irritable bowel syndrome

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Haha ok, so this is the second project that we had to do for photojournalism. Our teacher said to just go film something random. The point of the project was to be able to laugh at each other. My sister dubbed me to be the guinea pig for this video. We couldn’t think of anything else for a video, so I just went for it. This was definitely not something I would usually do, but I hope you get a laugh. It’s stupid, yes I know, but it was just for fun. So, enjoy!


Roman Erenshteyn says:

so so so gross

Francheska Stegall says:

That stomach growl was fake but I like it

Tashianna Bostick says:

Story of my life lol

thegirlwiththehair1 says:

im with pumperbob that was good ha ha! i love the part where the girl walks
into the bathroom and shes like oh gross it stinks in here! haha lolz and
the part with the heel clack was such a fail! but it was really cute good
job to all involved!

Stephen Chernosky says:

make a sequel

Xiven says:

@calfdawg She’s liek… 13.

Robert Knacke says:

Fuck my life…. This is me daily

TheDarkblade54 says:

did she really have the diarrhea?

lackingnheight says:

@snoxeri it’s MY youtube…and i upload what i want to…i don’t care if
you like it or not…go somewhere else if you don’t want to see it…k bye

Derek4019 says:

Lucky for her she was not taking a test

Derek4019 says:

Looks like she ate something bad

TamikaJMusic says:

I have IBS and i am laughing…this is funny

Robert Knacke says:

Im not offended lol just jate having it cause I also have a digestive im always sick all foods dont agree with my stomachs

lackingnheight says:

@Jason99942 hahaha nice on the jabba the hutt thing…and thank you =]

Jonah Bourn says:

what…the…fuck……. this waas stupidd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sherlockrules says:


Yvie Aguilar says:

I have ibs and I am only 11 :(help me

cudthree says:

lol was that diarhoea? a friend of mine gets IBS whenever she eats KFC

theron calfee says:

wow she has nice legs and a nice booty

iLovePoopingGirls says:

you deserve an A+ for this

lackingnheight says:

shadae caradine, yes this was a school project. spinemelter2000, no duh
this stuff is fake. The fart sounds were found on the Internet. This is
YouTube. Since when did a YouTube video have to be big screen quality?? It
doesn’t. It was a video made for fun, for a class project and it was
created, filmed and edited all in just a couple hours because we only had
the one class to do it in.

lackingnheight says:

@colgatepony234 is what real?…the farts?…the pooping?…no, none of
this is real at all…it was for a project in one of my classes…we had to
learn how to use the video and audio equipment and create a story…and
this is the story we created…none of this is real

yinstube says:

@IndustrialKitt3n I have IBS too. To make life bearable, it is very
important to be disciplined in your diet.

james cool says:

I like it

furry bumgarden says:

Nice vid

mryjn420090 says:

@colgatepony234 I think it is actually real

ceseyj21 says:

@Jason99942 Im an IBS sufferer also and I’ve noticed with mine that the
more stressed out I am at some point the more its acts up.

Bob Loblaw says:

I have IBS. As I’m watching this video mine acted up and had to poop. Weird

shadae caradine says:

Lol was that a school project?

PumperBob says:

I liked it..I dont care what anyone else says.

spinemelter2000 says:

This must have been filmed in Imagination Land because some of the farts
sounded like burps.

fredguy2 says:

I HAVE DIE BS cause that’s how I feel everyday for the last two years.

SharptonsRaceCard says:

I like to watch the girls make toilet

lackingnheight says:

hahaha..thank you

lackingnheight says:

bahahaha…it was diarrhea sounds that i found on the internet…we just
wanted to have fun with it…and that sucks for your friend…i don’t have
IBS so i don’t know exactly what it’s like, but we were just having fun
with the project…and we weren’t trying to make fun of anyone with IBS

lackingnheight says:

@PumperBob thank you =]

theron calfee says:

@JanderStrahd sorry about that. that’s the wrong comment to say

prisila fernandes says:

porque ta todo mundo falando em ingles?

Galit B. says:

I feel so bad for the lady that came in the bathroom… Lol

WassellThatAbout says:

i didnt find this offensive, because its true LOL dont get me wrong the it
is a horrible thing to have.

Bob Green says:

so these are fake than right

lackingnheight says:

@JanderStrahd who’s 13?…i was 21 years old when i made this…i’m about
to turn 22…and i’m the one “on the toilet”…everyone in this video is 21
or 22

mextwo says:


lackingnheight says:

@livelifeandsk8 thank you so much =]

Jason99942 says:

LOL….awesome! So real sounding. Like Jabba The Hutt giving birth to a
baby Hutt. Yes though, IBS is real and dang painful, like a sharp pain in
your gut, ending in nasty toilet sessions. I get in once every few months.
No idea what foods/drink set it off, seems random to me.

jamie lopez says:


lackingnheight says:

@trebtuc why thank you =]

Jonah Bourn says:


lackingnheight says:

That was what we were aiming for when we made this. That was the concept
behind it.

ShrimpSharpie says:

HAHAHA funny video nicee

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