Colon Cancer: Diagnosis & Treatment | Los Angeles Colonoscopy

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Dr. Paul M. Choi.
Treatment of colon cancer is reviewed including the diagnosis, the pre-operative evaluation, as well as treatment options available including surgery, chemotherapy and targeted therapy. A detailed review of the information provided by the American Cancer Society can be followed in the following link:
This video was prepared by the Los Angeles Endoscopy Center.


Big-Kahoona-Burger says:

Thank you Doctor, Well explzin

harinder says:

colon cancer cured — should medicines continue for ever
[ after colon cancer is cured ] ?



Sujay Shrestha says:

Thanks doctor needed this information for a Biology project.

fuckallhell says:

1:42 patient screaming

asusmocruz says:

I did not realized how critical it is to thoroughly prepare for the
examination. Thank you explaining the test to me.

George Bravo says:

Great share Doc! You’re the best!

Somye Dwerkle says:

if my doctor tells me im fine and dont have colon cancer, do u guys think
he may have did my CT scan wrong? please help and pray 4 me

osangmonster says:

Thanks so much for finally explaining this problem in a manner that I can

ladyandrea1985 says:

My mom is proof!

elizabuckz says:

Well explained. Thanks for sharing this video

kaito mokho says:

This is a test that can save lives. Go and have it done.

jenalynvidz says:

Excellent video Doc!

Los Angeles Colonoscopy says:

Please review the data provided by the American Cancer Society from which
the information summarized in this video is based. I have included the
information in the Video Description. You are encouraged to provide any
reputable, non-anecdotal reference to support your claim to the contrary.

ladyandrea1985 says:

These survival rates are NOT accurate & SCARE people. Do you consider age &
overall health? My moms oncologist said to ignore these. You cannot gather
statistics without grouping them into categories (age & overall health). My
mom who is 52 & in excellent health besides the cancer has a WAY higher
chance of survival vs an unhealthy or elderly person. Please do NOT read
into these statistics or any other! We know someone with stage 4 who’s
still alive 16 years after diagnosis & doing great!.

Obarinemi Paul-Obelley says:

I really appreciate your explanation. Thank you doctor.

harold lawe says:

Very informative video.

ladyandrea1985 says:

I would fail you for the survival rate.

Thomas Williams says:

Thanks for a clear explanation

steve santos says:

Thank you!!! Thanks for the wonderful explanation!!!

ashtridmelo says:

I feel I am ready to have the test done, FINALLY!!!

Oliver Alfred says:

I always wondered about this and now I understand. Thanks.

Los Angeles Colonoscopy says:

Thank you for your opinion. Yes, indeed there are individual variations and
circumstances that may alter your expected outcome. Each case is individual
and there is a high degree of variation to any population based analysis,
when compaing to an individual case. However, the 5-year survival survival
is based on a stastistical evaluation. The overall, expected survival is
most closely correlated to the cancer stage when all variables are
independently analyzied.

albert zung says:

No one explained this better. Excellent video!!!

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