How to Stop Poop Eating | Dog Training

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Learn how to stop your dog from eating poop in this Howcast video with Andrea Arden Dog Training.

Poop eating as gross as it is to people, it’s not really all that uncommon and certainly not gross to dogs. If your dog is eating the poop of other dogs or other animals, that is a health concern. However, more commonly what we’re experiencing with poop eating is our dogs, especially our puppies, ingesting their own feces. The best way to resolve that is to get your puppy or your adult dog on a potty schedule and have them defecating on scheduled walks if they’re going outside or on pads with you standing there with them on a leash. This way, they don’t develop the habit in the first place. They should eliminate, you should clean it up and then we don’t have to worry about poop eating. If your puppy or adult dog is pooping in the house, say on a pad while you’re not home, and they’re ingesting poop when you’re not present, try leaving them some better things to ingest, like food stuffable toys to see if that might distract them. Most dogs defecate two to three times a day, so you can easily fit that into your schedule so you can ensure that you’re present when your dog defecates and clean it right up, again, to prevent them from developing that habit, and if they already have it, to prevent them from continuing practicing it.


Zoey Berrier says:

I need help to stop my 4 dogs from eating my rabbits poop! I can’t find any
information anywhere about that… I guess I’m the only one with the

william sabin says:

i eat my poop all the time and i don’t think it is nasty!!!!! you guy’s
should try it

lakefever2 says:

This was absolutely NO help. 

Clarence Aaron Jones says:

Not all of us can be with our dogs 24/7 so we can pick it up right away all
the time.

Beth Mccarter says:

Its so gross that they do that..thank u

TheWhiteWolf says:

“if youre dog is eating poop of other dogs or other animals, that is a
health concern”
then what happens, if a dog really likes a hobo poop? does that means it is
a healt conern too? me and my dog live in a quite populated city, so hobo’s
are almoust everywere… 

Leslie Morales says:

My puppy never eats its poop but now I know that some dogs do that

katerina canabe says:

My two dogs don’t eat there poop………why am I watching this???????? Lol

My Labradors says:

Easier said than done when you have a pack. It works with dogs that are
singletonsin their home, not when they go out to the yard together. I stand
there scooper in hand and just 1 of my 6 still will look me in the eye and
grab poop from another dog while I’m scooping from another. Now, I’ve
resorted to letting 5 out, clean up after them and she goes out alone.
There is no health concerns, she’s been tested for everything. All eat a
nutritious, healthy, far from inexpensive food. I refuse to go over to
RAW/BARF as I don’t believe in it. Coats are lush, typical Labrador
double coats, there is no flaking or dry ness and everyone is quite happy
with their $60 per 30 lb bag of commercial, high grade food ranked in the
top 5 of all dog foods. Dogs are scavengers. Labs are no exception and
it’s every Lab breeder’s largest complaint about the breed, very few other
things to complain about if bred properly especially for the show ring. So
it’s not easy to break a dog of that bad habit and not all dogs that eat
other dog’s feces are not in poor health.

James Mayo says:

Any advice on stopping your dog from eating his own fresh poop? 

roumi123 says:

lol woman looks more like a dog than the actual dog

sAv3Myk1Ds says:

My dog doesn’t eat his poop… so why am I watching this?

dinahmanatee says:

Poop eater

Random Videos Channel says:


Conor says:

This is a huge problem with my dog

Tatyanna Robinson says:

Um my puppy and dog does not eat it’s poop?????

ItRainsStorm says:

O.o…. Akward moment

Liew Ds says:

I know why it ate poop because example it ate it because it wants to spare
the master task

Annalee Sellars says:

I just want to stuff her mono tone mouth w/doggie doo-doo

cheryl Voss says:

no its a chew bacca hahahahhaa.. no yeah its a brussel griffon =]

Sabryna Carolynn says:

here is a really easy tip add pineapple to there dinner it makes there poop
taste really bad to them and they won’t want to eat it ever again and also
make sure the pineapple isnt visible when you put in the dinner

Sara Carter says:

Dose this work on humans?

Mandy Paulino says:

well my puppy did this.

ERoseSmith says:

my dog eats cat poop

Rick Jones says:

yes but he wipes with $1000 dollar bills so….thats ok

Darren Jerome says:

Hi i have 4 dogs and one of my dogs always eats my other dogs poo. i dont
know if its because the dog doesnt chew his biscuits properly so they are
coming out less degraded as he hasnt got many teeth. my dog is naughty and
goes out alot and still comes back in and poos in the house we will
sometimes not notice the poo as he will do it in different areas. then the
other dog we will catch before we have chance to pick it up eating it! can
you help please!

Jessica Laurens says:

That’s dog is ADORABLE!!! :3

smartcookie224 says:

people some dogs eat their poop maybe not yours but others do ok so shut da
fuck up nd jux watch or leve da fuckin video

James Ritchie says:


lovestospooge646 says:


sAv3Myk1Ds says:

@gokuss4046 That’s just rude.

cappa37 says:

wtf? never happened with my dog. yuck.

Vballblocker15 says:

Let them eat their damn poop! They’re doing it for a reason!

Natalie Truong says:

Woman: BLAH BLAH BLAH Dog: HAI! Woman: BLAH BLAH BLAH Dog: Im tired D:

Nelson Garcia sanchez says:

He got shit eater face….

Diamond Cheater says:

It is sad

Rick Jones says:

I also heard if you have the dog next to his poop, then offer him a piece
of banana in exchange…repeat a few times till he wants the substitute

Lili Nguyen says:

Hahaha… POOP!!!

Tenzin Dechen says:

is that a brussel griffon??

DhamersRUs says:

Is there any way to make people stop eating poop?

Twisted86 says:

Cats do it too.

Jrbp228108 says:

I know when my puppy is going to poop, one when she wakes up another around
3 pm and the last at 9 pm. But at nights I guess it poops once more and
because I’m sleeping I don’t notice when she poops and she licks half way,
what should I do.

whenindoubtdo says:

LOL that dog on her lap looks so unhappy. Dog: “It’s not me! I don’t eat my
own poo. She’s just holding me for show. Oh the shame.”

Chloe Coffey says:

I found this video hilarious.

Jimmy Ma says:

My dog love his poo!!!

SirLancelotized says:

Dogs Dialog At [1:02]. “My name is Walter… And my addiction to poop
eating has ruined my life”

Darth Revan says:

Are you fucking stupid? There’s a reason they and other animals eat their
own poop. It’s because they didn’t absorb all the nutrients they needed the
first time, you honestly want me to stop them from that? Fuck off.

Andrea Arden says:

Walter is a Brussels Griffon…

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