Nurse Dirty Finger

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Nursing student hard at work on a fecal impaction!


Lola Johnson says:

OMG! With the stress of finals ..this was so hilarious to break the
tension. THANKS

Christine Marshall says:

Great vid. Very informative. Wish they showed us this one instead of the
more boring and uncomfortable one in nursing school. I remember the
wierdest video they showed us was on penile implants. I didn’t want to
watch but I just couldn’t stop watching lol.

Jeil Reed says:

Your one sick MF

Rosie Stryker says:

Can I be friends with you please? Seriously, you would be a hoot to work

pixuma says:

dude i lol’d so hard

ferociousgumby says:

Oh shit, I thought that was a real person!

lindeemomma says:

This video as informative…fun to watch. Behind the humor I could tell you
are a kind and caring guy! One tht I would want taking care of me if I was
sick. Good video and cheers to the camera girl too. Its people like u tht
make the world a happy place to live despite the heartach of illnesses and
especially embarrassing situations when one is in the hosp. Hope if ur ever
in boca raton fl. You will stop by my house n make a house call. Just to
say hi. I am bedbound with lyme dis.

CarpeCakem2007 says:

Oh yes, good job!!!!!!

chefgarno18 says:

Have you ever got freaky with it?

luzpp says:

This is hilarious and at the same time very informative. Thank you for
posting. The only thing I would do differently is change gloves before
repositioning the patient, but the video was very fun and educational. For
those people that are out there just to criticize, I encourage them to go
and make a better one then, and lighten up! Thanks again!

dezmcintyre27 says:

@MrTerpea First of all YES I am, second of all my comment wasn’t intended
to be sarcastic I was simply commenting on the fact that quite some time
was taken to put this demonstration together and being that I have gone
through medical school I know how hectic it can be at times, and third if
you don’t want people to make sarcastic comments this project maybe you
shouldn’t have uploaded a video that makes you look like a complete ass.

marpar1578 says:

@dezmcintyre27 This was actually a nursing school project, not us just
goofing off in the lab- and yes its bottom is a little messed up, thanks
for watching

dezmcintyre27 says:

wow you guys had a lot of spare time to do this, and why does the dummy
have a cooder where its ass should be?

Jessica Blacker says:

Cool vid!

servingthealiens says:

This is hilarious.

marpar1578 says:

glad you enjoyed the video pixuma!

Shotoshorinryuchun says:

So an Impaction can be felt with a finger? …Can impactions be far enough
out of reach that they can’t be reached manually?

Undogmatic says:

They don’t look very lively during this footage…

grettagrids says:

yea funny in nursing school but not so funny when it’s your turn:(.

marpar1578 says:

Thanks for the comments. This is a classmate of mine doing “what not to do”
to a patient. It was hard to video this without laughing… Glad you

CarpeCakem2007 says:

dude…never mix work and pleasure. 1. By rolling on to the left side you
avoid over-stimulating the 10th cranial nerve. 2. that guy has an ass like
a baboon 3. I’ve never told anyone to bear down…I just say something
like, “relax” or “I can’t find my d*mn penlight” or something like that 4.
take your gloves off before you start positioning him…you’ve got doo-doo
on your hands **k, buddy…that’s all the comments I have (at least the
ones I have the nerve to post here:0)

marpar1578 says:

The nurse is a man

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