Lose 15 to 35 pounds in a week! Learn how to do your own home colonic Part 1

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http://www.floridapielovesyou.info This is a simple way to lose 15 to 35 pounds in a weeks time. Learn how to do a home colonic. A home colonic is when you pump 2 quarts of water into your large intestine to clean out unneeded waste. Learn how drinking water can get you to lose 10 pounds along with your colonic irrigation. Do not buy Colon cleanse pills until you watch this video.


arnibah vanst says:

Where can one buy a hot water bottle like that?I don’t see them in the drug

Musica says:

You forgot to wear a skirt. LOL

Erica Summers says:

Haha if your full of shit ctfu

Porcha Cedano says:

Hello, blessings. Does this work if I’ve had 2 c – sections. I have that
pouch and also have been very very bloated. 

Heaven Paris says:

15 pounds?! That is so unhealthy oh my gosh.

Ruby Edwards says:

In Africa we use fresh plant aloe. Almost every home in Africa has an aloe
plant which you can have outdoor or even indoors if you don’t have a
garden. You smash a few leaves 3/4 big ones depending on how sensitive your
metabolism is of aloe in a strainer over a bowl so that only the juice gets
into your container – put warm water in your bowl/jug & then pour it in the
“water-bottle like douche bottle like the lady has displayed – it’s another
alternative to the other means she’s mentioned. The inside of the peels of
the aloe – you can keep a bit & use on your face as a mask for approx.
15-20 min till it dries – then wash it off with Luke warm water – you can
just use it directly on spots in the evenings – aloe removes spots like
magic. You can also drink it’s freshly squeezed juice – mixed with orange
juice – optional – to cleanse if you suffer from heart burns or just to
keep your chest area clean – this can be done once every 2 weeks or once a
month – depending on your need or how sensitive you are. These are ancient
remedies that were killed by the corporation so people can be addicted to
their pharmaceutical drugs. Stay aware healthy & happy. Peace! 

Jameel Jahmay says:

Nice video floridapie, what about using a blend of herbs.I used to do this
years ago,but has that method changed.Catnip and other herbs were used.Can
you speak on that?Thank you ma’am.

Natalie Cherie says:

I have a question, how do you lose thigh fat. The fat on my thighs hangs
off, forming an upside down V shape, giving my legs a bowed shape. How do I
lose this?

I am going to try this colonic :-)

Trina Brown says:

That long rope scares me.

barbie2creamy says:

Hi!! Thanks for the info! Question for you- where can i purchase the bag?

R Buckner says:

you Beautiful!!

maestrochild says:

Hello, where can I get that bag?

belle victory says:

hi there, it’s me again i think i will try to do it after thorough search
about enema and i also watch the gerson therapy and they said that coffee
enema is such a great help to detoxify your body. I have a question can i
use gold roast organic coffee? thanks in advance

Fridah Kinyua says:

Thanks God i found you Florida. Where do i buy those equipments that you
showed us? i called to do one at a professional place they charge 300 per
session i like yours and i will definitely do it. 

Muse Amore says:

Check out this video on YouTube:this heffa nuts. Why she in nurse costume

tochi diomzy says:

hi, am 14 and is this safe for me cos i weigh 161 ponds and i really need
to lose weight , do you have any other suggestions and am on diet but i
still cant lose weight

Peniel Fowler says:

I like this video because I always wanted to do this but didn’t know how to
go about it. Thank you sooooooo much!

Kailan Thomas says:

hello i have a question.. how long after do you get a bowel movement? Is it
going to last all day?

laxpopov says:

I would love to see your brown eyes..im sure you would really be too super
bomb and classy. Thanks for this post too.

Marlene Stevens says:

where you get the bag and tube etc ? can you buy it all together like that
or do you make it ?

Shirley Newby says:
Jano Evo says:

will the waste come out the first time or does it just loosen feces until
you do you second colonics. And it’s awesome that you keep update on
feedback. also i’m going on 7d cruise and wanted to know if you had tips to
share for limiting weight gain. thanks

Sharon S. Gomez says:

Can the mixture include morton salt and acidophilus capsules??
& Thanks in advance for all the help:)

Blk Popeye says:

Are you a nurse?

chichi176 says:

hi would love to lose 15 to 35 in a week but sooo scare to try this do you
know of any other way to get this or as close to these results in a week
by drinking something that would also work the same way into losing 15 to
35 pounds? thank you ..:)

washyourblasingame says:
ginger capron says:

i love your videos i will be trying the essence salt, keep it up.

deadmanswife1 says:

I just got here & I can’t stay long because of (shotym34) lol.
a couple of quick, because I not to take to shut my mouth. as for your
nurses dress: certain people he great marketing and confuse it with porn
cuz that’s all they know.
certain people who claim they are man might be a woman; the kind of woman
you dont want for a friend because she’s always hatin.
I could say more but I will take your lead and be nice.
thanks for a very informative video its just a reminder for some of us to
bad people haven’t seen any of the old ways and don’t know the benefits.
you are very patient and it is obvious that you’re trying to share some
knowledge. Good heart.

Tejanna Bangura says:

Is it safe putting coffee in ur butt

brandon warren says:

I want you

m sparkle says:

Thanks. Instructions are great but jeez.. the makeup is distracting 

Whitney Stephens says:

Could I use coconut oil in water instead of mineral oil? I was told it’s
good for using in your rectum and ingesting it, using it topically, or
using it like Fleet while the coconut oil is still solid. Is this true? I
use it for my face, but unsure if it’d do the same back there. Thanks! 

Lisa Corbett says:

Thnx,I usually saw my mom with that bag,

belle victory says:

can i just drink a gallon of water with 4 probiotic capsule rather than
putting it into your hole…its kind a scary would it help? thanks

narwunu vorkpor says:

Does it work for men

Shy Clowers says:

should I get a professional colonic first and then try this or can i just
start doing this?

Juli Dick says:

this is kinda a silly question,,,, how long after you insert all the
liquid until you actually use the bathroom?? and how often will you still
go after until you are done??

TheThedot says:

You are a sex black lady, and I am a hard core racist…

andrea phillips says:

Wow great. glad i found your video!! will be trying this!!

TheGamesJournal says:

Hello there! Have you considered – Xanbiga Secret Weight Loss Code -(do a
google search )? I’ve heard some interesting things about it and many women
are talking about the easy and amazing weight loss results they had with

Vanitha Priya says:

Have you made these mistakes in your diet? Go Google Skinnimaker System to
find out.

Monique Hardy says:

Does it have to be organic coffee? Can I use regular coffee?

Chin KONG FOO says:

Dont wait around for tomorrow to start losing weight. Join ExprezSliminizer
and start TODAY.

andrea phillips says:

Wow great. glad i found your video!! will be trying this!!

thablackdiamond says:

I’m not sticking nothing up my ass! Bye felicia. ..✌

cuteassgirl says:

are u wearing contacts its really cute

Karla Charles says:

I’m just starting out, what type of water should I use? Does it have to be
purified bought from the store or can I use faucet water? Also what should
be the temperature?

zorrewe jefferson says:

Ok, then what should I do to help my bowl movements? :(

Plum juice doesn’t work for me and I don’t really know what to do :/

Anything natural I can try?

Duly Ahmed says:

She is hot

Nandhini Vinitha says:

If you desire to burn fat, you should google Skinnimaker System. That might
help you get the body you deserve.

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