Juice and Smoothie for Constipation

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Hello I have recently been told by my Dr that my intestines are completely full of stool and I just started juicing and feel hungry all of the time I would appreciate any help you can offer both on hungry and to get intestines clear

Thanks so much for your question. So as always, I am a Ph.D. and not a medical doctor and so it is excellent that you are working with your medical doctor. It may also be helpful to work with a naturopathic doctor or chinese medicine doctor as well.

You can help to clear your intestines by making sure you get enough fiber, getting regular exercise and drinking half your bodyweight (in pounds) of water (in ounces) a day.

Today we will create a juice that is a natural laxative. Rhubarb stalks are a natural laxative. We will juice it will strawberries which are sweet and are high in fiber. Strawberries are used in cleansing juices and are a mild tonic for your liver.


Juice Recipe for Constipation:
2 stalks of rhubarb
1 cup of strawberries
1 cup of leafy greens

If you are hungry it may be more useful to create a smoothie for constipation because that will fill you up while at the same time help to clear out your intestines.

Smoothie for Constipation:
Liquid Base: Tea of Burdock Root, Chamomile and Lemon Balm
1 cup of strawberries
1 cup of leafy greens
1-2 tbsp of chia seeds (this will help fill you up and add fiber!)
1-3 tbsp of hemp seeds (this will add protein and fiber to fill you up!)
1 frozen banana

This smoothie is loaded with protein and fiber to help relieve constipation and keep you filled up longer. :)


LivingYourYogaTV says:

Today we will create a juice that is a natural laxative and a smoothie that
if you are hungry may be more useful to have than a juice.

Anita Goa says:

loved that! using tea as the base is a great idea and i agree on the sugar
content. a student of mine mentioned how her blood sugar levels came in as
really high and she said it must be because of all of the juices she drinks
with too much sweet apple etc in. very interesting. so tart is a good
thing, and a taste too. so right!!
you are looking so amazing. so radiant and your skin is glowing. i look
forward to seeing more juices/smoothies dear friend. xoxo

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