Magnesium: A Natural Way To Treat Constipation, Insomnia and Muscle Tension

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Close – In this video Dr. Angela Agrios, ND (A California Licensed Naturopathic Doctor) discusses the benefits of taking a magnesium supplement. She explains that Magnesium:

• Is essential to life
• One of the most prevalent minerals in the body
• Part of over 300 metabolic pathways in the body
• A multivitamin won’t have enough of it
• Found in dark leafy greens
• Good for muscle tension, insomnia, migraines, constipation
• Natural Calm Magnesium is recommended (
• Magnesium Citrate is the ingredient in Natural Calm
• Powder is easier to take than a tablet
• 600 mg is a good amount to take
• Can drop blood pressure
• Should not be used if there is kidney damage

Dr. Angela Agrios, ND
Palisades Natural Medicine
984 Monument Street, #201
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

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Video Producer:
Larry Cook

Videotaped at:
Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy
15150 Sunset Blvd
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

magnesium supplement
natural calm
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Doctor
Holistic Doctor
Angela Agrios


Bill Otinger says:

They been Removing Magnesium from our FERTILIZER for over 80 years in
America the average Person only has about 15 to 20% of the Mag they need to
stay Healthy

uncle louie says:

Ummm, Ummm, Ummm, Ummm, Ummm – Ummmm, Ummmm, Ummmm … and Ummm.

Bill Otinger says:

Magnesium also helps Depression

Ch V says:

I suffer from chronic constipation I’ve tried boosting my Fiber intake but
no luck until I started to supplement with Magnesium.Magnesium is amazing I
love it. 

BL Blps says:

Please, is it good to take daily two tilmes a day,,,,,,

Ricky Ortiz says:

Nature Made Magnesium is good as well.

Justine A says:

Love this product, I suffered for years with constipation, I feel so much
better I have bm on the regular, my stomach feels flatter but this
neutralize my stomach acid so my body couldn’t digest my medication. It
expelled as a whole pill. But I will not give up my calm lol

Amanda Culley says:

hi i want to take magnessium im on nethatrexate is it safe to supplement
with magnesium

Sheri Brooks says:

Very informative – my chiropractor suggested I use this and it helps with
my chronic constipation as a bonus

LarryCook333 says:

@Ezzilevy I’m the video producer. You can contact Dr. Agrios directly by
going to her website (listed in the description). Medical questions like
this one require a consultation, and she does do phone consultations.

CrystalVlog says:

Just started this and already feeling SO much better with some issues that
I have had. Thank you so much for the video

liquidblue says:

Hello , my husband bought the magnesium citrate pills . Do you think this
is just as fine ?

MrGimpyLoser says:

I love magnesium I take Natural Calm the powered drink form I can sleep
better and my stomach is flatter.

mashtee2003 says:

Thanks for mentioning it lowers blood pressure and to take sea salt with
it… I see so many videos where they only tell you about the benefits
without educating about possible side effects… I am still gonna try the
product, but I make sure to take it at night and with sea salt to help
increase my blood pressure.

Yvonne S says:

Is it Magnesium Oxide or another kind? Im in Europe and do not find your

SleeplessinOC says:

How much magnesium and vitamin d3 is a good ratio?

LarryCook333 says:

Yes, that helps, though, it is less magnesium overall.

Ezzilevy says:

Dr. I would like to know if you could give me some orientation on how to
treat alopecia areata. I have it on my face and in my legs. I would greatly
appreciate any help you could provide.

PitambarTheRedBull says:


medini2 says:

calms! i love the “natural” flavor of this product. But, Calms is off the
charts acidic and it is bec of the citric acid. Citric acid is in so many
products! All wheat products for instance bec citric acid is used in
pesticide on the wheat, so buy organic. In Sept 09 i started itching and
was given the diagnosis of eczema. After a year of itching i took a half
tsp of baking soda in a glass of water and got INSTANT relief. Citric acid
is the root of the problem as we get it in everything!!

TheDenisedrake says:

I eat a lot of dark leafy greens (chard and spinach) was well as some raw
almonds each week. Would I need to take a magnesium supplement? Would a
blood test show magnesium levels?

brantgrimes1 says:

thank you Larry you are saving your America brothers and sisters. Bless you

halopolice says:

@yvonnecad You can do a google search for Magnesium Supreme. That is the
name of the product in the UK.

LarryCook333 says:

@CrystalVlog You’re welcome!

Doubledig says:

What about using epsom salts baths for transdermal absorption, which then
avoids diarrhoea problems?

Bercola1 says:

I know this video is kind of old but Im going to ask anyway I just recieved
mines in the mail and I got the natural calm sport for my son now as far as
for myself how many times a day would you say to take this because if it
works for insomnia I cant drive so what do you suggest

Shelly Block says:

love these short to the point vidoes and easy to understand explanation–
i post your videos on my facebook to get the word on your these bits of
information!! even it makes people think- hum i have a body maybe i should
learn more about it!! x shelly

LarryCook333 says:

@magicadespell56 Hey, thank you Shelly! Feel free to friend me on facebook.
Larry Cook

Jacob Licano says:

I love magnesium. i would say I get plenty of magnesium as I eat a lot of
raw nuts, seeds, and spinach. I also eat aloe vera. I have about 4 bowel
movements a day everyday

Teya b. says:

I tried magnesium citrate for constipation and ironically I slept like a
baby that day.

LifeLifter1 says:

its not actually what you would call diarrhoea, you go to the toilet more
for about 3 days just while your body becomes accustom to the extra
magnesium, but its not really uncomfortable and certainly not diarrhoea.
its welllll worth it.

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