How to use Magnesium for Constipation: A Magnesium Constipation Remedy

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How to use Magnesium for Constipation: A Magnesium Constipation Remedy

When you use magnesium fo

r constipation it is an easy way to help your colon reflex gain strength. Magnesium is known for relaxing your muscles and organs. When this happens your body is under stress relief. This gives your body a chance to recover from excess stress and tension.

So how do you use magnesium for constipation? You need to take it with calcium. Choose a calcium-magnesium supplement that has a ratio of 2:1 or twice as much calcium as magnesium. Make sure it is chelated or tied to an amino acid. Choose something like magnesium aspartate or citrate. Just don’t use magnesium oxide. And do the same for calcium.

You should 1000mg per day of this supplement. But you can also add to this just plain magnesium and add to it about 200 mg per day until your stools get softer. There you have it, now go out and get your supplements.


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