How To Cure Diarrhea

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Today I show you how to quickly cure Diarrhea (Diarrhoea). Diarrhea is a horrible condition that involves faeces being discharged from the bowels frequently, in liquid form. It’s often very eggy. Many people don’t realise that Diarrhea can be quickly cured by following one simple step. This Diarrhea treatment is extremely quick, you’ll wish you knew about it sooner.

Constipated? Here’s the cure►

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Diarrhea is awful! SHARE this quick cure around!

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Know someone that suffers from Diarrhea? Share this quick treatment method around to ensure they recover as soon as possible!

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Jurassick1546 says:

If my parents come in my room while watching this, i’ll switch it to porn.
It will be easier to explain.

The Great Uniter: Kim Jong Un says:

0:38 , that’s the sound a dog would make if you pulled its testicles 

HowToBasic says:

Diarrhea kills millions of people each year. Share this video around so we
can hopefully double that number.
Tweet It► | Eggbook It► 

TypicalWhiteAsianBoy says:

FAKE. I’ve shoved fish up my ass plenty of times and it didn’t cure

thesheepthatwentmooo says:

I shit eggs as well. First time it happened, I was shellshocked. 

Tim Timsen says:

Hmm, this method seems… *fishy*…

Miss May says:

I wonder if he is home alone when he does this?

VegPig says:



黑竜崎 says:

This is actually FUNNY lol

b26650 says:

Am i the only one that thinks the children from Africa joke is funny?
Children in Africa coulda ate that diarrhea.

Erin Williams says:

Omg……what the fuck did I just watch!

Matt Carmichael says:


Can it be any fish?

Ashley Animates says:

I feel bad for the toilet xD

Emily black says:

So many eggs! Who cleans his mess? I wish them good luck.

Gabriel Martinez Ezeta says:

Children in africa could’ve eaten that shit.

Elijah Suarez says:

This did not help at all. Will you put this in a PDF?

Mya Walker says:

you spelt diarreah wrong vegpig aswell

Princess Snowy Lyry says:

Omg htb is a hen .O.

Skye the Fox says:

This man has serious mental issues…nuff said +Krang the Fox wont you

tennismediadynamics says:

Your pergo floors are gonna be fickle. 

Super Arab says:

hi ? can anyone watch my video on how to peel a banana??????

Daniel Govender says:

Wait a minute guys so when he shoves the fish up his ass, it just hangs
there collecting his shit and storing it in its stomach

Mxfox Major Gaming says:

I think this is the most eggs how to basic has used.

Hatsune miku says:

All those eggs.. But the baby chickens.. :(

Jaxen Ross says:

How To Cure Eggs-plosive Diarrhea 

Sara Barbosa says:

espetacular n tenho palavaras

cheyenne coleman says:

I’m just hoping that guy is wearing underwear

Dopeh Orange says:

Damn it Basic how’d you get explosive diarrhea???

James Harris says:

Hahahahhahahah i just showed my mom this

Fia Daly says:

I wonder how much money he wastes on eggs per video…. Haha

Ball Ballison says:

You sick basturd, kids n africka could have eaten those legs.

Dat vix says:

Children in africa could have eaten those legs

CrazyRoadblock says:

No you stick a egg up your ass and boom no diarrhea or was it diabetes? 

Harry ensign says:

So how two basic is a chicken ?

2 brothers gaming says:

I like when he just breaks the glass for a perfect reason

xAEvi says:

294 eggs

Jeanine Labelle says:

Such a waste of food

Daniel Ramstedt says:

What on earth did I just watch? O_O

Ryan Chai says:

I get why u are wasting food in most or videos just to entertain your
viewers , i mean u can do other funny things and ppl will laugh at it , but
wasting food just for entertainment is not really a good idea , there are
starving and homeless people without any food to eat , and you are throwing
and breaking eggs on the floor , imagine if u had shared your food with the
people who need it most . I admit that i didn’t give my leftovers to the
homeless but at least im not playing with food

Dylan De Los Reyes says:

dat was me when i had diareha

Robert Ruisi says:


JohnnyM says:

How to have a sex? haha

NBCptSpark says:

Me: XDDDDDD *cant stop till his gut losses so much air*

Erika Malcolm says:

You wasted so much foodddddd! Kids that are hungry could eat those!!!! Omg

AcerbusZeitgeist says:

How does he not slip and break his neck on those eggs?

Lamar Davis says:

Poor kids in Africa could’ve eaten that diarrhea

Slenderman2302 says:

So, you shove a fish up your butt to stop diarrhea? Seems legit!

Mackinzie Hutchinson says:

Where are you getting those eggs. Its a lot

7upjawa says:

What the fuck do you do everyday. I couldnt stand to make videos like this,
it looks so gross to step on the eggs XD

victor Lopez says:

instead of wasting food deberis donating food to the needy , the word of
God says ‘ ‘ I was hungry, I was thirsty and you gave me food ‘

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