How To Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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It is not that hard to reach for help and ask how to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Treating IBS is more of a lifestyle modification. It is your choice to treat this condition. It’s not going to be easy but it is not that hard. All it takes is your commitment to change.


Kazaro Paul says:

I have ibs i also suffer from anxiety , people with ibs need to watch what
they eat and work on having a good diet 

Roland Camcena says:

I really need help in the morning i look at my stomache and looks like if i
have anorexa or something like that iam really full at night and get
stomache pain at the morning and feel dizzy stressed and feels like i have
to die iam only 12 i toled the doctors they gave me 2 blood tests one pee
examination and now

Laa Shortiee says:

Help me out , my stomach is always nmaking noises even when I’ve ate.
Itbdoes this all the time and its very imberrasing. What do you think it
is? Please respond . I have bloating too is this whatbit might be or could
it be something else. 

Raveena Sultan says:

Anybody suffering from IBS or any stomach problems please try Aloe Vera
drinking gels. They are an all natural drinking gel that soothes the most
discomfort of stomachs and is great for skin and energy. I have heard many
great results from friends who have used it and highly reccommend the aloe
vera gel to anyone! if anyone is ever interested in trying some please have
a look here:

Hope this helps!

Prog zia says:

@sophie because tap water maybe contaminated.. water is one of the main
sources of stomach infection.. its safe to boil n drink..

SuperSm1th says:

I’ve had the shits for awhile.

Pudgenello says:

I read that you should avoid fruit, onions, legumes, wheat and lactose.
Works for me and my friend that has IBS

killersushi99 says:

Stress. Pfft who has stress. XD EVERYBODY! Listen folks. Take care of
yourselves! Nobody else is going to do it. Its up to you to be healthy.

tardistardis8 says:

I have IBS;

Sophie Gilpin says:

Why can’t you drink tap water?:S

TheCallofConnr says:

Schools hell with ibs

Many Black says:

So literally…I’m f_____…

gaby olivarez says:

i have ibs at age 5 i hate it so much it hurts do bad i wish it could go

soulfullofmetal says:

Allright ive had this ibs for about 10 years now and have been on all of
the heaviest meds for it,Now with that said…I have discovered a natural
way that works great,This is what i do,I started swimming and biking alot
for the exercise part,Now i drink alot of white tea for water content,Here
is the ingrediants to help ur mom,Pro argi9,VSL the living sheild,Hemp
hearts,Cocanut oil,ginger frozen yogurt and i use blueberries and whole
crannberries and make a smoothie,All of this stuff is natural

Emily Rhotyn says:


soulfullofmetal says:

Stop shopping at the grocery store and go grow and hunt your own food,That
will help alot!!!And its great exercise!!!

tvbokor says:

Why do we have to avoid tap water?!

Caitlyn Done says:

what is IBS? i’ll tell you… a f****g pain in the but. i am only ELEVEN
YEARS OLD! this is not what i want to do for the rest of my life! where i
cant go to the toilet! or i go to much! or i am bloated like a balloon! the
only help is talking to my mum who has it to, im to young to take useful
pain killers so im stuck with agony,stabbing pain!

Alex Totterdell says:

this is far too obvious

Lillian C says:

Really?!? Don’t drink tap water…but yet drink the amount of water a day
you’re supposed to? I’m not paying for bottled water. Contraindicative

Erin Healy says:

OMFG I AM THE EXACT SAME AS YOU My doctor said I need to be older to take
fucking pain killers for IBS and its a pain in the ass,literally! I hate it
so much! One day i cant get off the fucking toilet and other days im scared
of going to the toilet..I also get HORRIBLE cramps in my lower stomach and
I’m stuck with this shit..

tvbokor says:

Find a naturopath and ask about a cleanse + diet to help you. It’ll be dang
annoying for first little while but I’ve known many ppl who have felt
“cured” after a few months.

soulfullofmetal says:

PRO ARGI 9 has helped people get off of kidney dialisis,And now they have
healthy kidneys for it,This stuff is natural and amazing,Its mostly for
prevention of heart attakcs and strokes but has many other benefits!!!As
well for u health nuts check out OIL PULLING with cocanut oil!!

Lujain Alrasheed says:

I have had ibs for 10 years now… I am 13 and I still have it:/

Carlos Perez-Vidal says:

Idk if I have it all I know is its mostly triggered when Im in a work
enviornment and it makes me nervous it freakin hurts. I got to bathroom and
it still hurts.

tvbokor says:

Doesn’t white tea have caffeine in it? I was told to only drink herbal teas
and avoid all caffeine. There is a way to cure IBS (I was healed after 3
months) but you need a naturopath to teach you about the daily cleanse (you
need to buy clay, a weird oil among other things) and the strict (and I
mean STRICT) diet. If you’ve been suffering for so long I would look into
getting help!!

Louie L says:

fuck this illness, it has been bugging me fore a fucking whole year, shits
always be bloated and hot inside my lower guts, damn!

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