in the

Arioch67 says:

i developed ibs after a bad colitis infection its been over a year and
still having problems
the pain on worst days will make me sweat in unbearable pain i would like a
stool test to see if its a parasite but my GI doc said no.

liam nelson says:

its milk that give me ibs

Marilyn Bancroft says:

Does it really matter what you eat if you have IBS. It seems it doesn’t
matter to my symptoms.

Barry Anderson says:

Great points for probiotic foods but I disagree with the fish oils as like
the processed food industry a lot of the fish is farm raised with
anti-biotic baths and basically the product is ground up whole fish with
GMO soy oil and synthetic preservatives. Just eat the whole fish for your
omega 3 fatty acids. Everything else in your report is spot on and
informative . Thank You for sharing your insights and knowledge about the
Irritable syndrome problem related to wrongful living and diet. Barry
Anderson aka Holistic Chef Barry 

Eight1Eighty2 says:

Use fresh green black walnut wormwood. Get it on amazon, wall mart etc..

Dinesh Bharuchi says:

Many health issues originate from IBS. 

Jillian Jones says:

the re DR ses i have I B S i have rilly bad gas i cant eat or drenk.for 2
das what can i do.

coolbluelights says:

I can really attest to the benefits of probiotics. I had IBS for over a
year starting in 2011, like I had to go 4-5 times a day, always had huge
amounts of gas, it really sucked. then one day I got this nasty stomach flu
and ended up in the hospital for dehydration. they were giving me some
pills and I looked one of them up and it was a probiotic. after I got well
again I noticed my IBS was gone so I started taking probiotics every day
and it’s been totally cured!

Nick King says:

I have a friend named Chance Crotzer who has IBS, and he may need some
medical assistance. Someone please either find him on facebook, or put a
plug in his backside. I recommend stool testing

Covencraft says:

Will this work for ulcerative colitis to?

Mizta Blessed says:

Thanks Dr… Bless you.

Patrick Ryan says:

If you remove wheat, gluten, sugar, legumes, nightshades, sulfur-rich foods
and FODMAPs from your diet and eat prebiotics, probiotics and resistant
starch then you should never have IBS.. 

FrequentFlier Anon says:

Where can I find a doctor who knows how to diagnose and treat this? My IBS
is causing me grief and my doctor doesn’t know how to treat it.

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