Breathing..neck pain and constipation!

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Learn the basics of respiration and how faulty breathing patterns can and will create neck pain, constipation and more!


Rebecca Rosenthal says:

when I breathe in with stomach and chest I get light headed.. Why is that?
I did it breathing in with the nose and out with the mouth. I usually
breathe with my chest.

WisdomAgreements says:

OMG!!! I could relate to everything thing in this video and it answered so
many questions to why I’m struggling with forehead posture, neck pain,
constipation, etc. I have a brain injury, so I blamed a couple things on
that. In a week I’m getting a breast reduction, and I know that will help
me breathe easier (if I lift my breasts I can breathe). 

EastWest Healing says:

well give us a call 7605979727

laila nellemoes says:

@joshrubineastwest Hi Josh, i would like to know how excactly does a
forward head posture make you breath in more air? i cant connect the dots

shoki3601 says:

I breathe in and out of my nose at all times. I just can’t breathe out
through my mouth :[

marios istambul says:

so great video.i surely learned a lot of things.

peevedgrl says:

I seriously can not believe it, you are in my neck of the woods! Today is
my lucky day :)

C Gonzalez says:

What if I breath in and out thru my nose ?

EastWest Healing says:

@tazzpower Thats my goal! If I put it in easy terms, etc most would be
board. Confusion leads to growth!

Realnofriendofbush says:

The interconnection is amazing , I’m studying to become a naturopath and
you are putting me in the right footing to be a healer with tons of
commonsense and explainable symptoms and treatments – btw when I go to yoga
they tell you to breath in and out the nose :s – also any cute Aussie girls
into this stuff ? :)

peevedgrl says:

you are awesome! You hit the nail on the head with all of my current
issues. I just realized last night that I am a chest breather now am
consciously making an effort to breath properly, it is not easy I have
always been a chest breather and now I am suffering for it. I have been
seeing a chiropractor an acupuncturist for the past 1 1/2 years with some
improvement but still many issues, this is my next issue to
tackle/breathing properly. I am going to check you out, hope you are in my

tazzpower says:

Even tho you expel tons of information in these clips, I always learn
something. Thanks

kavikalyn says:

Awesome video, I definitely learned a lot.

Nancy Parker says:

why not in and out through the nose?

Heather says:

@Naturallybalancedfit I would guess there would be some sort of containment
that leave your body when you exhale that it would best for the air to
leave your mouth vs your nose where the particles could get stuck in your
nose hairs (nose hairs are huge in filtering the air you inhale).

Diatonic135 says:

thanks dude.

mogroovee says:

Thank you so much for this video Josh. Been having so much trouble with
neck pain and levator scap trigger points the last two weeks. No amount of
foam rolling and exercises have helped. Going to try everything you

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