Children, ADHD and Magnesium

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“These kids can’t sleep, are constipated, experience twitching and spasming, irritability and moodiness — all symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Within days of taking magnesium, these kids are different. They are no longer constipated, they sleep better, they are calmer and more enjoyable to be with. It’s truly a miracle.

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“As for the safety of magnesium — there is no build up of magnesium in the body. If there is “too much” then they get the laxative effect which takes magnesium out of the body. But, don’t give a day’s worth of magnesium all at once. Spread it out. “

Always consult a doctor.


nmaonlinepr says:

@DrBe34 Mg Oxide is the least preferable, it is only 4% absorbed and can
give a person a strong laxative effect. Mg Citrate powder that you mix in
water and sip through the day gives much better absorption and is found in
health food stores. There is no one cause or treatment for geographic
tongue, so it’s impossible for us to say. Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND

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