Green Apple Twizzlers Stuffed with Caramel Poop! – Food Feeder

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Halloween is still looming in the near future, and we here at Food Feeder are still weathering the special-edition candy storm for you, our viewers. Because we CARE ABOUT YOU GUYS. Today: Twizzlers. That are Caramel Apple flavored. Because Halloween. Subscribe:

Perhaps in an effort to gain an edge on Red Vines, the folks at Twizzlers have decided to employ that tried-and-true confectionery strategy of making absurd new flavors of their already-popular product to drive up sales. Good for them! We certainly fell for it! Now we are the proud owner of several pounds of Caramel Apple Twizzlers. #LuckyUs.

Noah’s friend Danny joins us once again to do an in-depth analysis of the subtle flavors of these sticky treats. We love Danny, and so should you. And then you should watch his show Marry Me, on NBC:

The Overlords of love feeding you guys what you love, and you love to watch us try foods for you, so that you don’t have to (or so you can decide whether to run out and get some). Thus, we bring you something “Unique” from Twizzlers: Caramel Apple Twizzlers! Just in time for Halloween! Because candy isn’t Halloween-y enough to begin with?!?

Have you picked a side in the ongoing Red Vine vs Twizzlers war? Do you think Caramel Apple would make Twizzlers better or worse?

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Tasted says:

Even more Halloween-flavored Halloween Candy!
Tweet: @TastedChannel

NJM Punk says:

Bring back Tad..This guy likes too much of the shitty candy and foods.

Robin RockinRed says:

+Tasted Y’all should make Noah eat this ->
I saw a commercial for this on the tv and thought it had Noah written all
over it. It’s Nacho cheese soft pretzel crust pizza. #hotcans 

Cj Young says:

LOL! Can we get straight married, hilarious. 

NewTTDusty says:

Redvines > Twizzlers

pimdog69 says:

How high do you think Noah’s friend gets before these videos?

kstaats13 says:

Danny needs to be a staple from now on. I love the way Noah & him play off
each other. Great job guys. 

Joanna Wiśniewska says:

This new guy’s annoying..he’s talking too much…trying too hard..

Erica Rodriguez says:

I just recently started watching these videos but I swear in every one Noah
is always negative…

Alan Shannon says:

A video where Noah actually smiles? +Tasted what is this sorcery?!

Chris Hanson says:

Wheres Chefy And The Food MashUps ?

Jawpz says:

You guys should make that Danny guy a permanent co-host to this show. He is
like the perfect balance to Noah’s negativity.

Nalisa Talks says:

Omg I just did a review on these on my channel. They were SOOO gross! I
threw them away man. 

Ry.the_Stunner says:

“Manicured toes”

So pedicured? :P

Alfredo Marquez says:

This episode sold me on Daniel. Man’s killing it. Still Chad because that
kind of facial hair is endangered.

I also second the motion that the long haired guy has never been funny or
insighful on the show, take it as you will, either he lies or is just
naturally uncharismatic, I want to give him the benefir of the doubt but I
can’t help but think he wants to look hip by not liking the products you
guys get.

Please bring back Bruce, Philliam, Kelsey, Georgia or a combination of them
(in a frankenstein way), or at least throw some vodka onto the candy and
pray to Samuel L. Jackson for ten seconds, I’ve heard that ritual summons
Ti from whenever she is.

Maria Corneil says:

Best threesome ever: Truly, Noah, and Danny.

Stephanie Homeier says:

like the red is a natural red? hmmm.

IamPoker says:

lol@the fat guys pretending they dont love it

Alejandro Valenzuela says:

NO NO NO. Green apple does not go with caramel, acid + sweet WTF!!!
Green apple with Tamarindo candy (spicy and acid) thats the way.
Red apple with caramel, thats other business. or like in México red apple
with caramelized sugar.

tagtani says:

“They came together” reference(I hope)! “YOU like fiction? I like fiction!”
hahahah X)

NorthwesternGirl94 says:

but no seriously, where is shirtless guy?

Carla Cole says:

I’m still ok with Danny

ateaparrot says:

This is not Danny Mcbride.. Who is this?? 

Vanessa Broderick says:

Bring back Philliam ASAP

MP MP says:

I want Noah’s twizzler….

strongstartownipan says:

Danny McBride? Like… the actor?

M. Johnson says:

Red Vines are like 3 times better than twizzlers

Soitsdonnie says:

hey,i work at a grocrey store and guess what we got? LIMEADE OREOS! hope to
see noah eats these soon. And i love you bruce

JC Not says:

Oh man. Angry reviewer Noah is gone; now we get fruity ass Noah. Noah, you

Dewmwah SOTB says:

The dude with with long hair don’t let him try anything else I don’t like
em “they get stuck in my tooth” ITS FREAKING CARAMEL AND A TWIZZLER 

Moonie Currey says:

What ever happened to ‘why would you eat that?’

TheJLJuke says:

I thought Danny McBride was the guy that played Kenny Powers, I’m fucking

SnoHoBeau says:

I like the new guy, way funnier then Noah

Sid Y says:

Noah Galutan is a fucking dick head 

ChippiAble says:

Daniel is a cool guy

Zr0MILKMAN says:


Leif Peterson says:

I don’t think I would mind those… if they didn’t have the filling.

Zachary Bourdages says:

I heard Noah is opening a restaurant! My hunch is that Danny is going to be
replacing him 

yuuki alexria says:

I want noah’s sassyness back!!

Sheldon Shahniani says:

I hate the fat guy!
Seriously dude seems so inauthentic!
Too over dramatic, over acting at its best!
Keep it up buddy

Geai Lee says:

You are a funny guy Noah, so is your friend.

Sherio88 says:

Loved them!!

Gail Lewis says:

Hi, Noah! Since you didn’t say, “Yea!” for Daniel I will. YEA, Daniel!
Thanks for coming. Kiwis are naturally that color, and Noah, there is hard
candy. I still want to eat real apple, caramel sauce and then have an
apple-tini. Fake apple is scary.

jockslap says:

I needed these laughs today, thanks a bunch guys. (also Noah your new video
comrade is hysterical, I feel as though I require more :P)

Lalalalollipopable says:

when truly was like “this is kinda good” the look of pure disgust on noah’s
face was priceless

TankMedia says:

You ate one fucking piece of candy. I think you’ll be okay you whiney
little shit.

sstoudm2 says:

Did you guys drink this on the same day you had all that other caramel
apple pumpkin spice candy corn kettle cookie crap??? Just noticing you guys
are wearing the same shirts in the last three Taste Test episodes. Diabetes
for sure. 

AprilSixth says:

Noah has “peek-a-boo” chest hair.

LeMeBucallion says:

How come all the comments are about Noa and the office. It’s like a reality
show. No one cares about the actual content of the show.
Just put a voting poll “who you want to leave or stay” every week and you
are there.

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