Getting a Colonoscopy

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This is a video where I show before and after getting a colonoscopy


Marley robertson says:

I Just Started My Drink.. UGGGGGGG Im Very Nervous..

matt64658 says:

I’m having mine tommorow and I’m just like you I’m am not feeling right in
my intestine, i have the symptoms of polyps and I’m only 15. I started my
prep a few hours ago and man it tastes like shit 

k&b says:

ahahahaha you even put yourself shitting i love you. 

Ken Johnston says:

WARNING: I really screwed up and ate at 6pm the previous evening, started
the “Drink” at 8pm and went in the next day at 1pm for the event…. but
because I still had Fecal matter in my colon, it became a Failed
Learn from my mistake – I now have to wait a month or two, drink this Crap
again and fly to Oahu from the Big Island. So…. Drink only Clear Liquids
the Whole Day Before your appointment! Do not Eat at least 24 hours before
your appointment!


AWFUL!!!!!. THE TASTE IS LIKE NO OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Lat says:

3:31 Good god, man! That was the type that sprays the bottom of the toilet

beth wallace says:

Here I am worried about colon cancer and I watch your video: hysterical.
Really made me laugh. 

BibleLover2K14 says:

Im supposed 2 be having it done- 9/12/14 but my letter only said bring any
medicines, So unless they are going send another letter nearer time to get
that- I want sedidation- but a weak one as I got my appointment at 3:20 And
got college at 6:00 so need to be there then

PS-How could i possible take it- I got work so can’t be taking that all day

enie hugie says:

Thanks for sharing, very informative!

J.R. Zippie says:

Get those polyps…….before they get you……woo woo !!

staypress says:

Here in England we just take 2 and a half sachets of picolax which a strong
industrial laxative powder and we drink it in half a pint of water each so
it is much less than a galon. I dont know why they make you drink so much
prep. My colonoscopy is tomorrow so wish me luck.

Vsauce4 says:

Having it tomo. Ive been to the toilet over 10 times. My buthole hurts like
hell. Im 14 n literally i wish i was dead

vasp99 says:

That’s informative and reassuring . Thanks for sharing !

lazaro398 says:

Going through it. It’s not as bad as I thought. Just eat lots of jello and
chicken broth and it will keep the hunger pangs at bay!

emma barksdale says:

I am 11 and I have to take 4 dulcolax tablets and 1 whole thing of miralax
that I have to drink

Anna Barragan says:

Your not so posed to chug it down you take tiny sips then at the end

Tully Soulliere says:

Took a hell of a trip and never left the farm .! but you used the out house
LOLOLOL you crack me up and you looked like you thought pleasant thoughts
about the nurse hahhahahah!…vacuum cleaner lol.Thanks getting this done
next week …..holy crapppppp on a cracker !

Dear Mom says:

Bless your little heart for sharing! i laughed so had at how much you had
the runs without even pushing! My turn is cumming up soon! Thanks again!

boy3gob says:

Thanks for sharing! …I was worried about it, but when I saw your video I
felt much better about getting it done.

john smith says:

had one last year prep sucked

T Thoy says:

well done. thanks for posting this video. I’m 51 healthy & no problems.
However, I guess it’s about time for me to get one. cheers !

ian matthew says:

im getting one next week.did they give u a drug called twighlight???

Grace Nam says:

getting one tomorrow! thanks for sharing me your experience. haha.

Nate Harp says:

hahahahahahahahah at 3:37 hahahha

Joseph Felber says:

This was quite funny. Thanks for posting.

matty wheeler says:

I have to go for a colonoscopy in 2 weeks. I feel so nervous but this video
really helped, thank you.
I don’t think i could watch it happening on the screen though. 

NCFZ6 says:

Thanks for posting!!

DestinationUnknown 183 says:

hey man my doctor wants me to do a colonoscopy but im very afraid. Im not
really afraid of the procedure, im more afraid of the sedation medications
they put you on. I dont want to experience any side effects from the
sedation medications. Damn, im so scared!!!

May Devone says:

Are you available for Q? If you are let me know, and I will e-mail you at

staypress says:

wow the ad was worth watching in itself 


Thanks makes me feel better 

tonertonki says:

Nice vid, subscribed! :)

Miss Lucy says:

I’m sorry but I couldn’t help but laugh at the faces you made while
drinking that stuff! 

Me says:

Your cute!

OKzs says:

At 3:25 I said “he’s not going to…” Then 3:30 happened…lol

Lamborghini Gal says:

WOW! Thanks for sharing your experience! 

sothathappened says:

Thank you for sharing this. I’m going for mine next Wednesday which is
also on the 23rd.

Vee Robillard says:

thanks for doing this. helpful.

Ren Mann says:

I have to get one soon! Pray for me!

Miranda Eschenbach says:

my dr told me to flavor each glass with a packet of crytal light and to
chill it

melodyh8807 says:

I have to have one in a couple weeks. I was wondering, do they knock you
out? Or can you choose to be knocked out? I don’t want to be awake or
remember this, lol.

dcareyHQvideos2 says:

I had the TriLyte powder prep solution.
This stuff made me nauseous.
You have to be near the toilet when drinking this stuff.
It does matter what flavor you choose, it still makes me fell half sick.
But, for one night it’s worth the peace of mind. Also, after a couple of
hours, my anus was sure burning like hell…..

Kristy Stone says:

I only had to drink magnesium citrate. Poor thing. I think they should
allow a person just to do a water fast for a few days instead of taking
this horrid crap. 

Lee B says:

Had it twice B (as I’m a wrinkly) I agree that stuff tastes like crap I
only get one flavour that was meant to be grapefruit it just tasted vile.
you end up with the toilet seat impression on your arse you spend so much
time on it.
Never been sedated though, only discomfort is the right turn around the
large colon

Tim Salas says:

Its better if you use a straw and drink it cold,, had one done in May

EMR11353 says:

Well at least you only had a camera shoved up your rear end. I had a VCUG
which was extremely painful. First the nurse cleaned my Square of privacy
then placed a foley catheter in which burns as it’s being placed even with
the lubricant. Then the nurse let what ever urine was left flow through the
catheter. Then the doc slowly placed a very tiny fiber optic camera in
which was painless 

Galegole Mokoana says:

i habe been constipated for 2 weeks now. it always happen, and not funny.
my ass becomes all swollen and painfull. i can’t poop, and this starts to
affect my movement as my waist feels so uncomfortable. i sometimes use
Sennas for a relief, sometimes rectal glycerine. this time they are not
helping at all. i feel so ill and don’t know what to do. will this
Coloscopy help me???? i really need help FAST!!!

Paulina Lizet says:

very interesting I will have my in two month and I hope I can take that
liquid. Thanks, you gave a good explanation of everything even make laugh
and for the 12 years old kid (chicchick1803) I imagine is better to see a
young person than all those old doctors trying to explain. thanks again

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