Top 5 Secret IBS Trigger Foods You MUST Know To Cure IBS

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(Digestion Relief Program Free Trial: In this video I talk about the top 5 IBS trigger foods that are probably responsible for casuing your IBS symptoms. If you remove these top 5 foods from your diet for a period of time, you can allow your gut lining to heal and finally start to recover from IBS.


snakeXxbite says:

So I should eat… air? 

Theresa ELVINS says:

Basically everything raw 

aizen sosuke says:

i have symptoms of IBS but i m diagonosed with OCD

Erica Griffin says:

Hi Doctor Dani, I agree with what you are saying here, and I just want to
add that people should really check out Low-FODMAPS and Paleo diets-as well
as a Spectracell test to find exact vitamin deficiencies-these have all
helped me very much!

Obinna Frank says:

wow lol i am exactly going through this Thanks Dr Dani but what can I use
to help fix this

Pradeep Krishna says:

You video is helpful and reassuring. Thank You.

Hambardzum Galstyan says:

There is nothing left for me to eat lol

Jade Jolley says:

Vegan :)

Gold Vulcan says:

Not fair….I want those things….ive been avoiding dairy for yrs and I
hate it. If I see dairy im sprinting to a potty.I want a cure and not told
humans are not geared to eat dairy products

██ ▌▌▌Shaun Joseph ▌▌▌██ says:

haha so basically everything i eat

Mahendra Gelatar says:

If I dont take these all food, tell me how to gain weight. I am 6 feet tall
and weighing only 52 kgs. I am 20 kgs Underweight. tell me how to gain
weight and build good physic without dairy product, wheat and protein

ikirstenHD says:

Thanks for your tips doc, it only i’d found these videos earlier. I’ve
tried this for a week and no symptoms has occurred :) my doctor didn’t even
give me this info so much thanks to you :) 

sovereign says:

Green tea is the main thing that HELPS my IBS!

krystalwaters1 says:

so pretty much don’t enjoy life at all great!lol

liz macey says:

Thank you so much! This is very helpful!

Sebastian Nordqvist says:

basically don’t eat anything and you’re fine.

Bille Baker says:

Ummm no
I was not eating any of those things (well maybe refined sugar I’m not sure
what that is)
And yes it did help with my symptoms especially the gluten I would not say
that I am cured 

qwe098qwe098qwe098 says:

So, what are the two supplements you mention?

(ihQ)neekeri kärpänen! says:

does someone know whats wrong with me?when i go to the school and almost
every break i have to take a poo and my belly hurts every time ,its so
annoying when i have to think about going bathroom right after lesson…on
the other hand these proplems doesnt exist at home,and this is so FUCKING

thesheepman220 says:

this makes a lot of sense as I never had any gut probs until I had
anxiety,and now my anxiety went no ibs well done dr dani

ChariotOfFaith says:

So Thank God its not giving up those types of foods forever?

Wes Sweitzer says:

Each night I wake from a dream 2-3x, my dream continues and my gut burns.
It’s scary and painful. This has been going on a 30 years after a roommate
woke me up by playing the drums. I have been taking Librax, but I am have
to take more and more, feeling worse and worse. Bismol is helpful. What can
I do to stop this response? I just started self-hypnosis.

Jack Valentino says:

Dairy/Insoluble fibre/Alcohol/White rice/Honey are my worst offenders, I
steer clear of them and my bloating and other unpleasant symptoms are
vanished, I can handle wheat (even whole wheat even though it’s insoluble
fibre) with no problems, the only refined sugars I can handle are the ones
that are made with white flour, fruit juices causes no problems, poultry I
can enjoy, as well as fish, etc.

ArseneLupin2009 says:

great video, thanks just one question: you recommend priobiotics but a
yogurt is no-no why ? yogurt is a natural source of the best pro-biotics

Figgy Simmons says:

Dr. Dani, I am unable to access the web address you’ve given in your video
for the 28 day IBS Cure. Please let me know how else I can find your

animus says:

psycho neuro immunology, sounds interesting. I will have to look into this.

Boris Kochev says:

$90 so someone can tell me I`m under a lot of stress …

DocScience2 says:

Great video.!!! I hope you are reading your comments. Unless you research
the older medical journals, you will not find this information. Egg
research was done several decades ago, and very little recently. In Heart
disease research, vary extensive animal testing was done to see what caused
the most heart disease. Eggs caused heart disease faster then any other
food. Autopsies showed serious heart disease in only 2 years feeding in
animal tests. It’s all there in several medical Journals.

DocScience2 says:

Yogurt is both a milk product and a dairy product. have a look at this
short youtube video ( v=tYpafipJyDE ) ( v=tYpafipJyDE )

Shane Brandon says:

I know what a stupid cunt

Raggamuffin88 says:

Dr. Dani, there is something about your body language and facial
expressions that is just damn adorable…

bilfen75 says:

I am doing all this. Great results

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