Epsom Salts for Aquarium Fish with Dropsy, Constipation or Bloat

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Epsom Salts for treatment Aquarium Fish with Dropsy, Constipation or Bloat.

I use Epsom salts (Magnesium sulphate) to treat aquarium fish with Dropsy, Constipation or Bloat.Epsom salts will not effect you filter bacteria within your aquarium.

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Dosage: 1 tablespoon / 40l within aquarium.
70g per litre for strong 5 minute bath or 10g per litre for longer 30 minute bath.


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Everyday Aquarist says:
Liam Lock says:

Hi i have a t bar cichlid he was in a tank with some cons and an oscar the
cons started to breed and seemed to only go for my tbar when lighters where
out and i was in bed (sneeky fӣ$%^s) seperated my tbar as he had taken a
good kickin (he gave as good as he got though) hes now on his own with a
small tbar from his old batch of fry he was fine for 2 or 3 days and now
hes face down doing hand stands in the sand in a corner any ideas why? iv
tried peas etc oh and i havent seen him eat or poo for a while an help
would be appreciated as the misses loves him calls him dory and is almost
to the point of tears and says its always her fish that dies

Poppy BigEyes says:

My fish is lying on the floor/gravel and looks dead but is alive :( can you
help me please, I cant go to the shops cause it is late and I feel like she
will die tonight please help :(

Eggflyice says:

Just did .5 L with about 30g for about 4.5mns. On a blackmoor goldfish, he
is bloated on one side & keeps swimming backwards. 

Channel E says:

Just bought the same one from boots, using it for Malawi bloat (suspected),
hopefully it works!

whitepumpkin1 says:

question- my fish was very bloated- fed peas, then the next day was very
skinny, developed ragged fins (other fish picking on) so she is now in a
separate tank. Used melafix for ragged fins, she continues to float at the
top, so much so that when I feed, I need to take most the water out. She’s
declining and has a hard time eating now. (trying to feed from my hand) and
doesn’t seem to poop much. Not sure what to do. fins no longer have red
streaks, but base of tail is very red inside- worried she might lose tail.
I’ve only had her about a week & a half. Kind of at a loss what else to
do. Can you advise please. I hate to see her suffer more.

kanda kumar says:

70grams per liter seems very high

Natalja Lebedeva says:

Hi. Treated my goldfish this way, lookes much better now. But not active
now ( lying at the gravel most of the time) and doesnt eat.Is it anything
else i can try? And i noticed she has red mark in her both eyes. (((((

dav smith says:

hi good vid , do you know any thing about oscars , had mine for a month now
he was eating and swimming fine now not eating or pooping i have him in
bare hospital tank which is covered to reduce stress traeted for bacterial
infections with api and just given him ur salt treatement , he seems
lethargic , water test all show good , ph ammonia nitrite nitrate all good
, im baffled dont want to loose the poor guy, thanks in advance , ps 50
gallon hospital tank 100 gallon main tank

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