Labrador Retriever dog has bad diarrhea poop shit – funny episode of problems with her shit track.

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An unexpected problem for this very kind hearted dog. I wouldn’t wish thus on my worst enemy.


EpicfacePlays says:

why are you recording you dog taking a shit…?

chistine lane says:

Awww poor doggy! My dog once had really bad diarrhea in his sleep and it
got all over me, my bed, and my blankets!

Keyzer söze says:

LOLOL the title is too funny and i havent even watched the video yet

Vocaloid Link says:

One Time my Brothers Dog Patrick Had Diarrhea on his Pillow 

Gas Vein says:

You’re breathing pretty hard. You fat? 

peter griffin says:

You didn’t wipe the dog’s ass??? It’s disgusting…

cfactorstout says:

This video is a pile of crap.

Angelo F says:

It probably wasn’t picked up because it was a liquid shit lol

ProneSyndrome says:

This is exactly how I felt tonight. I feel a little better now knowing a
doggy is suffering the same existential problems.

Liberty Sinclair says:

what have you fed her lately :D

Keith McEvoy says:

Why did they record there dog taking a shit? Even worse why did I watch it?

Richard Hargreaves says:

Why didn’t you catch it in your hands. Lol

Ccbear says:

Dude you sound sooooo out of shape you went like 600 feet and are like out
of breath

Victor Gabriel Bejerano Kant says:

How did I end up in here?

jammy wammy says:

So runny XD +American Creeper 

Patryk Darasz says:

And now imagine how somebody is filming you when you have diarrhea.

Maria B says:

Pick up every drop of that poop!

Kim Keister says:

Change the dog’s food!

yuki2566267 says:

Aw that’s gross who films that shit

Margarita Rocha says:


Liberty Sinclair says:


Madelynn Giles says:

1. he didn’t pick up the poop
2. he sounds like darth vader
3. why was he videoing? he obvisouly wanted to watch a dog poo. he probably
zoomed up on the crap to get a better look!

Project Dominick says:

Idk how i got to this video

Bella Pereira says:

Aw the poor baby!!

Alex Greggary says:

The heavy breathing just makes this video even creepier :P

Zhane Darko Williams says:

its not too bad he just needs a different diet too make his feces firmer 

Oliver B says:

Why would you want to video this for?

Minecraft Queen says:

Did u pick it up????

Zion Williams says:

Boring wan’t even that bad

Denaji Seed says:

Now pick it all up

Bella Kwan Siu says:

the breathing sounds really annoyed me

TheKCarmine says:

Who records this?

ben13505 says:

this is so dumb

kayser broad says:

Poor dog

Greggzz732 says:

Yea, this is basically just a video of a dog sitting. Nothing funny or
interesting. I just hope the lab got better (when/if this happen to your
dog, change their diet to nothing but white rice for a day, then white rice
and boiled chicken, continue that until their dookie becomes solid again.
Finally, start mixing in little bits of their dog food with the plain white
rice to “ween them off”)

Also every one is quick to be a” holier than thou ” commenter saying how
the owner didn’t pick it up. To that I say:

1.) the person had a bag in their hand the whole time. How the hell are
they supposed to hold their dog, hold the camera and pick up the poop at
the same time. Seriously are of you who said that that stupid?

2.) How do you know that this person isn’t on their own property and mark
the poop to pick up later?

3.) My dog has had some pretty bad diereha s few time and one occasion it
would have literally been impossible to pick it up, least I dig up the nice
laid soded grass. It’d be like picking up melted ice cream. Fortunately
when it happened with my dog, I wasn’t far from my townhouse, so I brought
him back, heated 3 pots of water and brought them back to wash away
whatever I could. But if you are far from your home and didn’t expect your
dog to turn into a soft-serve machine, a bag wouldn’t pick up shit


I cannot tell the difference between a pile of dog shit and the Labour

ny5946 says:

Who is walking this dog Darth Vader?

Kehkioishii says:

yes, dog with shit problems =) yes funny man uploads this funny video

initialscope123 says:

Go lose some weight porky pig…

cwoolfork says:

Poor pooch!

tish marcuz says:

i an smell it o.o

James Jones says:

for a min at the end i felt like i could smell shit

Hamelyn six says:

Roll in it & sing a poo tune

VenomousCarnage69 says:

Soft serve

Hamelyn six says:

Mark.Wahlberg is possesding him

Damon Ludlow says:

Nothing wrong with the dog but the camera person sounds like jabba the hutt

Izzy Doyle says:

Yeah in uk we pick it up!

DEltA says:

Poor dog

Carrefour says:

but your dog is so cute.

Sophie Brown says:


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