Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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Dr. Carlo Oller, emergency physician, talks about Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Tanjil Kamal says:

Nothing to fear about IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome anymore. There is no
medicine in market invented by any doctor but though you can easily get rid
out of this problem, I can guarantee!! I had same problem long before and I
took a lot of doctor prescribed medicines but nothing worked. It happens
due to severe pressure erupted inside your mind & body . So relief all your
distress, anxiety or any other pressure inside your mind & body by just
practicing remaining cool most of the time. The reason for growing severe
pressure happens if you try to practice to remember a lot from your studies
or information, you try to play as a heavy sports man spirit, or you have
not done sexual intercourse fully or too much distress you face at your
work or family. If you need any help or further information to get cure
please contact me……!!!!

Sampson L says:

just got fired from job in sf…because of it…again.

Rosita Khan says:

Too little food is a problem, and so is too much food. Prophet Muhammad
used to say that all diseases originated from the stomach..

Arioch67 says:

mine started in march 2013 when i got colitis stomach has never been the
same since then im thinking it was post infectious ibs after having

Aimee Dennis says:

had to go to hospital last night and they said it was ibs very painful and
i had this for 13 years now

Kapil Bhatia says:

Suffering from same from 5 years….need help to cure this fuck.

john lee says:

Hi, great video..i got a problem maybe you can help me…
I don’t pass bowl with out enema so enema became very importent to me I’ve
always had chronic constipation all my life and started doing enema not to
long ago and i was so happy that i had found a solution to my constipation
enema was working for me just fine..until a few weeks ago now i need some
help I’ve been doing coffee enema once a week for 4 months now. but my last
4 enemas are making my lower abdomen swollen with a lot of lower back
pain. i’m not sure what it is.
my stomach is very swollen and growing more and more after each enema i’m
getting a belly really fast,it feels like inflammation & very discomfort..i
stop my coffee enema and change to aloe vera juice with olive oil enema
which is good with inflammation to see if that helps and still the same
what do you suggest?? thank you

Tee Brave says:

Frank Morosky says:

Here is a nice simple solution for IBS sufferers

LeakyGutCureNatural says:

A leaky gut may take several months to heal, so be patient and perseverant.
Many people see vast improvements in their digestive health once they
resolve their leaky gut.

Elise K says:

I WISH I had the diahrrhea version. I can’t shit for shit!

Ryan Allen says:

There are these pills called “Heather’s Tummy Tamers.” They’re in a gel
form, are small, and have three important ingredients that help IBS.
Peppermint oil, Ginger, and fennel. Take them before meals and they should

Kaleb O'Neal says:

Dude this ish hurts like a mug…. Ps I had to go to children’s medical
when I was 10 all of the time and this is what I have… It sucks

Dylan Boyle says:

So painful…… And Laxitives are so painful too, if your doctor says it
wont hurt, it will ! Anyone find that they are eating less because they are
scared of the pain that may come.

pterojacktyl says:

I think I might have something similar to this, my farts are so bad they
break the scale and I get wind a fair bit

John UmadBrah says:

Fuck this IBS shit. I would literally pump .12 gauge bullets into this
fucking disease. Fucking hate having to shit small dumps and having painful
cramps. Seriously, fuck this shit.

Kleptohr says:

5 years now with IBS. Hate it :(


hey i get diahrrhea 3 times a week on average , it’s very disabling and i
have to go up to 5 times a day sometimes , the pain will wake me up from
sleep runing to the bathroom , i get happey when i get hard stool like once
a week .

Debashis Ghosh says:

Try two things– the first is Kapalbhati pranayama ( a yoga technique ) for
half an hour every day. And also try to be relaxed all the time. I myself
have a lot of benefit using this system.

OddPieceLady says:

Stress caused mine, had a bad patch and was fine before then, afterwards
which is now, I can’t get upset, or angry because as soon as I do, it comes
on harshly.

H Zeh says:

I too suffered from IBS and other digestive issues, along with both of my
children until I came across the one product that works!! Shakeology is
known to help with Chrones, IBS, Colitis, Fibromyalgia and soooo much more.
I am just trying to spread the word and try to help others. If you want
more info on this product, please message me!

GeneratedNoodle says:

Very helpful. Thank you so much!

Winner McGee says:

i think i have this too

otsirk17 says:

Got out of it at last. I had this debilitating condition for nearly 27
years. I got cured ! I am afraid to say this, as I am scared to hell it may
stage a come back. How did I get cured ? I got myself tested for bacterial
infection in my gut. And they found it. The culprit is – in my case –
bacteria heliobacterpylori. An anti-biotic therapy solved it all. But that
is me.For all of you guys , it is worth a try to ask your doc to eliminate
the possibility of germ in the gut. Talk to your doc.

AFByt128 says:

I was diagnosed with this as a baby. Hurts sooo effing bad.

Jenifer Rowlins says:

You know guys I think ibs is caused by contaminated dairy products that
have been tainted with some type of sickness that’s passed on from the
animals to humans. Can’t remember the name though I’ll find it then post k.

iSweetChan says:

Ugh dammit! I have this :(

ray harris says:

This is YouTube. Not your GP.

rickydjr13 says:

I just got like 4-5 weeks ago. Its been ruining my life since. FML!

TTGCodModder says:

I have the same problem and i have this… It sucks sooooooooooooooo much
on a scale of 1-10 mine is a clear 10, i have no idea why iget hot, and
shaky, but it leads to panic attacks and severe pain for me i dont know
about you

Polly Dolly says:

If you think you have IBS, here are 3 non-dietary tips: 1. Sleep is key 2.
Stress will make it so much worse! Learn some deep breathing, relaxation or
meditation strategies. 3. Try to avoid ‘anxious’ moments by learning where
clean public washrooms are when you are heading out somewhere. I’m an
experienced toilet mapper; and it has made it easier to cope. By the way;
it is truly a ‘kick in the gut’ – don’t let it control how you live your

lillith193 says:

this may be a lifelong condition??? hopefully with advances in science and
the field of gastroenterolgy there will be a solution :(

vorkev1 says:

i have it and i never loos apitite and eateing right can help and dus help.
and i refuse to have a cammera shuved up my ass but this month i hade to
take a hole bottle of milk of magneseum in 2 days and still hade troubles
going so i may get a cammer job dune. as i no 2 people who have died from it

Jayson Q says:

That settles it. I’ve got it.

Lost8Wizard says:

Remember 6:21

Jenifer Rowlins says:

It’s called “map” you guys look it up. the cows have it and it’s hard for
farmers / companies to detect before its to late and people such as us get
and drink or eat the products that come in many forms / frozen/ cheese/milk
and don’t forget all the products that are made with these ingredients that
are tainted as well that we consume from eating out.

Punisherfan123 says:

I’m burning hot too, and kind of shaky-ish. What’s my problem I need help.


LOL , he’s responsible for the IBS increase in the population

lakecrab says:

I ain’t got time for Irritable Bowl!

Peter :P says:

I have this too.

rose wood says:

i have the problem of ibs and its really really painfull it was more
painfull for then having a baby and ive had five children .

bobbatron808 says:

I had the same. I think I can help.. “IBS Hotline” on facebook linkedin or
twitter. Check it out before you call

suebear119 says:

Sadly, I feel there may never be a cure for IBS :( Since it doesn’t kill
anyone, doctor’s aren’t putting their resources into finding potential
cures. I’m thinking once cancer has a cure (whenever that will be) then
other health issues like IBS will get more attention.

Punisherfan123 says:

I apologise for my not medical terms. My butt hurts any wy I sit like I
have to poop really badly, and when I sit down on the toilet I don’t feel
like I have to poop anymore, then my whole stomach area starts to ache, and
I have to spread my cheeks (which stings like Hell because I either just
wiped too hard or I have hemerroids) and my butt hurts like there’s a huge
turd, but I just fart, and some liquidized poo comes out too.

Caitlyn Done says:

i am 11 years old and everyone says i must be dformed because im too yung i
feel so lonly and isolated because i cant have sleep over or go for dinner
because i am so scared incase i have diria constpatient bloat or traped
wind but get a friend who has it and u can work through it

Bray Tray says:

I have this this hurts like alot

brian appshole says:

omg i just started drinking milk and it got worse then i seen this lol now
im all shaky and feels like a heart attack but my puls is fine wow weird
damn guts i hate u go away lol!!!

Vicktoria L says:

@dirkwears Lol. I know right ? It was awkward watching this while I was
going poop. At least the photos of him I mean. Probably because he’s a
piece of …. __________

Lauren Marcus says:

I have a post infectious IBS after salmonella and campylobacter infection 2
years ago and I tried everything, gluten free diet, antispasmodics, I
avoided fast foods, I took probiotics .. Nothing works. Unfortunately
people prefer investing in research for cancer and sida pathologies thans
in IBS… That is sad. Its a very disabling disease and there is NO
treatment to cure it … I’m 22 and i feel like i got no future. I’ve never
felt so depressed and i now that someday i will give up …

petrucci15 says:

ibs is a total bitch!! because there is no cure! and everyone tells me the
same shit ALL THE TIME!! “no milk….no wheat!” which leaves me with sod
all to eat! and i have tried that diet….doesnt work for me….so i guess
im screwed

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