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I have used citrus for years first thing in the morning , blending a peeled
whole lemon and two inches of ginger in 32 oz warm water blended in the
vitamix for a cleaning drink ! Helps so much to alkalize first thing in the
morning and getting things moving !!! thanks for all you do do ! love you



porcelaindolli3 says:

Dan- help please- how do you poop 3x a day if you have juices? I’m not
drinking juice, but seeing as I understand that juice=no fiber, how does
something come out?! Also, do you poop when you are fasting? I find that
if I’m not eating high fiber foods, I definitely don’t poo. Obviously
though I am not a shaman like you 😉 haha <3 thanks

linzertube says:


ExteelPaprika says:

psillium husk any good?

jessy babby says:

I would love to see a picture of his colon compared to someone who doesn’t
“eat clean”….

Trung Nguyen says:

“I can make the conscious, conscious, at the level of the unconscious”??
LOL! okay…

Barbara Mowrey says:

I’ve been a vegetarian for 30 years but a lacto ovo vegetarian., milk,
eggs, and cheese. Now I am a vegan because I was bitten by a hobo spider
and still treating after 6 months. All my life I go once in three months.
It is not unusual for me. I get more than enough to exercise, but since
being a vegan I have lost 15 pounds and I’m now 5`5″ and 125 pounds. I
believe the vegan action is working much better.

Gaz samuel says:

What does a raw foodie do with a cooker & a microwave? Peace bro, thanks
for your sharing. 

One Fine Day says:

Did Dan and Sophia break up ?

liferegenerator says:
Chloe Donnelly says:

Really really cool how you’ve kept your integrity, and style even though
you received so much hate. I know you’ve got the ultimate answer. (Y) x

Barbara Mowrey says:

As a diabetic when my blood sugar goes low, too low, I must drink orange
juice to bring it up to give me enough time to eat whole food. I am a vegan
now’ and was diagnosed as a diabetic in 2006, when I was a vegetarian only.
I have always been on the thin side., not heavy. No one can understand it.
I have just changed to vegan as of a few months ago. There is no slow
release of fruit in an orange.. I know for sure or I wouldn’t be here.

popsmimi says:

thanks, how often should i cleanse with puracleanse?

nameyourchannel says:

Hi Dan can you suggest educational books,please Sending much Love and

Ramona Leigh says:

3xs a DAY???? Holy cow! 


Dan you are doing a great job…I share on Facebook your videos. Thanks!
Quick question…I have a 10 month old little girl who is getting diarrhea
and no fever…diet? Any health food suggestions for her? She is just

Fleur devie says:

Dan, what do you think about rejuvélac and water kéfir ??

Jenn Sharpe says:

Where can I get my hands on that juice press?

Anne Gallagher says:

Colon Cleansing? Wow, great stuff..I sure have prolapse. Funny thin? It is
behaving so much better than 4 days ago, and this is only day-4 of my
change of diet.
Thanks Dan.

vickybalderas says:

Can I fast with you too?

zezima 123 says:

Great video DTM, good luck with your upcoming water fast :)

Kayleigh Ellinwood says:

Love your level of awareness, I’m ready for a water fast! 

Kelly CAIRNS says:

I drank the lemon ginger tumaric cucumber water blend with salt and pepper

Robin Haglund says:

Dan, thank you so much for your sharings! I wonder where I can get that
machine/tool/press that you are using to squeeze the juice out of the

luceymajor says:

Lookin’ sexy Dan!

Lesbiana31 says:

I would love to see you do a 40 day water fast! .

ivette vargas says:

I want to start out by saing thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I have
been trying to get it right. trying to understand what Dr Lee meant when he
said “you are hot” when Dr Hodai (Holistic Japanese Dr.) tells me “don’t
eat this and that … and eat this it will help.” I finally got it –
because of you. Because like you stated, “I have an understanding…” I
have watched just 3 of your videos and I finally have understanding of
what’s gonig on in my body, the cause and how I can heal myself. I guess I
didn’t get it before because it just wasn’t the right time. Everything is
timing. I have been really trying, wait let me rephrase that. I have been
successfully changing my life style. That includes mind, body and soul. I
have been practicing yoga for about 2 years now. I have been changing my
diet for over 5 years. I have been more happy and at peace because of he
conscious decisions I have made in my life. I realized that happiness is a
choice that I am soley responsible for. I love that you combine the three
on most of you videos – your emotional state, your health and the choices
you make. BAM! “Can you dig it!” Peace.

Kathleen Kelly says:

Do you take the Puracleanse every day?

mary white says:

Oooo can’t wait to hear what happens on the next fast! Hope there is a few
Long videos about it ;)

Marie Claude says:

Hi, I want to know where can I get that coconut opener that you guys had
doing the festival last year? I want to get one of those. Thanks

Jonathan Craddock says:

I am curious about the juice press you’re using here. What is the
name/brand and how much was it?

Elizabeth Zoppa says:

Just curious what kind of juice press you have.

borgtalentscout says:

go easy on psillium husk,respect it.

Cleo S says:

I would literally die if I had grapefruit for breakfast. The pain would be
unbearable. My tummy is super sensitive to acidic foods. I can’t even drink
orange juice unless my tummy is coated with other foods.

Emily BH says:

How do you help Action Jackson stay regular?

I’m not kidding. I have a cat that is a “rescue” and his stools are hard
and really dry. He also has Conjunctivitis for which I’ve been giving him a
Goldenseal/saline solution eye wash and in his food I give him Dr. Morse’s
Healthy Upper Circulation and Bayberry and Eyebrite. I’m giving him a Raw
meat and bones diet with 1/5 cooked and raw veggies. I’ve just started
adding up to a teaspoon each of whole wheat germ (which supposedly traps
liquid in the bowel which will help elimination) and some olive oil. Today
I gave him Cat’s Claw which is a little known powerhouse herb for the

Of course Dr. Morse says to make sure the Adrenals and Kidneys are working
in order to detox (for everyone so I give him Dr. M’s Endocrine formula). I
was giving him the STomach and Bowels formula but then read Cascara Sagrada
shouldn’t be giving to cats which may or may not be valid.

I’m thinking that he’s too stopped up and maybe I should fast him on
Chicken Broth for 2-3 days or so. Would that help him to poop? Maybe
adding digestive enzymes or Aloe
Vera. I have given him Serrapeptase for his eyes (which are enzymes) and
noticed his eyes have cleared up (but can’t help but think all that is
being done is toxins are being rearranged and not eliminated like they
should be). His appetite is ravenous so I think he is malabsorbed and
probably dehydrated.

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to fast him on chicken broth with chlorella
and Cat’s Claw if he’ll drink it. If not, I’ll just give him the Chicken
Broth and see how it goes. I know it can’t hurt but would love to get your

Mike Smith says:

Compacted fecal matter get thy behind me and out of me in the NAME of
Jesus!!!! :) now that’s a sermon!!


Fruits have fibre for a reason , slow release of sugars, when you juice
oranges you remove the fibre causing an unnatural sugar spike , why not
just eat the fruit entirely

Mostly humble 1 says:

Gives a new meaning to the saying,” pull your head out of your ass?”. Also,
would you recommend a magnesium citrate flush before doing an actual colon
cleansing product like the one you just used? Thanks.

Teeyah2 says:

New subbie as of today. Luv your realness dude!

Steven Monash 62 says:

I like to meditate on the toilet…..breathe in aaaaahhhhahahah breathe out

zuzette100 says:

he has kost his body shape and muscle ,how do you afford this 

Rawnya The Sweet Rawvegan Life says:

what is the name of that “thing” you are using to squeeze that fruit?

CFjeff73 says:

Great video… Good to see a supplement in action and a full synopsis about
what it does. Keep em coming..Big Thanks Dan!
L & L

InfiniteAwareness777 says:

Dan do you eat much fruit anymore?

zuzette100 says:

i poop every 4 to 5 days 

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