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Beware you may see some SH-T Stuff Harming Intestinal Tract. A client called with belly distention constipation discomfort we video reordered her session so people can see how easy and rewarding it is to do a colonic,(open system) to release the waste/waist causing the problems to detox and lighten the load…She was very happy as she says she released a litter of 9 and still has more….call La Paz Spa 949 455 1733 or 562 596 7667 would love to help clean out your Gut to make CHANGE for your BODY…let it flow…


Aunt Barbara says:

I couldn’t believe how much emotional sh*t that I immediately cleansed out
just from doing enemas (and of course colonics are even better)–if I’d
known that I would be able to finally release painful things that I’d been
carrying around all of my life so easily I would have done this 35 years
ago!!! If you’re having ANY emotional issues whatsoever, then clean your
colon–you will NOT regret it!!!

Debbie Drew says:
Debbie Drew says:
Debbie Drew says:

I love my shitty JOB . If you have digestive issues IBS constipation gas
bloating headaches, remember that it is toxins and lightness/health starts
with elimination of the foods that you eat. understand this was medicine
before they invented the penicillin and water pill. History repeats itself.
Try colonics to make a difference to your body. you can also use colonics
as your prep for a colonoscopy. Happy Colon makes and Happy Body.

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