Half Hour to Health- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Part 1)

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Half Hour to Health- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Part 1)

In this health talk you’ll learn about IBS, IBd and many other “diseases” related to IBS like Crohn’s disease.


One thing that you must know is that medicine is a terrible way to treat these diseases and you’ll see several studies that prove this.
Do you want to know the more effective and natural approach? Just watch and learn!

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John Micheals says:

good stuff

Molly Field says:

zzzznnnznzngggnnnzzz. it’s a lecture, not action. not bad, just not

jenn wyatt says:

I’ve been looking into Mycoplasma Brucella, since the govt sprayed it
inside school vents & in the skies through aerial spraying during the cold
war-even sold some to saddam & he sprayed the soldiers. Could Autoimmune
really be the result of Mycoplasma lab created stealth pathogens hiding in
the cells walls? And since the plasmas have no cell wall & steal the hosts,
maybe the body is attacking the plasma, & just appears to be attacking the
host since Mycoplasmas were created to be undetectable?

djmisplacedmarblesTV says:

I got these symptoms after an RTA, still not got diagnosis or proper
treatment wtf to do? Have studied nutrition etc and eat well, no additives
etc fresh food home made …. , many cramps, weight loss, pain all down
left side, neck to toe loss of feeling, on strong p/kllers, been told
several times that possibly bone manipulation could help?

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