Instant Anxiety Relief for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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Close Relieve IBS anxiety quickly with this simple technique, demonstrated by Kathy Raymond of The No IBS Program. Use this technique for anxiety and stress associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, social anxiety, fear of public speaking, and any other sources of anxiety. For more information about relieving IBS with natural techniques, visit our website.


Victoria Cruz says:


NoIBSvideos says:

@olfan92 This is actually about dealing with anxiety. Try it twice a day
for at least a week and then see how you feel.

NoIBSvideos says:

@insidexistance If your liver was destroyed, you’d be dead now. You’d be
surprised how much your body can heal given the right circumstances. The
aspirin overdose sounds like a traumatic experience which is one of the
major triggers of IBS symptoms. Your brain holds onto trauma and makes your
body respond with symptoms like IBS but you can stop it – that’s why we
developed the No IBS Program (see Sounds like you are also
stressed out so tap on those fears and worries to feel better.

NoIBSvideos says:

@olfan92 I hear you. Couple of thoughts. I’m assuming you’ve done the diet
stuff – soluble fiber, avoiding dairy and fats, etc. Have you seen FODMAP
diet from Australia? Some get relief with it. Also, IBS can be linked to
trauma, like car accident or childhood experiences, so you can use tapping
for different aspects of that. Subconscious memories of trauma (even from
years ago) can trigger diarrhea & other symptoms. Article about trauma on
no-ibs website has more info.

Hrh Etoryah says:


Raul Flores says:

I think my liver, or stomach is destroyed, causing IBS–induced by an
overdose of aspirin 5 years ago. IDK if this can heal physically and now
i’m scared.

NoIBSvideos says:

Ah, Francesca, if only it were that simple for everyone with IBS. Before
you decide that dealing with anxiety and trauma is nonsense, perhaps you
would like to read some of the medical research about IBS and trauma,
available on EFT tapping is one of the techniques that helps to
reduce anxiety when used consistently. There are other methods and we urge
everyone to find the one that works best for them. If EFT is not for you,
so be it.

olfan92 says:

@NoIBSvideos lost about 50kg and i feel really good now but what works best
for me is Bacon to be honest but i dont wanna eat bacon every day…my
bowel works the best whenever i have eaten bacon for some reason,im feeling
fine overall but with ibs you cant stop it, if it comes it comes, i have
heard about spring water curing ibs but i dont know,atleast im better than
what i used to be.

FallsToHard says:


Dragan Ranisavljevic says:

hey hey! Have you tried – Supreme Panic Magic (Sure I saw it on Google)?
Ive heard some incredible things about it and my sister after many years
kissed good bye the anxiety problem with it.

DecisionHelp says:

For help with tough decisions try “The Pocket Oracle”

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