Magnesium is Fabulous for headaches, weight loss and constipation

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Dr. Tammy discusses magnesium benefits for migraines, weight loss and constipation issues.


Gabriel Cuello says:

Impressive video. I was wondering if I may ask you a question: I am a
natural bodybuilder and consume 55+% of daily calories from carbs (honestly
not the best kinds either) I consume 35-45g fiber daily but recently
noticed slower bowels. I use this app called “My fitness pal” and realized
that my calcium is way up there (200-275% DV) I did a light research on
calcium and noticed that it can cause constipation. I then found out about
magnesium. I searched through my food and supplements and realized I barely
get any magnesium per day. I bought some magnesium in supplement tablet
form (Citrate/Aspartate) to balance my calcium intake and was wondering how
much too take and when to take it? with or with out food? I weigh 175lbs,
male and under 30yo..

Ken Bell says:

What do you take for gas doc.?

Basil Croeser says:

I’m a fit healthy 75 year old with hypertension and raised cholesterol.
Would taking Magnesium Citrate allow me to dump the medication? 

Regina Polo says:

Magnesium changed my live, it eradicated my apathy and depression!. I’m
curious, how does B6 enhances Magnesium?

lapacker says:

I stopped getting migraines when I stopped eating msg and gluten.

Eva Brook says:

Considering this video is about minerals and supplements, I hope those
shiny whites were done naturally 😛 Thanks for the video

BeautyHaircareNMore says:

Where can we purchase a bottle of the Magnesuim and B6?

Blake Purcell says:

Nice teeth T :-) very helpful information on magnesium! Good stuff.

Lori Ward says:

I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome I’m curious if this might help with the pain
that comes with that. I’m going to give it a try! Thank you!

eastbaysf says:

Also the bottled water we drink is empty of minerals and stuff we need.

Candice Finley says:
Catherine Martin says:

Great info but pitty the sound is poor (echo) !! 

Anthony Damiani says:

You are such a beautiful woman.

DrTomato42009 says:

Hey thank you SO much Tammy for that inspiring message. Always am glad
to hear people speaking some truth about our nutrient deficiencies!!
Speaking of fabulous, I’m SURE you are too!!! Best wishes!!!!!!

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