Debbie’s Detox: Chronic Constipation & Crack Cocaine

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Loren discusses client Debbie’s 42 day water fast and subsequent re-feeding and the amazing things that happened as her body let go of 10-20 pounds of 10-20 year-old waste. If you thought that being very thin meant that there couldn’t be much old material…think again!


BananaRama says:


prettylolitadoll says:

This makes me worried I have to fast and cleanse for a year? :( I’ve never
done drugs though. But became constipated 1.5 years ago. And no doctor can
help me. I eat 50 grams of fiber and drink lots of water. I need to get
going and keep cleaning. 

Glenn Dickerson says:

Loren how do you keep patients going when they are miserable during the
fast? Do you talk them through it? Ill need huge support. I’m an athlete
with 8% body fat but I developed arthritis that has me sidelined for now..

nvslknm says:

Fascinating story. Loren, have you ever noticed anyone detoxing
advil/asprin/tylenol before?

james wilson says:

Thanks a lot Loren, maybe one day I can get over to costa rica with you
guys and do it there aswell :)

Port Mac says:

Cocaine cases constipation so that might be why she was constipated.

nvslknm says:

Yeah, that’s what I kind of thought. Thanks for the reply mate:)

nvslknm says:

Or if you want talk about other drug detox stories

Loren Lockman says:

Thanks for your comment FVG! …and you’re welcome. I’m happy to share what
I can.

FreakyVeganGurl says:

Wow, wonderful story. Thank you!

Loren Lockman says:

Hi Glenn, Yes, I talk people through, & it’s a Lot easier here where the
whole environment is geared towards supporting you through the process.
Less than 3% don’t complete their intended fast here. Only a tiny %
self-repot success fasting on their own. TWC is not for everyone, but if
you’re open, coachable & committed to your health & you’d like to join us
at TWC soon we’re nearly full for the next session, so you’ll want to
reserve your space asap. Pm me to set up a free discovery session..

Loren Lockman says:

Hi nvslknm, I can’t say I’ve ever noticed detox from any of these
substances. The substances that are obvious are the ones that have more of
an impact on us, so speed, coke, heroine, nicotine, alcohol are all
examples of things that are often pretty obvious… Things like aspirin
would be much less likely to be noticeable, though if someone was using it
frequently enough, this likely would happen and it might very well be

Loren Lockman says:

Hi ottaRAW! It is an amazing story, isn’t it? I believe we can indeed store
all kinds of trauma in the body, and this is one reason that the emotional
detox can be such a powerful piece for so many people.

Loren Lockman says:

Whenever you’re ready James! …but book in advance as we are usually full.

briteblossom says:

Wow! That is a shocker. I cant help but wonder how she is now. It seems
like such a rare gift to be so completely cleaned out. It would be great to
preserve that as much as possible with an optimal diet afterwards!!

Loren Lockman says:


james wilson says:

ive been about 85% – 90% raw for about a month juicing fruits and then a
salad for dinner, would you say in your opinion Im ready to fast? obviously
your only reading a comment so I guess im saying is there anything you
should do before a fast? should you prepare for a fast in any specific way?
Thanks man (im 6ft 31 years old and 160 pounds-if thats of any use)

Loren Lockman says:

Me either amigo! Truly incredible what the body will do when it has a

Vegan Gardener says:

Great story Loren, the magic of the body never fails to amaze me!

Loren Lockman says:

I’ll do more videos of some of these other stories soon. Thanks!

lukemur13 says:

This is an excellent video thanks Loren. Really mind blowing to hear all
that. Thanks for sharing.

Loren Lockman says:

Thanks for your comment Port Mac. Debbie smoked crack two or three times in
high school, but had been severely constipated since she was a little girl,
roughly ten years earlier.

Loren Lockman says:

Cocaine definitely, and probably many other substances can be stored in the
colon. Thanks Nico!

Loren Lockman says:

Hi James, Because the body is designed to fast safely, we’re ready when
we’re willing. It helps to keep the diet as clean/simple as possible for at
least 2-3 weeks before fasting, but there’s nothing else one needs to do to
prepare. I’d encourage you to stick w/whole fruits rather than juicing them
as fruit juices are fragmented & have a much higher glycemic load. If you
want to max your health, you need to cleanse & heal completely & fasting is
the most effective & efficient way…

nico weinberger says:

Thank u my friend ,i’ve learned something new today …..cocaiine & drugs
store so long in the collum …

Loren Lockman says:

No AA…there’s no need for a “normal weight” person to gain weight before
a long fast as almost everyone has at least 6 weeks of reserves. Also, if
you added weight just before fasting, you would spend the first part of the
fast taking that weight off, but you would have a relatively small toxic
load in that newly-acquired fat. If someone really didn’t have the reserves
to go 6 weeks, they would be better served doing a shorter fast without
gaining weight first. Hope that helps!

Loren Lockman says:

Sure thing!

Loren Lockman says:

We’ve stayed in touch and she returned a couple of years later to fast
again. She had been having a tough time making optimal choices and had
regained much of the weight. But certainly, she was still far ahead of
where she had been with all those years of constipation…

Loren Lockman says:

Thanks lukemur13! I appreciate your comment, and am glad to share whatever
I can.

angryamerican says:

If you are normal weight should you gain a little weight before doing a 40
day fast?

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