Natural Colon Cleanse – Healthy Colon Cleanse Part 2

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You need to drink an adequate amount of fresh water every day for a healthy colon cleanse if you want to maintain healthy colon function. 60-100 ounces of water a day should be the minimum amount you drink. Making sure that you drink enough water is one of the best ways you can perform natural colon cleansing.

For a proper colon cleanse diet you should try to eat steamed or raw vegetables. Steamed rice and beans are other cooked foods that you can enjoy. Ideally these would be the only types of cooked foods included in your daily diet.
Natural seeds and nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds are also important in a healthy colon cleanse. Flax seed should be added to your diet as well because these ty

pes of seeds expand as they contact the fluid in your digestive tract. This means that flax seed will help flush the waste, sludge and other residue from your colon.
Eating apples, prunes, spinach, broccoli, berries, beets, chard and celery will also help you clean your colon naturally. These foods should be eaten uncooked so all of their helpful properties can be maximized by your body’s internal systems.

Healthy beans can help you cleanse your colon and restore its efficient function. You should avoid overcooking beans so you do not destroy the vital fiber and important vitamins they contain.


Chris Flynn says:

I started using water enhancer product. you get it at wally world. Get the
clear liquid type with grape flavor, my favorite. I don’t like plane water
but a little squirt of enhancer and it goes down great. So now that’s all I
drink is water, before it was tea, soda, etc.
Good video.

Te Amo mi Jesucristo says:

Yesss deff will drink more water!!!! And eat more veggies,n fruits!!!! :O
i’m a little tramatized! :(

Te Amo mi Jesucristo says:

:O grosssssss

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