How to Cope with Chronic Constipation

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Close Treatments from the drug store may fix the problem for some people, whilst others suffer side effects and some come to depend on the laxative. Whether you choose natural remedies for constipation or drug store products, you must see a doctor if the condition doesn’t improve or if there is any bleeding in the stools.

Steps can be taken which will help prevent constipation or help to alleviate it. Eating fruit and vegetables is one of the natural remedies for constipation which can easily be incorporated into daily life. The best fruits for this are bale fruit, prunes, pears, grapes, papaya and orange juice. Other recommendations are guava, apple pectin, rhubarb, sweet potatoes, carrots and garlic. Folic acid and ginger tea are also good for the digestion. There are other home cure natural remedies for constipation such as mixing one tablespoon of corn syrup to eight fluid ounces of water and drinking it twice a day. You could also drink a glass of milk twice a day with added sugar or honey.


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