How to Tea-Tox

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A nice, hot cup of tea isn’t just soothing; some varieties have health and diet benefits. See which brew might be right for you.

Step 1: Clear your colon
Clear your colon with roselle tea. When drunk in large amounts, it can function as a mild laxative.

Step 2: Calm your complexion with rose hip tea
Calm your complexion with tea made from rose hips; they’re a rich source of A and C vitamins, all of which help reduce skin inflammation.

For a caffeine-free alternative to rose hip tea, try rooibos tea, which is rich in the antioxidant quercetin, a natural anti-inflammatory.

Step 3: Slim down
Slim down with Puerh, oolong, or white tea. All three have shown promise: research shows that white tea extract may reduce the growth of fat cells; Chinese oolong boosts calorie burn by 3 to 4 percent for up to two hours after drinking; and drinking three cups of Puerh a day for 30 days can lower blood fats.

Step 4: De-bloat
Get rid of bloating with dandelion tea. A diuretic, it will help you shed water weight.

Step 5: Slow down aging
Take a shot at the fountain of youth with green tea, which is being studied

for its possible ability to slow skin aging. It’s loaded with antioxidants that may help eliminate the free radicals that cause skin damage.

University researchers discovered that drinking green tea with fresh lemon juice allows the body to retain more of the tea’s beneficial compounds.

Step 6: Stimulate your immune system
Boost your resistance to infections with white tea. One study indicated white tea extract fights the growth of bacteria that cause pneumonia and staph infections. Or brew yourself a cup of chamomile tea, which contains compounds that fight infection.

Did You Know?
Seven ounces of a 109-year-old Chinese tea fetched almost $21,000 at the 2009 International Tea Fair in Hong Kong.


Meow says:

Does anybody know what music is used in this video?

MapleSkittles says:

I wonder how that 109 year old tea tasted…

blodepker1 says:

Fuck Tea, Coffee is where it’s at. Although Green Tea is good as fuck.

SteveANTMlvr says:

@ilovedoggies9988 Free radicals are molecules in your body that can cause
cell damage, leading to cancer. Stress is not a free radical.

RandomTV5 says:

But I hate tea

Aziztarin says:


billeybop says:

@MapleSkittles Like a fine wine before its time! “mellow” and full bodied!
Hell I don’t know, just kidding or aka justin case, hehe

Mausewous says:

The way she pronounces ‘Rooibos’ haha

Василий Суровый says:

Hello! I’m Taylor.I did -10 lbs last one month.Visit

Patsy W says:

I think the Chamomile and Oolong tea are the best kinds. I like Green Tea
too but sometimes it can taste horribly bitter if you let it sit too long.

StarleePie47 says:

@Armstrong202 Well You could try. but it don’t think it would taste good.

Dar kalim says:

teavana needed plenty to choose from

HamsterClawz says:

i heart tea! XD

Bob Brown says:

Last comment

rorkimaru says:

Green tea and lemon reduces skin aging? Sold! I love the way the only one
that’s not realy a health thing is the one that sticks out to me…

Cocox2 says:

Instructions were not clear. Ended up tea-bagging the cup and now my balls
are on fire.

amistermac says:

is all of this information the same if u add sugar?

nickmich101 says:

@MapleSkittles probably like poo

HamsterClawz says:

@MapleSkittles tasted good…

Guru of Random says:

Step 1: combine every possible tea together and you have the ultimate
health drink.

DevilBehideYou says:

lol. hamsterclawz is my account. i cant log in there anymore, because
youtube being a dumbass.

fighterjoe22 says:

looks like I have to drink a lot of different types of teas.

peechyq says:

screw that…i’m just going to mix all the tea together, thus ensuring i
become super human.

iwanThou says:

Yeah, I drink green tea with lemon, sweetened with a spoon of honey! I hope
I will be young forever then…

CorvixEyes says:

It’s quite unfortunate that green tea tends to breaks me out. So much for

paul allen says:

turd !

poopdeloop11 says:

How to Poop-Tox

azizborashed says:


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