Boston Marathon Smoke Bomb Staged False Flag Attack Hoax. All Smoking Gun Evidence in One Vid.

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Did the Tsarnaev bros. hire crisis actors too? Docs, EMT’s and war veterans are getting some good laughs from this one.

Smoke and mirrors folks. Stop giving in to the fear tactics on TV. Stop buying into Muslim and “right wing” conspiracy theories. “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” – H.L. Mencken. If Muslims were out to get us we would’ve destroyed each other a long time ago.

Offensive war against all non Muslims is not in the Quran PERIOD. That’s like saying right wing bombers or Americans who shoot up and bomb other countries who didn’t do anything to us are Christians. THEY’RE NOT. I know it’s just funner to hate people of a different religion, but we can calm down and quit hyperventilating over the non-existent threat and get the Islamaphobia out of our systems and focus on the real threat to liberty – governments and NGO’s that stage attacks to shred the Constitution, start wars for profits and form a one world government. FBI and CIA recruit patsies and idiots to give the war on terror an excuse to exist. Can we admit our country is run by Marxist money grubbing decepticons and focus on the alphabet soup of real threats please: FBI CIA DHS TSA MSNBC CNN CBS GMO?

Solution to denominationalism:

The truth about water baptism:

How I destroyed back pain, neck pain, joint pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, carpel tunnel syndrome, headaches, migraines, sinus pressure, indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers, sciatica, hip pain, ankle pain, dry eye, hair loss, irritable bowel syndrome, sciatica, restless leg syndrome, constipation, enlarged prostate, poor libido, receding hairline, thinni

ng hair, acne, and control weight gain:

***I do not own the parts that comprise this video. Credit to:

And Kevin MacLeod for providing the supreme soundtrack:
Ibn Al-Noor

The truth about Boston Marathon bombing smoke bomb drills staged Illuminati false flag attack hoax 100% proof crisis actors inside job conspiracy alex jones Tamerlan Dzhokar Tsarnaev sandy hook sandy hoax saudi suspect Boston Marathon bombing Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi glenn beck alex jones Tamerlan Tsarnaev rush limbaugh benghazi Barack obama inside job bill cooper alien agenda demons angels NWO Boston Marathon bombing new world order cnn piers morgan msnbc abc Tamerlan Tsarnaev fox news michael moore nbc msnbc cbs Dzhokar Tsarnaev ron paul libertarian rand paul president 2016 alex jones George Washington illuminati Tamerlan Tsarnaev John Adams Boston Marathon bombing Thomas Jefferson Dzhokar Tsarnaev James Buchanan James Madison Tamerlan Tsarnaev Abraham Lincoln James Monroe Andrew Johnson John Quincy Adams illuminati Ulysses S. Grant Dzhokar Tsarnaev Andrew Jackson Boston Marathon bombing Rutherford B. Tamerlan Tsarnaev Hayes Martin Van Buren James Garfield William Henry Harrison Dzhokar Tsarnaev Chester A. Arthur Boston Marathon bombing John Tyler James K. Polk illuminati Tamerlan Tsarnaev Benjamin Harrison Zachary Taylor Grover Cleveland Millard Fillmore Dzhokar Tsarnaev William McKinley Franklin Pierce Theodore Roosevelt John F. Kennedy Tamerlan Tsarnaev Boston Marathon bombing William Howard Taft illuminati Lyndon B. Johnson Dzhokar Tsarnaev Woodrow Wilson Richard M. Nixon Warren G. Harding Gerald R. Ford Calvin Coolidge James Carter Tamerlan Tsarnaev Herbert illuminati Hoover Ronald Reagan Boston Marathon bombing Franklin D. Roosevelt Dzhokar Tsarnaev George H. W. Bush Harry S. Truman William J. Clinton Dwight D. Eisenhower George W. Bush Barack Obama Tamerlan Tsarnaev illuminati Boston Marathon bombing Dzhokar Tsarnaev The truth about Boston Marathon bombing smoke bomb drills staged Illuminati false flag attack hoax 100% proof crisis actors inside job conspiracy alex jones Tamerlan Dzhokar Tsarnaev sandy hook sandy hoax saudi suspect Boston Marathon bombing Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi glenn beck alex jones Tamerlan Tsarnaev rush limbaugh benghazi Barack obama inside job bill cooper alien agenda demons angels NWO Boston Marathon bombing new world order cnn piers morgan msnbc abc Tamerlan Tsarnaev fox news michael moore nbc msnbc cbs Dzhokar Tsarnaev ron paul libertarian rand paul president 2016 alex jones George Washington illuminati Tamerlan Tsarnaev John Adams Boston Marathon bombing Thomas Jefferson Dzhokar Tsarnaev James Buchanan James Madison Tamerlan Tsarnaev Abraham Lincoln James Monroe Andrew Johnson John Quincy Adams illuminati Ulysses S. Grant Dzhokar Tsarnaev Andrew Jackson


bill smith says:

Nope,no evidence at all.just another garbage video by some conspiracy
theory enthusiast looser.other brothers is going to die.thats real,and that
will actually be able to be measured and documented in real life soon.but
this video,nah,just another dose of you tube bullshit and garbage.

Jack O says:

My buddy just noticed that at 7:40 there is a sign that says ISIS GO HOME
with ISIS spelled backwards.

BrokenGames|Road To 200! says:

Another retarded video by another retarded person. 

jehuty2seven says:

Its obvious that it was fake. Never believe the Media! Even the paris
shooting video was staged. To all of you Mediaslaves who believe this, you
should try to increase your I.Q. a bit. if its still possible.

R C Bennett says:

It does appear that the people in the yellow jackets working at the event
are the closest to the explosion but none of them are injured and casually
walk away from the scene with no sense of urgency or panic. The flags above
them also appear completely unaffected from the explosion directly behind

Roger Bachman says:

What about Jane Richard? She was an Irish dancer, I know this because so
is my daughter, and I have seen her at competitions. This girl had two
legs before the explosion. Can you please explain that one to me? 

Fra Gad says:

conspiracist are really retarded people, 5 year olds are smarter than
conspiracy theorists. what a bunch of fuckin idiots

Pheobe Harris says:

Some of you haven’t yet worked out which sector is behind this, and why?
Which sector wants to disarm and make billions of dollars out of us? Which
sector controls all political, media industries and calls us the “enemy”
for being bigoted, depriving them of rights? Which sector/occult is
discredited by the bible and is behind “satanic” organizations like
Illuminate? What is Barry Soetoro and his husband, Michael the head of
(apart from the USA)? I’ll give you a clue. Its starts with “Gay”, and
finishes with “Agenda”. This is the biggest and the most powerful
organization on earth. It is the one and only organization, to even have a
hope of pulling off something like this. No? look at the posts here, and
see how many gays you can pick out, playing stupid, trying to dissuade us.
Homophobic, right?

Kate Kane says:

“Hey we want to fake a horrible disaster.”
“Great idea!”
“But let´s make it really,really bad so every lunatic with internet access
is able to expose the truth!”

You sir are just a fucked up person.
You have no idea how bombs work and what a shock does to people and the
worst: You have no respect.

ung427 says:

I think the people who have seen real injuries and real explosions know the
truth about the Boston Bombing. We are just quiet and wondering what the
heck will come next. What I don’t know is, were the brothers set up, and
made to believe that they actually did it? Were they part of the plot in
that they knew it was fake the whole time? Or somewhere in between?

Darrell Abbott says:

Lol. US ppl are getting even more retarded by the day, i swear…
R.i.p to the victims.

Stu3100 says:

Here’s hoping the hero of all you truther lot fry’s;

Adam the awesome person says:

boston bombings a hoax? check it out

SheepleAlert says:

Great information! Thank you! The evidence is all there. It amazes me how
people can think that 90% of the happenings out there are not staged.
Things ARE faked: Boston, Sandy Hoax, Gabby Giffords “shooting,” 9-11, the
moon landings…pretty much everything. I feel sorry for the pathetic
Mega-Consumers of media, products and anything cool. The truth is exposed
when someone like you with a spine let’s us SEE the truth. Thank you.

Roachcannon says:

3:19 the woman on the stretcher, you can easily see she has fake plastic
skinny legs and the funniest thing is her left foot is completely turned
around 180 degrees and she’s all calm and relaxed, get freaking serious,
you would be screaming in such agony. Ahh man this whole things is one big

charles nokes says:

If you’re standing in a thick crowd of people and an explosion goes off I
could see someone’s clothes being shredded but not them…most of the
shrapnel could hit people around you and just barely nick your clothes and
that would do it…I enough air could do that to your clothes so
yea…you could def. get a few people who weren’t harmed but def looked
like they should be

weather01089 says:

Heres the deal theoristites…. Massachusetts is a small state. Its not
very hard to find someone especially in Eastern MA that knows someone that
got hurt, maimed, or killed at that marathon. The local national guard,
EMT’s from the local ambulances, the ARES ham radio operators, they ALL SAW
what went down there. If you all wish to continue to claim its a
conspiracy, feel free, its your life. If you wish to live in a life of
illusion, go for it. But realize, sometimes you need to get back to real
life. Call us shills, call us plants, implants, we do not care. But we lost
lives and people got hurt here. That is FACT. Like it or not.

PvtGermanWagz says:

Boston Bombing deniers have to be some of the most insane delusional human
beings on the planet. I’m a Mass native and I have 8 friends by the finish
line. A bomb most certainly went off and people were killed. Have some

Mutta MeatBall says:

I’m from Boston and I KNOW this was a false flag attack. Wake up SHEEPLE.
No one was hurt or killed. ( lone gunmans ) were to blame.. The government
has been doing this for yearrrs. KNOW YOUR HISTORY. They do so to bestow
fear/ encourage war and to pass laws while we “Americans” willingly give up
our rights. You really think the average person or anyone in that matter
has access to bombs?? Come on now. Be serious. I could have 100 grand cash
on me and there’s nooo way I would come close to finding/purchasing or
making any type of bomb. Only the government has access to that stuff. It
simply comes down to this during times of false flag attacks.. SCEINCE and
COMMON SENSE. Great video btw. 

Sawsers says:

this conspiracy theory is fuckin stupid. “the government went out of their
way to plan something extremely poorly and to hire the worst possible
actors” tell me how that makes sense

if something were to be orchestrated by the government to make you think
it’s real, don’t you think they’d do a flawless job at it?

Wagner Paiva - Born again in Jesus says:

What happened to the once glorious America? How did the mighty eagle become
a stupid idiotic Oprah watching, Hoax believing, Obama voting nation?

This is such a obvious farse, makes me sick.

Jörg Weisbrod says:
melora72 . says:

Now that more evidence has been made public, do you still feel as strongly
that it was a hoax. To me the way he acted after the bomb near him
exploded said a lot. He was walking away, casual and relaxed, because he
had no fear that other bombs might go off. 

Nolan Mauro says:

0why do you have to be mean what is your deal what did i do wrong mijupac

tacticaltopractical says:

This video makes me sick. I responded mutual aid to the bombing and saw it
first hand. Lets see looking for footprints in poor quality photos right
after an explosion. People go into shock and dont always feel pain right
away. The ripped clothes? EMS cuts clothes off to expose any injurys.

Jack Black says:

You fucktards are only trying to deflect. We know what you and your
murderous friends did. Trying to blame it on the boogeyman only angers and
strengthens our resolve to exterminate every last one of you.

theheebs100 says:

just one look at that ‘blood’ and you can tell that it’s of a more viscous
composition than real blood. Next time you cut yourself, or hell, next
time you thaw out a steak, take a look at the blood and ask yourself if it
looks like the BS you see here.

John Cavazos says:

Chris Klein ur stupid dude of course it was real just stfu

InsaneToothFairy says:

Unbelievable … Just please go fuck ur self whoever thinks this was a hoax


the USA is hollywood itself…fake from it’s inception. we are still a
colony of Britiain for shit sake…

lina Nicolia says:

Nothing fake about that scene. Send the guy that has the audacity to
explain the carnage with stupid comments the triage at the hospital where
he can see the actual injuries. Unbelievable nerve. That damn music is also

Kory Lian says:

So you’re saying they set up a fake bomb…..just so everyone can smear
blood all over the ground……and lay down playing as actors? Mmmm yup
seems pretty legit too me

Bravo Charlie says:

I have worked in EMS and I have served in the Infantry and I still believe
that some bad crisis arctors are involved. So don’t be ugly to people who
question this one.

john tomco says:

i dont know, I just dont know. now a days you just cant trust anything or

Love and Be Wise says:

Your video is not convincing. Your titles are too large, people can’t see
the images you’re using as proof, and you take too much for granted.

Nora Marks says:

Go to hell 3 innocent people lost their UNREPLACABLE lives, how dare you
say “fake ” about a crisis those people were in shock, leave them alone 

DeFrostkill says:

Nice tags there… also, you left something out, what is the reason for
this if it was fake?

Nolan Mauro says:

you are a jerk what did i do wrong mijupac

ju sung says:

It is really sick, that you people think this was a staged act. You are all
fools. None of you were ever there to see this happen. It was real it
happened get over it.

weather01089 says:

While you are at it with your silly theories, have some respect for this
family, who MANY in our state know. They lost their 8 year old. Fakes?

erol ozturk says:

Fucking stupid idiots, he’s probably gone cause he has no legs and was
getting carried away to be rushed to the ambulance in the back of a cop

nvader88 says:

How do they keep so many people quiet?

Tanya Painter says:


weather01089 says:

You people are nutcases. Maybe you should talk to someone that was really
there and not believe all this crap. Yes, we know REAL PEOPLE that lost
kids, limbs, and spent months in the hospital that day. And yes, we know
REAL EMT’s had to deal with all this. Its tasteless and totally ridiculous
for you all to keep posting this made up crap. Sorry, we saw the “proof”
live and in living color. You all sit in your living rooms and make up this
stuff. The truth is winning, in court in Boston. But doesn’t help the
parents that lost their 8 year old kid. Or the people that now have
artificial limbs.


Then where’s the blood coming from?

Matthew Royan says:

Look up. Man slashes tyre – instant Karma – 

Jack Black says:

What an idiot.

Daniel Lemajeur Sr. says:

Hey dumbass you can’t make a video telling us to LOOK at no blood on that
guy, and nothing wrong with this one and this girl has nothing wrong!! But
then you put GIANT FUCKING COMMENTS all over the screen telling us to look
at it when you can’t see it through your GIANT FUCKING COMMENTS!!!!

Nolan Mauro says:

this is garbage they were in shock all of it is real

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