Sausage Made with Baby Poop??? – Food Feeder

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You all know by now that Noah loves his sausage. And his poop jokes. And poop jokes about sausage. This is going to be the greatest day of his life! Subscribe:

As if there weren’t enough poop jokes to be made about salami, sausage, and other cured meats, scientists in Spain are making sausage with poop. Actually, they’re making probiotic sausage, with bacteria cultured in baby poop. (Details, details!) Technically there’s no poop left in the sausage, but we think this story is the ultimate example of why you don’t want to see “how the sausage is made.”

You can read a report on the baby poop sausage that’s infinitely more serious than ours here:

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Does knowing how this sausage is made make you want to try it? What if someone paid you? Do probiotics REAAALLYY make sausage into a health food? Really? Have you heard of other gross food research you’d like us to cover on the show? TELL US EVERYTHING!!

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Tune in to the Food Feeder with Tasted’s food guru, Noah Galuten. Noah’s been there and done that in pretty much every aspect of the culinary scene from his stint as a popular food writer for LA Weekly to now opening his own highly anticipated BBQ restaurant. Hop on for the ride as Noah gives us the inside scoop on what’s hot and happening in the world of fascinating food from breaking news, to awesome events, cool chefs, incredible restaurants and all around good eats. Noah’s the guy for everything you ever wanted to know about food… and then some. Click subscribe to check out new episodes almost every day!


Devon Pitout says:

Anybody here of the gold dust you can eat to make your poop gold? hahaha

InternetFad says:

Ugh. Call me a pansy but please. Graphic Content Warning!

Adam Lawrence says:

Bloody hilarious! Love this show!

Critical Hit says:

Baby poop? Feed the Office!!

boredninja12 says:

Guys stop with the poop puns. They’re so full of shit.

jax191 says:

Please tell me this is an April Fool’s joke……..

Jordyn Henley says:

OMG April fools. So funny. -.- 

boriuu says:

What date is it again? Oh… 

Emmuelle Berger says:

Thank you so effin much for showing me pictures of shit while i eat my

Project4D says:

hey pepsi puts dead baby’s in there drinks so i wont be surprise if this
became the most wanted male of the day…what a fucking sad world!

PrimitiveStoner says:

Flag this fucking vid

acid3129 says:

nice try but your April fools did not work

Quick edit …. Ow god its fucking true :( i googled it and there is an
report going back to 26 Feb 

Charles Upton says:

Just about to eat lunch. I’ve seen way too many pictures of poop in this
video to still have an appetite. Fucking gross. 

Diego Sheish says:

Pamperchu is taking over the internet…

Mishal Khaled G says:

Shit video..

denmarcbros says:


razrx33 says:

April Fools….?? Please?

JennyBMoon says:

Yuck! Would have finished watching the rest of the video if not for the

Travis Short says:

Laughed so hard, though I was gonna’ die(arrhea).

Amir Castleberry says:

Thumbs up if you would watch a Noah Galuten Comedy Central stand up

DefinitionOf420 says:

please be an april fools joke

Snarfindorf says:

I’m down. 

DecKrash says:

Noah was on cloud nine with this one. I could just see the cold reading

“Noah, we have a new subject for you to tackle. You’re gonna love this

Noah: “Sausage … AND poop! Dammit! My erection can only get so big!” 

emiletetrt says:

Nice Aprils fools?

Traingamer1337 says:

Shit sausages!

Guardian Devil says:

Finally a legit excuse for being a pedophile!

catingrey says:

Glad I watched this AFTER breakfast (which did not include sausages).

VoilaTada says:

I never thought Tasted would kill my appetite for the day. XP


pamperchu pls go

Pinch Castle says:

i ate my breakfast watching this………..

pillowsRfun says:

and this is the first time where I can call Noah a douche bag. bacterial
cultures doesn’t mean shit sausage.

Winsom Cash says:

i just threw up in my mouth, i thought the title was a joke

Elsbeth S says:

you guys smell that….bullshit

Kayla Phillips says:


György Fogarassy says:

I used to watch this show while eating. Not anymore.

CrystalizeSirenity says:

All aboard! Destination… Nopeville. 

Eloise Yemima says:

am i the only one that doesnt lost my appetite after watching this? or am i
just weird..

BakaReviews says:

Are you ever bringing back why would you eat that

Kishimyu says:

That’s some good shit.

WeR LeRd says:

that’s gross!

Murithemagnificant says:

I was eating churros during this… 

Nathaniel Austin says:


Pinaudman says:

Scientists, you have a whole bunch of diseases to cure and things to figure
out for energy and you are worried about sausages? Where the fuck are your
priorities smh?

Ashley Garcia says:

For everytime he says poop and shit , take a sip of beer. 

Zalx says:

Ahh should not have been waiting when I clicked this, luckily it was only
spicy ramen instead of something turd coloured and shaped…

mnine94 says:

what a shitty episode !!

Mercedes Fletcher says:

Ewww bht to my point why show the poop

John Cunningham says:

Funniest Ep ever lol well played Tasted

Jose Rivas says:

Lmao this shit was funny

justin nutter says:

So… It’s literally tastes like shit?

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