Fiber Juice for Kids with Constipation, on the Today Show

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Joy Bauer, Nutritionist, presents her favorite fiber supplements for kids, on the NBC Today Show, May 30, 2007, as part of a special on kids and nutritional supplements. Juice Plus Fibre is a featured product because it contains 10 grams of all natural dietary fiber in an 8-oz juice box.
For more information about Juice Plus Fibre, visit, Lori’s Earth Friendly Products, the company which provided the Juice Plus Fibre samples for the show.


bwworld says:

Hey my kids use Juice Plus Fiber. IT actually tastes like juice, not gritty
like other fiber drinks, so they like it and it’s really helped them with
their constipation. Now if only I can get them to eat food that has fiber
in it!

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