Protein Shakes Make You Fat & Constipated

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Fantomas612 says:

the other day, i went to the bathroom and my poop piled up above the water,
it was nasty.

ProjectRealityBf2 says:

dairy intolerant? Does he mean lactose intolerant? If so there are plenty
of lactose free whey proteins, but you will pay a premium for them.

Rene Stanneveld says:

Smart guy. 99% of what he says make sense :P

joseph kelly says:

FTR, eggs are not, never have been, and never will be dairy.

They are devoid of the associated hormones that are in dairy and mammary

They are a MEAT.

You might have been having a reaction to the types of fats in eggs, but
beyond that they are super healthy and no prevailing allergies to
specifically eggs.

That being said still a good video even if it disseminated the common

I really like how you address protein quality, there is an insane variation
in protein quality because the FDA has not really been enforcing any sort
of standard. Even the grams per scoop quoted on most containers is off by
as much as 50% sometimes, how is this achieved??? by using fillers, that
are generally bad for you digestive track.

Then beyond the fillers there are all kinds of BS additives in some of this

TheGreatWhiteStudio says:

what came first the chicken or the egg?
“Dairy” -Elliot

Vi G says:

Totally appreciate how candid and intelligent your explanations are. Very
informative and amusing :o) Keep up the great work!

Richard Pallas says:

People with lactose intolerance can also take pea protein, rice protein, or
hemp protein. 

Justin Aron says:

He said “eggs” because he used them with cream in his shakes. Then he
eliminated the shakes all together and felt better. Guys, listen carefully
before you troll.

Ron Gunz says:

I found out last month that i was lactose intolerant so when I’d try and
take something like Optimum Nutrition or something from Allmax, my stomach
would turn 20 mins later. I ended up sticking with Muscle Milk since it’s
99% lactose free. Although I prefer Planthead, for whatever reason, plant
protein gives me killer munchies. I dunno if it’s the hemp that’s making my
stomach high lol

londonshaf says:

Eggs are Dairy? Ofcourse, cows lay eggs, duh. This guy is smart, i’ll
listen to every word as its told from now. 

unbelievable6209 says:

+Aks030 *One more thing i personally like about that program u*
*were talking about! every one of the guides which come*
*with the main program is clear and right to the point.*
*It goes straight to essentials right from the beginning*
*allowing to start right away w/o delay..*

abovelawl says:

my gym sells beef, egg, and brown rice protein powder, I don’t by that shit
though, rather spend my money on real meat 

Arturo Sierra says:

Hello, I need your help!! I want to build muscle, I go to the gym about 3
or 4 days a week. I want to find a good protein that help me to gain muscle
and strength. I’m weight 190. If you help me I’m would appreciate so much,
thank you 

azurkian says:

is doing cardio two times a week and working upper and lower body three
times a day bad for me?

John Anderson says:

Dairy intolerant? dont you mean lactose intolerant? your peanut size brain
hard at work i see, all your videos is talking, where are the actual

Michael Vargas says:

Just so you know guys if you look up the word dairy intolerant it gives you
less information than typing in lactose intolerant 

jon gold says:

Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard is what he meant not Ultimate

CoreyTrevor Lahey says:

+Pierce Milton
Yes Hemp protein all the way.

dblock436 says:

Did u learn that eggs aren’t dairy yet?

wargarkaz says:

I buy sunwarrior plant based protein, its expensive but sounds better and
real tasty, any good? Dumped whey a while ago.

fuze59 says:

Eggs are not dairy they’re from chickens not cows. 

K. ToTi says:

did he just say poo is stored inside the belly!! o myyy this prick really
gone did his research lmao

Jay Money says:

I had to clean my toilet. it was embarrassing when guest showed up

Ashton Palmer says:

When did eggs become dairy?

iRogueHunter says:

Love your vids and your advice, but I’m pretty sure eggs are not Dairy my

Donald Palmer says:

I don’t usually take anything but Creatine but for protein, check out The
protein factory.
No, they aren’t paying me

Sime says:

I am not from America and English is not my 1st language. With dairy you
mean only products made from milk?

UreaSmith says:

Eggs is dairy?

jacque123ish says:

since when are eggs dairy

John Hoyt says:

So what your saying is… stay away from cow eggs. But how will my calves

Lalo Davis says:

Eggs are not dairy – they come from chickens, not cows.

Seth Brown says:

It could also be that this guy is eating right at his caloric maintenance
without taking in the excess calories from the protein shakes. Then we he
states with the protein shakes, the extra calories is enough to put him
into a caloric surplus, which in turn, makes him gain weight recover
better, etc. What this guy could do is, figure out how many calories he
takes in from the protein shakes and subtract that from his carbs. This
would result in the same caloric intake, but now with the extra protein he

Jon Wagner says:

Eggs aren’t dairy, brah. They come from chickens. 

chicagosouth56 says:

thank you this help me soooo much!

Femi Fatusin says:

Pure whey and egg protein do not agree with me. Whey isolate and Carnivore
beef protein isolate don’t give me digestive problems. The best thing about
the isolates is that they come in fruit flavors, too, which means I won’t
feel nauseous every time I go for another vanilla, strawberry, chocolate,
or other milk inspired flavor.

Lee Millington says:

Wow I really see why the shirt wasn’t needed here, really got your point
across a lot better

down kickowa says:

idk i hawe problem with proteine when i use it after workout and im laing
in bed my bodi start to tickle especiali my penis..some time i cant take it
so i grab my penis and fap it so i can relax..

bcperry15 says:

in my personal opinion Vega Sport>all other vegetarian/vegan proteins but
it is sorta expensive. Plantfusion is a close second

Jay Smitty says:

Elliott, Do you still use (any) kind of protein?

Dovahkrab says:

eggs isnt dairy

PUMPED says:

Yo elliott hate to break it to you but eggs aren’t a dairy product

Jimmy Rodriguez says:

*facepalms* it’s his calories

iwantyourcookiesnow says:

I am not lactose intolerant, but I am intolerant of blue-eyed high-yellow
pretty-boy gym-rats. Good video tho, u r smarter than u look.

Joe Husk says:

no they dont..elliot is full of it..a good organic whey such as natures
basket grass fed cows no added junk giant eagle has it 18 grams of proteine
pur scoop 80 calories pur scoop 1 gram of sugar o grams of carbs good
natural stuff so try it and trust me good for gaining muscle….i drink 2
to 3 a day with light meals like chicken breast boneless skinless and some
kind of vegie or day eating fish with a vegie no potatos np pasta no pop or
sugary drinks not even orange juice take a good vitimin if u do dairy only
cottage cheese before bed its a slow digest protiene to help support your
gain but as far as other dairy product such as milk cheese ice cream ect
cut all that out your eating habbits if you do oatmill no packets do whole
grain from can only one small bowl day bec oatmill will make you fat before
that whey proteine will like i said go to giant eagle look for natures
basket all organic for the most part you will not gain wt you will lose a
few pounds ok now if your pounding like 6 drinks of whey a day then yea 2
or 3 at most one after your workout and one as meal deal or a snack use
take my imfo to the bank trust me elliot you dont no everything im 6f3 235
i was 297 a yr ago what i wrote down here is what i did with a 3 to 4 day
week wt lifting program take fish oil tabs as well 2 pur day it helps with
colestrol joint pain and nice looking young skin no bread no pasta no
sugars no potatos do what i say and you will lose wt and cutt up yes sir
thanks elliot i dont have time to write what else to eat and not to eat for
the most part just chicken in fish and cut out red meat in your diet lol
hope elliot see’s this big boy lol

Peta Pirini says:

Anyone know what the intro song is?? For the Bala 

tyler polanco says:

Hey dumb ass eggs are not dairy

Luis Cortez says:

Do they sell non dairy protien

Stephen Tomczewski says:

Frightening that he doesn’t know that eggs are not dairy…

Berkay Kula says:

my english isn’t advanced first i want to say sorry , but i reccomend an
apple before workout and 500 ml skimmed milk and a medium sized banana, i
tried Amix , Optimum , GNC whey, and natural way effects way better, idk
people says whey is natural, i dont believe. from factory to store, it
comes with lot of bacteries.

Dave Santiago says:

Another consideration is that too often strongman and body builders drink
WAY to much whey as if its a magic formula for strength and size. I’m type
11 Diabetic (just hold your ignorance its not a day disease). I don’t take
whey for muscle size cus that’s not my goal. I combine calisthenics cardio
for full body workouts just to control my weight and BGL. Whey helps me
with that. The extra protein helps tame my sugar levels and hunger. Bit for
that matter I drink a much more moderate amount. 12oz. in the morning and
another 12 before dinner. These are high calorie drinks remember. If your
gonna eat a ton of eggs and chicken don’t bother. But if you’re like me you
want to control portions and stretch your food budget out it makes up for
some portions I’d eat otherwise (like that 2nd and 3d helping) it works as
a decent calorie supplement as well as protein. Finally if like me you have
a sweet tooth (fucking diabetes man) use some Stevia in the shake.

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