Colonic Irrigation treatment by UK Colonics – (ARCH)

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This is a video of an example of a ‘closed’ colonic irrigation treatment on a ‘gravity’ system. For more information on colonic irrigation, and how to contact your nearest ARCH therapist, please go to

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Eris Perez says:

Que significa umbrela


I’ve heard that people who suffer from Diveticulosis can’t get this
procedure done. Any medical professionals here know if that’s true?


@sis *Thank you for sharing that wonderful product… I still don’t believe
it! All these stressful years of bowel problems have come to an end in just
a few short days. I have basically eliminated the worst part of my life.*

Keith Graves says:

she was so sweet

ClubHabana1 says:

Can you do fat guys that ate roast pork the night before?

Harry Potter says:

What does it feel like to have a squeaky clean colon? On average how much
weight does someone lose from having this done? 

claudioo sANdOVaL says:

Gas LP 

claudioo sANdOVaL says:
Colon Care says:

Colonic irrigation in Sutton Coldfield – contact Colon Care for details

T Bergs says:

I need one of these bad. I feel like I have 20 lbs of poop in there. It
would be such a relief

ARCHcolonics says:

Hello Leah Have you had your colonic hydrotherapy treatment yet? If you
need any advice/information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

selena mcintyre says:

wow wish the place i went to had fish to look at

Chesoi She smooth says:

O man Id rather be asleep during this. I want one.

pentremansion says:

you never consider audio ie using radio ikes and close miking, the content
and impact of amateur videos like this is lost in poor audio,anyway i cant
find an irrigation specialist in west wales cardigan area for my wife,

MrArmpitchoochoo says:


kilcohan3 says:

By the way the treatment is not as bad as it looks! and the ppl are
professional and non judgmental. It dose not hurt at all and u dnt feel the
tube in your backside. they pump the water in and when u feel pressure
(this is you bowl filled with water) like you’v been holding in your pee
and have to go- you tell the practitioner and she/he release the water and
you repeat the process. if u get it done u will say to urself I wish I went

Brian H says:

Im craving a Babe Ruth!

icebreaker1588 says:

cuz i work at a hospital

P Tank says:

Hiya, what are the health benifits of having this procedure…would it help

gigglefeather801 says:

Well, I think it is fair to say, if you think it is a BS treatment, then
don’t go get it. You can’t die from it, and it causes no harm. So if it
doesn’t help, oh well some other dumb person wasted their money. Take me
for example: getting fake boobs is a waste of money and a cheat in my
opinion. But I have no problem with other people doing it. And hey, that is
more harmful than flooding the colon with some water. so if you think it is
a waste,don’t do it.

Max Tilly says:

You miss the point – quite true there is no great backlog, and certainly
not for years – although one function of the bowel is storage, and for
those going once a week, once a month or longer its there for that long.
What colonics do is to exercise the bowel muscle, and as such work really
well for both constipation and IBS – both functional conditions. I’ve seen
loads of people benefit greatly from this treatment.

James Carmichael says:

I plan on having on of these in the new year.

Harry Mckenzie says:


Vegas Vic says:

eeeeeuuuuue”!! have a go at that ,will ya mate?? I say, soups’ on, up me

Jillion Million says:

“And here it comes….”

Gordie D says:

Good video thanks for sharing.

Trixie's Mom says:

There is no way on gods green earth that I would allow myself to be filmed
doing this.

boneair says:

did anyone jack to this?

Theo Gregoire says:

You miss the point completely. The over-acidic western diets impair bile
production in the Liver, which in turn causes the build up of intra-hepatic
gallstones in the Liver. Everything, over time, then becomes blocked,
including the colon. As the ancient Egyptian stated, ‘Death begins in the
bowels’. Next time have a look in a person Liver.

PattayaDIRTY says:


kilcohan3 says:

WOW I cant believe how much crap came out-just goes to show the crap we are
walkin around with inside us. the amount of waste that paces thru our
bowls- makes sense that EVERYBODY should have this done occasionally. I had
it done once and was quite disappointed as not a lot came out really so I
dnt no if it is because I am quite clean and healthy or weather I needed
another session. anyway I dnt no y ppl are so skeptical about this. it is
the most healthy, natural thing u can do 4 yourself.

boneair says:

spell it cunt

michael BROOKER says:

i need it can you do it for me

jfb rko says:

Colonic may not have any health benefits but its gotta be fun seeing all
that crap wash out of you

MrArmpitchoochoo says:

Yep, seen it too.

icebreaker1588 says:

Just to let you all know. This does NOT work. This doesn’t “cleanse”
anything. Contrary to popular belief nothing gets “stuck” there for years
on end or however long you want to say it does. How do I know this? Well
because I’ve seen hundreds of people’s colons at work. Don’t buy into this
crap (pun intended).

OneAndOnlySplintz says:

how much is this treatment ?

Vizzo says:

The eye of Sauron lol

simozimo09 says:

how did you see the ‘ hundreds of people’s colons at work’ ???

Karl Yatco says:


Mark Brown says:

I want one

thu tran says:

Thank you

boneair says:

ok cunt

Arron Somerville says:

sick kunt

Igor Prichinko says:

Hello! I’m Andrew.I did -20 lbs in 1 week.Go to

Arron Somerville says:

no kunt as a figure of speech is kunt cunt is a thing

Parakeet Koju says:

It would be a shame if you did not build muscle when these people do it
easily with Ultra Slimming Formula (Google it).

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