IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Part 1 – Nutrition by Natalie

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or spastic colon is a functional bowel disorder characterized by abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits which are more… not associated with any abnormalities seen on routine clinical testing. It is fairly common and makes up 20–50% of visits to gastroenterologists. Lower abdominal pain, and bloating associated with alteration of bowel habits and abdominal discomfort relieved with defecation are the most frequent symptoms.

IBS is highly prevalent in the Western world, but despite the advancement of many theories, no clear cause has yet been established.

Stress—feeling mentally or emotionally tense, troubled, angry, or overwhelmed—may trigger symptoms in people with IBS. One study found that women with IBS are more likely to report prior physical or sexual abuse; almost half of the patients reported prior abuse.

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IBS is not fatal nor is it linked to the development of other serious bowel diseases. However, due to the chronic pain, discomfort, and other symptoms, work absenteeism, social phobias, and other negative quality-of-life effects can be common in more serious cases. Individuals who find a caring primary caregiver and/or sufficient self-help options should be able to develop a successful treatment program for their symptoms and lead normal lives.





Tanjil Kamal says:

Nothing to fear about IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome anymore. There is no
medicine in market invented by any doctor but though you can easily get rid
out of this problem, I can guarantee!! I had same problem long before and I
took a lot of doctor prescribed medicines but nothing worked. It happens
due to severe pressure erupted inside your mind & body . So relief all your
distress, anxiety or any other pressure inside your mind & body by just
practicing remaining cool most of the time. The reason for growing severe
pressure happens if you try to practice to remember a lot from your studies
or information, you try to play as a heavy sports man spirit, or you have
not done sexual intercourse fully or too much distress you face at your
work or family. If you need any help or further information to get cure
please contact me……!!!!

amalmansy says:

Thank you :)

Michael Groesbeck says:

I had a forklift accident. I quit that same day. I felt really embarrassed
and ashamed for the damage I caused. I had anxiety until I played Lament of
Innocence on PS2(I also hadn’t played video games period for 2 years). 4
hours later, I had nausea. This wasn’t the normal nausea someone feels
after food poisoning or when they have the flu. My bowels were wrenching so
hard, I felt like I needed to throw up while I was defecating. My stool was
burning hot liquid feces. Worst bowel movement ever.

Adriana Dupuis says:

Just found out I have this today :(

s841ugy1 says:

she looks nice … watching her caused my ibs..

Brian Scalabrine says:

Excreting of blood?

klibar says:

would you make a video about lactose intolerance? thanks for the videos.

XjussyX92 says:

Damn, that sucks. Mine got so bad recently that I lost nearly 10 pounds in
a week! So I went on this very boring diet (basically anything white and
mushy with carbs) for about 2 weeks as well I am taking a lot of fiber
supplements and powder stuff everyday – and now I am having barely any
troubles! Like I have gotten it down to about once a week or even (when I
am lucky) once every 2 weeks! OMG, it’s amazing! I wish I did this sooner!

deftonesrule311 says:

she is very hot!….ibs or not!

nomickok2 says:

thumbs up if you saw lady killers

MrABr0wn says:

cut out gluten and dairy, see if that helps

alex griffin says:

ok I work out I do self hypnosis relaxation NON of which helps my ibs so
its definately not in mind its a functional thing

Ante bergman says:

i got ibs too and its a fucking Nightmare..

terceldude says:

@playaeyez17 your right! I felt regular on certain days and now I feel like
shit! :(

MrABr0wn says:

does this count for the sugar found in fruit/veg? or just processed food

modey19 says:

thank you i have ibs and i need help with my stomic it make loud sound all
the time {3 years now }any one can help me ??????????????????????????

icemansam2212 says:


tigrisx23 says:

Dint think i have ibs. I know that I always have constipation since after
my son was born. I always interfered with going to do something. I think I
just ate bad and didn’t exercise enough. I currently having issues with
diarrhea but I think its because I ate some fruit in tge fridge that was
there for a while but seem fine.

SuperGonggong says:

@IndustrialKitt3n you reallly must not kow english…

Cody L says:

Hey Talya, what was it that worked for you? I’ve recently for around 7 days
been experiencing a severe cramping pain in my whole abdomen. It feels like
diarrhoea stomach pain, but 5 times worse. I don’t even have constipation
or diarrhoea, I have very healthy stools :s. I’m actually very physically
fit, have a great diet and am a happy person.

rudi holtz says:

I have the exact same symptons and it makes me so depressed!

Shreela R says:

I had commented on part 2 as well, so I’d already watched it before coming
back here to comment on the fiber portion that seemed to be cut short. I
was hoping she’d go into soluble and insoluble fibers in the fiber portion.
Part 2 started with digestive enzymes, and then went onto probiotics.

uyyii says:

how do i know if its IBS or a parasite?

tomneo2004 says:

I had this syndrome since i was born and this irritate me for 25 years

vivalaresistanc says:

@hibylittle8 Have you been tested for lactoce intolerance, fructose
intolerance, celiac dieses or glutten intolerant? These problems also cause
IBS symptoms.

Jasmine Shafley says:

@nrs8000 or they say “you have a virus, stay home, drink plenty of fluids”

Kristin Jardim says:

I’ve had it for almost 7 years… It runs your life.

ritter89 says:

This is a complete bulllshit diagnosis imo. Anyone who’s experiencing
severe gastrointestinal symptoms and gets tagged with this fictional dx
should look for another doctor asap. There is no objective measurement for
ibs and diagnosis is based on exclusion of genuine disease. My guess is
that a subset of patients are experiencing psychological issues whereas
others have an actual illness that’s being misdiagnosed/overlooked by these
overworked douche-bag MDs

ジェリービーン ピーチ says:

@BabyGurl00818 me 2, now im anorexic, life is fuckin awesome eh?

Fitness Gamer says:

Its stupid though Cause I will be hungry and eat even If i feel fine I get
sick later. I Lift weights and want to eat a lot but its hard idk i can’t
stand this….stress always effects this but i only see it a trigger and it
sets it off i think

huntz2471 says:

When it gets real bad doctors will put you on anti- depressants Celexa So
on yes IBS will go away and your mind and your family Will to!!!!!!


IBS has nothing to do with parasites.

maddybum111 says:

good information

Youmakemefart says:

Natalie is HOT

iRunWithMyWerewolf says:

Me, my mom, and my best friend all have serious cases of IBS. We have to
deal with it on a daily basis.. Thanks for the advice on this video. *****

RSpker000 says:

Instead of saying “I eat healthy”, say what you eat. Maybe something you
think is good, is actually bad.

jpc4256 says:

@LadyYuzuki On the other hand, Japan and Korea have very high rates of
stomach cancer. So, you pick your poison…

Simon Browne says:

@haj890 dosent help me, fucks with my muscles and makes it worse

adreecage says:

@xJohnKam Yes, that’s one of the symptom

footballismysport7 says:

could she talk any slower?

Clive Lawrinson says:

Thanks for sharing this. You’re pretty as well.

hibylittle8 says:

I’ve had IBS for 4 or 5 years I was diagnosed in 5th grade and if there was
one word to classify it would be aganising

fatsauce says:

i take 2 dumps a day, some good clean soft gerthy turds and i feel like i
can take on the rest of the day head on.

seread30 says:

Show your comment to your mother and see if she’s proud of you for it.
You’re a pig.

XjussyX92 says:

I HATE IBS! Everything sets it off, restaurants, shopping (for some weird
reason), when I’m nervous or stressed, when my period starts, and I even
can’t eat breakfast (can’t eat or drink anything in the morning). It’s
terrible. I constantly scan rooms for the next closest bathroom. And it
will hit you from no where, and my body goes in complete shock; shivers,
sweating, extreme shaking, and pain! its bad when ditches start to look
inviting… I’d rather have something like asthma!

rachelchunter says:

What do you do if you haven’t had a bowel movement in 16 days? That’s the
longest time I’ve gone and I barely manage 3 mouthfuls of food in 1 day,
before feeling bloated. Last time I was constipated that long, I had to
chug down a WHOLE bottle of Laxoberal before I could go to the bathroom.
And so far, doctors have only given me the weaker stuff, which has no
effect unless it’s in high doses. Both me and my mum are at a loss as to
what can be done about it.

jwsaunders5 says:

I have horrible IBS. I had my gall bladder taken out thinking that would
help and it has only gotten worse. I am almost completely housebound. I can
not go anywhere without fear of losing control of my bowels. I need help. I
am desperate

jenalapump123 says:

i have it i hate it u cant eat choclate or drin k soda

SuperGonggong says:

@IndustrialKitt3n ummm ok honeybuns HOCKEY is my life ok? I mean it means
more to me than anything else, whenever I am feeling down I just watch some
good old hockey and with my u.c. I was sick for over a year and I was so
close to actually killing myself, especially since I was on high dose of
Prednizone, when Sidney crosby and kory perry scored those goals to win the
gold medals I instantly felt better then than in my whole life. So what
does hockey mean to me? Please respond to this.

Liz Torres says:

Im always bloated and constipated. Its annoying

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