Your Houston Chiropractic Dr Gregory Johnson Treats Chronic Pain Patient With Constipation

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Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson treats a patient with chronic pain and dysfunction including constipation. Many patients who have chronic pain take narcotic medication which may cause the patient to experience constipation and Chiropractic Care and Soft tissue work allows the body to function at a higher level of function and things such as constipation, Hiatal Hernia, muscle spasm or other physiological issues to function at a higher level of function from the nervous system following a Chiropractic Adjustment and Therapeutic Activities. Call (281) 405-2611 or visit for an appointment, We look forward to seeing your BACK!


Gregory Johnson says:

#ChronicPain is pain that is over 3 months in duration. This particular
patient also has #LymesDisease which make matters worse. If you are
suffering from #Chronicpain and want relief +Advanced Chiropractic Relief
Please call (281) 405-2611 or visit us online at for an appointment today. Find out for
yourself why we’re called +Advanced Chiropractic Relief 

Gregory Johnson says:

We have a patient with Lyme’s Disease at +Advanced Chiropractic Relief and
she has ongoing severe pain and lethargic all the time. I was wondering if
any of you have treated Lyme’s diseased patients and what you have found to
work the best. They come from ticks. I look forward to hearing your
opinions and experience on this issue.

Donald Tronald says:

Whew-ee he likes the biggins

Rrarr Raar says:

Greetings from the netherlands doc!

Gregory Johnson says:

Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson treats a patient with severe
chronic pain and has seen 25 other doctors for her condition. She has
severe bouts of constipation due to all the pain meds she is on and has
continued pain and dysfunction as a result of her spinal subluxations.
Patients respond very good to Chiropractic Care when a lot of other types
of care have failed. Please call (281)405-2611 or visit us at for an appointment. Don’t suffer
needlessly when help is only a phone call or click away. We look forward to
seeing your BACK!!!

Scott Simpson says:

I like the way her tummy jiggles when she gets adjusted.

Gregory Johnson says:

Your Houston Chiropractor Treats a patient who is suffering from chronic
pain, Lymes disease and has taken a lot of medication for these problems
which has caused constipation. If you suffer from Chronic pain, Acute pain,
or any other type of pain and dysfunction Dr. Johnson Your Houston
Chiropractor may be able to help you. Don’t suffer needlessly when help is
only a phone call or click away. Call (281) 405-2611 or visit us at for an appointment. We look forward to
seeing your BACK!!!

toshina141082 says:

What shoes is she wearing, are they sketchers?

Allen Conrad says:

+Advanced Chiropractic Relief
Dr. +Gregory Johnson

Gregory Johnson says:

Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson treats patients with severe
chronic pain and all the other issues that go along with being a chronic
pain patient. Peoples live are very special to me and my wife Renae who is
my partner in life and Office Manager. Please call (281) 405-2611 or visit
us at for an appointment today.
Advanced Chiropractic Relief is located at 363 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Suite
1100 Houston, Texas 77060. Don’t suffer needlessly when help is only a
phone call or click away. Chiropractic is for LIFE!!!

Doorstop1227 says:

Wish I could visit a doctor like you. I’ve seen dozens, and no one has been
able to fix me. -_- The world needs more people like you.

orangeprimer1 says:

Hey Doc I love your videos and was just wondering what kind of schooling
you’ve been through. You definitely seem very knowledgeable about human
anatomy and physiology!

bgfilo says:

Great adjustment as usual, cute patient

vgasocal says:

she needs to lose weight. All that extra weight she carried put a toll on
her posture and spine.

Renae Johnson says:
Renae Johnson says:

+Advanced Chiropractic Relief
Dr. +Gregory Johnson

Gregory Johnson says:

Your Houston Chiropractor Dr Gregory Johnson is back producing the videos
you want to see. We look forward to seeing your BACK!!!

Gregory Johnson says:

getpublic, It is possible to correct certain kinds of Scoliosis. More
specifically we can correct a functional scoliosis, but chances are slim of
correcting a pathological scoliosis. A functional scoliosis is one that
develops from an individual having compensatory spinal biomechanics from a
elevated Ilium/pelvic bone or forward head posture or due to sleeping wrong
etc. A pathological scoliosis is one where there is a birth defect such as
a hemivertebra or some other type of birth defect.

Gregory Johnson says:

Leetkingdavid, I actually do a lot more than what is shown in the videos. I
spend between 30-45 minutes with a patient each visit because I do
Therapeutic Exercises with them, Therapeutic Activities, Training in
Activities of Daily Living and personal counseling as well. What you see in
these videos is a small portion of the entire treatment. I believe you must
spend the appropriate amount of time with them. Treat people like you would
want to be treated.and you can’t go wrong. The Golden Rule!

Daniel Ord says:

Great vid! If I had one complaint it would be that the volume has been
quite low on your last few videos and I’ve had to turn the volume up quite
a bit to hear those all important cracks!

SkinnyCow says:

It should be said that many of these knee, back etc problems would be made
much better if many of these overweight patients lost 30 or 40 pounds.

Gregory Johnson says:

Thank you for Subscribing, watching and sharing our videos. We want to
spread the good news about Chiropractic Care and we want to thank you and
all of our Subscribers and YouTubers very much. We’ve got a lot more videos
coming so please keep watching. Thanks again!!! You Houston Chiropractor,
Dr. Gregory Johnson

hammajag24 says:

coyne1983, it’s not rocket science. Eat a healthy diet and try not to
become obese.

steve matylewicz says:

2:09 2:39 13:34 14:01

SkinnyCow says:

I believe Doc Johnson was replying to my comment which was about overweight
patients in general and how they can be helped. I dont see we spoke about
any specific patient, just patients in general who could use coaching and
encouragement in understanding better eating.

zebnat says:

very nice as always gregory

SkinnyCow says:

Yes I watch every upload, pity I cant come to your practice as I’m in
Australia! If you are looking for new videos to do, as one viewer I’d like
to see some more followup of injured and disabled patients to see how much
you have helped them improve. You had Johnny on a few weeks ago (had a
black shirt on), brings happiness to see you improve the lives of the most
injured people. Go Texans!

TheJCP1990 says:

Dr. Johnson = certified badass. Man can fix anybody

Gregory Johnson says:

I always do whatever is necessary on each and every patient who comes in to
see me. I can’t really say that you should find another Chiropractor or
not, but remember the Chiropractor is supposed to be working for you the
patient! I feel very strongly that each patient deserves my 100% effort and
attention no matter what their problems are. The normal treatment that each
patient receives in my office is totally dependant on what they need.
Sometimes that’s 45 minutes and sometimes it’s 30minutes.

Ifeanyi Ogidi says:

big boned

bgfilo says:

dang nice butt

Gregory Johnson says:

Thank You for Subscribing, watching and sharing our YouTube videos!!! We
want to spread the good new about Chiropractic Care to the world and you
are helping us do that. Keep watching we have many more videos to come!!!
Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson

Gregory Johnson says:

Welcome, lestamoscow!!! We are happy you are watching our videos and we
appreciate your comments. Do you have any Chiropractors in Russia? Thanks
for Subscribing, watching and sharing our videos. Have a Great weekend!!!
Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson

JustTheJoeShow says:

i do believe having all your joints mobile and healthy is important but can
it cause or cure all that stuff you claim i’m not a believer in that , i
know my back has places that have been locked tight for years and are not
mobile and i stretch and know ways of cracking my back to fix pain but
those locked points i cant do and this is where its important to see a guy
like this if you can , i have no money and totally broke so this is out for
me , but people don’t trash the doctor

Zak Rafik says:

Hi Doc,I’m from Singapore and I bring my wife to the chiropractor. I
noticed you said your treatment is 30mins long. For my wife the adjustment
takes only 5 minutes long and she has to attend 3 sessions per week. I have
seen improvement in her posture. Is a 5 minutes adjustment the norm/average
time taken by chiropractors. Thanks. BTW found your videos informative.

lestatmoscow says:

Awesome! Greetings from Moscow, Russia.

tyronebiggums3 says:

Absolutely. I think you would find that her diet needs improvement, and she
may be having a reaction to wheat and/or dairy. At some point in one’s
life, a health decision needs to be made to eliminate most processed foods,
wheat, milk, soda, sugary snacks, etc, focusing instead on fresh
vegetables, good proteins, and good fats (olive, avocado, coconut,
clarified butter).

Dortiz116 says:

Search for ChiropracticeExcellence on the internet. Dr. Ian is a
chiropractor in Australia that tons of people recommend. Since you can’t
get to Dr. Johnson I would give Dr. Ian a call or send him an email!

freshwhite335 says:

Wish I could find a chiro this detailed in my home town

RSF says:

very good doctor is possible to correct scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis
with chiropractic? after correction the column she always remain erect?

Gregory Johnson says:

I agree with you metals0999, we always advise our patients to eat better,
stay away from certain foods and lose weight. Many Chronic pain patients
are overweight because they eat for comfort. I know that’s not an excuse,
but it is common. It’s good to hear from you, you were one of our first
subscribers and we appreciate you hanging in there with us all this
time.Thank you for your support and continuing to watch us on YouTube.Have
a great weekend!!! Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson

Gregory Johnson says:

Thank you Rob!!! I appreciate you saying this about the patients allowing
us to video their treatment. This is a very private moment for these
patients and it really makes me feel good to have someone like you talking
positively rather than some of the comments we get regarding patients looks
or nasty comments regarding a patient.Thank again for watching,commenting
and sharing our videos with others. It’s people like you who are special to
us. Your Houston Chiropractor, Dr. Gregory Johnson

nelson21570 says:

What I like about this Chiropractor is that he explains everything in
detail.He brings a science and a logic to his field.

Gregory Johnson says:

I appreciate your comments and we also appreciate our patients letting us
shoot videos on them. We always get the patients we put on YouTube to sign
release prior to us ever shooting a video on them. I appreciate your
support, comments and sharing them with others so we can get the word out
about the effectiveness of Corrective Chiropractic Care. Please keep
watching, sharing and commenting on our videos. Your Houston Chiropractor,
Dr. Gregory Johnson

Leetkingdavid says:

You seem to do so much during an adjustment, is this a normal processes you
would do for a walk-in patienet? My chiropractor does only neck adjustment
and the pretzel type back one, to the back. Which only takes like 5 minutes
all together, should I find a new chiropractor? or ask for a different type
of an adjustment? Thanks for your time Dr. Johnson, keep up the great

hammajag24 says:

It’s common sense, coyne1983. You don’t need to be a physician to tell a
morbidly obese person that they need to improve their diet.

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