Health tips for Constipation

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Chris Hyslop gives his health tips for Constipation. See our eshop at for the products mentioned and our technical website for more information at . Please feel free to contact us if you need further information.

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This will affect 40% of the population, it is not only uncomfortable and sometimes painful to have, but can lead on to other diseases.

The route of the large bowel often surprises people and explains why a lot of what people think is stomach ache, is in fact constipation felt in the transverse colon.
What it can cause?
If you imagine a sluggish and slow bowel it’s easy to imagine what may go wrong. Obviously you will be more likely to get haemorrhoids, but this can also lead to diverticular disease (pockets form in the bowel which become infected and inflamed), increase risk of cancer and auto-toxicity where you reabsorb toxins back from the bowel in to the blood. Auto-toxicity makes you feel quite miserable often nauseous, greasy mouth, poor energy and bad mood. So it is very important to avoid constipation.
What to do?
Avoid a sedentary life, bowels require movement and activity to help them move. You need to think of abdominal movement like hula hooping. A couch potato is often constipated.
2. Diet
Very important. What you eat is crucial to how your stools will form. Just try the Atkins diet if you don’t believe me. So what to avoid, bread especially white, eggs and lots of protein all have been shown to slow down the bowel.
3. Plenty of water
You need water to keep your stools soft. A minimum of 1.5 ltrs per day.
4. Fat
Yes your bowels like fat, if you suffer with constipation then take 15 ml of olive oil in the morning and another 15 ml in the evening. You can blend this into a fruit juice if you want.
WARNING DO NOT CHANGE YOUR DIET RAPIDLY make a gradual change, or you may aggravate your symptoms.
Bloating and IBS I would recommend you get the following book it has some fantastic tests for you to do on your bowel to determine what may be aggravating your symptoms.
Links to all products at the bottom.
What to take to help?
If you are chronically constipated you need to give your bowel a good clear out to get rid of the mucoid plaque that will have built up over the years. This looks like a grey black substance!!
Take Colonics every day for a week then look at the section below on recolonising your bowel and maintenance.
If you have acute occasional constipation then you can use Vitamin C. Take 4 teaspoons in juice and this will get everything moving. You will also have the benefit of a good dose of vitamin C as well as clearing your bowel.
So now you have a clear bowel you need to re-colonise it and look after it
So this is what you need to do:-
Minimum of 1.5 ltrs of water per day. WARNING If you have a high fibre diet and not enough water you will end up even more constipated.
Take 15 ml of olive oil twice a day. It can be blended in to juice you will not know its there.
Stop eating bread! Also reduce your protein intake, cut down the meat.
Eat lots of fibre, lots of fruit and vegetables. If you can’t do that take a Psyllium Husk capsule after each meal and drink plenty of water with it.
Gut bacteria. Very important to look after these, they will stop other pathogenic organisms growing like Candida. They will also help prevent bloating too.
If you are less than 40 year old use the Advanced Acidophilus.
If you are over 40 use the Advanced 40+ Acidophilus.
You will feel far better with a functioning bowel. You will feel lighter and have more energy.
See Chris’ video on Constipation and find all the products mentioned at:


Adam Davies says:

I’m a 23 year old 168lb male who is active and eats oatmeal religiously
every morning. I eat brown rice, green veg, cauliflower, and lots of high
fibre foods yet I suffer with constipation. I eat about 100g – 130g of
protein a day and drink lots of protein. Is the protein making me

Ali Hussein says:

I’m guessing its just exercise but this video helped a lot 

Ali Hussein says:

I’m only 18 and I’ve been getting hard stools for about 2months I recently
stated bleeding..

mekaii gurung says:

does milk cause constipation?

Jeremiah Butler says:

If I have been using senna kit and do cu state for the better of 8 yrs can
I go to natural laxatives and experience the same effects? (Minus cramps).
They were prescribed as I’m a quadriplegic

Chris Hyslop says:

Strong coffee is a stimulant, so will have some effect.

allapooh says:

I’ve had constipation my entire life.

Chris Hyslop says:

not sure about the pine apple but the exercise will help.

mj himor says:

Sir question again if you a constpated and strong coffee drinker is this
can effect

mj himor says:

sir i have a question pineaple juice can help avoid constipation? And
regularly exsersice can?thanks and god bless

nosajresarf says:

This is all so true, against the all of the misinformation and wrong
notions. I wish people would listen and understand what he is saying. This
is one of the best basic and simple explanations I’ve seen/heard.You can
truly cleanse and maintain healthy bowels which is SO important for good
general health in fighting diseases…great info. So glad I have
subscribed, thank you Chris and Godspeed.

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