IC, IBS, Constipation & Soluble Fiber (Interstitial Cystitis Network)

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Having IC is a challenge, throw in IBS and/or constipation and our symptoms can get much worse. ICN President Jill Osborne talks about the connection between IC and IBS and shares two excellent resources that can help you get your IBS symptoms under control.


Erin Slater says:

I would recommend miralax for constipation. Works much better than fiber.

barbi6976x says:

I have chron’s and am very worried I also have IC now.I’ve had worse
symptoms in my stomach which is supposed to be in remission at the moment.I
sent you a more in detail on another video.I haven’t been to a urologist
yet,My health bills for my stomach and other issues and already so much.I
need help.I’d like a “Do I have IC video?” from you.I can’t imagine having
all these chronic conditions at once :( I have constant irritation,have to
push to pee with abdominal muscles,and also frequency.

Erin Slater says:

Jill, you should go to iffgd.org for your IBS info

Dr. Jared Rose says:

excellent vid!

karlhanso says:

avoid insouble fiber

Imran Ahmed says:

I am really confused now. I find lot of places telling soluble fiber is for
keeping cholesterol and blood sugar low and it just creates a coating
inside colon, but my insoluble fiber makes things move and help you
evacuate. I am an IBS patient and my major problem is getting things out of
my system and my bowel movement is extremely irregular. Shouldn’t the
consumption of more insoluble fiber help me instead of soluble? But the
message on this video is exactly contradictory :(

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