Class 5 Video Colon Health

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Vaughn Lawrence, Naturopath, discusses colon health. For more educational health information visit us at To see additional videos, get educational health information, and buy the best health supplements, please visit us at


Arlene Gray says:

Thank you so much for sharing this information. So happy I found your

Joanna W says:

Hello Vaughn. How often would you recommend to do enemas? 

Arthur Debellotte says:

A great way to clean your colon is drinking Aloe Vera Gel I use it to
manage my weight For anyone who is interested this is the link.

BethanyGarbo says:

These are great, love your classes. Aloha from Maui.

zoemei says:

Great information.. I have subscribed to your channel.

Robert Krause says:

raw-vegan diet and coffee enemas with Pancreatine (pancreatic enzyme),
green Stevia leaf (one of the highest sources of chromium) Sun-chokes and
Yacon leaves (inulin, makes your pancreas work harder) Collard greens (high
in bio-available calcium) plants provide the right percentages of hundreds
of minerals and nutrients for the body…and nature provides exactly what
we need… :)

addvoc8 says:

Great videos! DIET 1ST! Coffee enemas ARE great, BUT, I did run into a very
solvable problem w/ 2 per day. Yes, that much WILL reduce your
electrolytes, esp potassium. You can supplement that back though. I made
hypokalemia symptoms vanish in 2 days even w/continued coffee enemas. Refer
only & FULLY to Gerson Therapy protocol for solving this. Many potassium
supplements WILL give you the opposite toxic problem, but Gerson Triple
Potassium Compound & NO SALT + FRESH JUICES can balance it.

Edgar J. Nazario says:

Im officially a fan of your lectures, do you have a website?

Robert Krause says:

i was 13 months old when my mom found me in a diabetic comma…my mom drank
a lot of so called “health” milk while pregnant and nursing… at 6 months
old i was put on a cows milk substitute..when i started eating from the
table at a year it was too much for me because my islet/beta cells had been
destroyed… 47 years later, i am now reversing a life of disease thru a

Robert Krause says:

infant diabetes is caused by dairy… the babies digestive system cannot
filter out the bovine protein… when it enters the babies blood stream,
the body sees it as foreign & the immune system attacks it… islet/beta
cells are confused for bovine in the babies (& i think any child) & because
the immune system is in attack mode it ends up turning on insulin producing
cells… now we have another diabetic because as a auto-immune response..
this was recently lab proven… say no to dairy..!

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