Why do green smoothies make me constipated?

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When it comes to drinking green smoothies, there can be many reasons for having digestive issues, like constipation. I think what we must realize here is that when we drink highly fibrous food we are compromising our digestion by overriding the chewing process, which helps in releasing important digestive enzymes. The good news is drinking smoothies are not required to meet our nutritional needs. But what’s important is that we get enough greens in our diet. An affective way doing that is through steaming vegetables.


john lee says:

green smoothies make me constipated too ….

Vegas Fruity says:

great advice! True, that question may have a lot of variable components to
the answer. I like very small juices as a supplement, sometimes a smoothie
as a meal or the majority of a meal, but I appreciate a clean, cooked plant
based meal as my mealtime base. Salads are great too. 

grassrootsvegan says:
Vegan Jeanni says:

Another great video!

scobla says:

Thanks a lot for making a video to address my question. Very nice of you.
Here is some background about me:

– I am 36 years old male and slightly over weight (25-30% body fat)

– The base of my smoothie is lots of romaine lettuce then i randomly add
beets, red cabbage, strawberries, blueberries, extra ripe banana, ginger
roots, flax seeds, squeez of lemon, green apple. It all depends on what is
available in my fridge and pure random selection of fruits and vegies.

– I started by drinking smoothie for breakfast then wait for 1-2 hours then
have dairy and bread. I then have another smoothie after exercising before
4pm. Then I have what ever I want for dinner, junk food included.

– yes, fruits and vegies are a new thing for me. My standard diet is more
like junk food and white bread sandwiches.

– No, I’m not doing the smoothie challenge. The purpose of drinking
smoothies was to incorporate more vegies and fruits into my diet. It is
more like drinking smoothies as a supplement.

– I’ve never had history of constipation in my life. As a matter of fact, i
have perfect bowl movement on a daily basis, and i drink huge amount of

Li-San Loves says:

Great video. Smoothies can be a problem for some people because they forget
to chew it. 

Zx Zxy says:

Chewing your food is the begining of the digestive process, concentred
shoot of fruits aka smoothie is not that good for the body’s functions,
just like juices and it’s cleary not a real meal even if it contains lot of

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