5 Simple Steps to Cure IBS without Drugs

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60 million Americans suffer from IBS, and conventional medicine doesnt have a cure. In fact, many doctors will tell you the condition is all in your head. But there are ways you can treat the underlying causes of IBS. In this weeks UltraWellness blog Dr. Mark Hyman outlines 5 steps you can take to overcome IBS and heal from your digestive problems.


Tanjil Kamal says:

Nothing to fear about IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome anymore. There is no
medicine in market invented by any doctor but though you can easily get rid
out of this problem, I can guarantee!! I had same problem long before and I
took a lot of doctor prescribed medicines but nothing worked. It happens
due to severe pressure erupted inside your mind & body . So relief all your
distress, anxiety or any other pressure inside your mind & body by just
practicing remaining cool most of the time. The reason for growing severe
pressure happens if you try to practice to remember a lot from your studies
or information, you try to play as a heavy sports man spirit, or you have
not done sexual intercourse fully or too much distress you face at your
work or family. If you need any help or further information to get cure
please contact me……!!!!

david banner says:

Thank God’ all of these years I thought I was all alone with this horrible
disease. My ibs came along at the age of 29, and I’m now 49years old. In
recent weeks I’ve discovered that my symptoms have decreased a whole lot,
once I added green leafy lettuce , lots of ruffage ( salads ). And’ most of
all apples, yes just simple red apples has given me much more time to make
it the restroom when I have an ibs attack. Before I’ve had bowel accidents
in my car, even years when I had to ride the bus, I’d be late for work,
because I’d have to stop by a mc donalds or any where just to use the
toilet. My doctor has prescribed metamucil for me, which works great only
if you cut down and or, eliminate sugar and dairy from your diet. But’ most
of all romaine / green leafy lettuce and apples has worked wonders for me.
Good luck to everyone and god bless!!

KittyKitty Kitachi says:

Hi I’m a 22 year old going on 23 when I was 20 I had surgery on my small
intestine for a small bowel obstruction with I was told was just unlucky
cuz they couldnt find the cause, six months later I had another obstruction
which i lucky got rid of without surgery in both cases the blockage was
caused by vegetable material. A year later I am now under the impression
that I have IBS for a month now Ive woken up with diarrhea like feeling
with pain in my pelvic area, when I go to the washroom I dont have loose
stools but the pain follows me through out the day and when i have to go i
have to go. the pain doesnt just stick to the lowr abdomin it also
sometimes is up higher i feel bloated and sometimes full after eating very
little and depending on what i sometimes eat i feel sick, Im not quiet sure
what it is and i’m sick of having these issues and i’m worried thaat if i
have them now that they may be worse later also am scared to end up with
another obstruction, ive never really had issues before with my stomach
till now so i would like to find out why and how i can go back to the way i
was. any advice would be helpful.

Sue Mleziva says:

myself, had success with Sherri Bresica’s
Learn how to eat the foods you love without the pain of
acid reflux, constipation, bloating, gas or the “D” word.
http://www.greattastenopain.com/cmdt.asp?id=1279308 it is a food
combining program that decreases inflammation in your body

baby beluga says:

Stop laughing! IBS is not funny

33Crazydude says:

The doctor in this video presented some good reasons for what causes IBS,
but IBS for some people can also be caused by anxiety.

Valeria Nuques says:

whats the recommended dosage for probiotics? and which brands do you
recommend ?

Obinna Frank says:

wow Dr mark just spoke exactly what am going through am shocked IBS is

Makav3li93 says:

Im not overweight or anything but this IBS is making me crazy, I ve had it
for over a year and I can’t find a cure.. so pissed off

Mujtaba Gangji says:

I think I have ibs because I get a sensation of feeling to pass bowels but
I don’t get it no matter what I took a pelvic ultra sound and it’s all
completely normal I am really suffering pls help

Stitched Space says:

Both zinc and magnesium are major problems for most IBS sufferers.
Multivitamins also tend to contain additions that cause problems. Fish oil
has had a laxative effect on people with perfectly normal bowel function.

On the up side diet is very important, I follow the elimination FODMAP diet
and am still working around the finicky sides, but it has helped quite a
bit. Probiotics seem to help but take some trial and error and it’s
uncertain how long they will help as many people have found they tend to
stop working after a while. Calcium after each meal can help absorb water
in the gut (as long as it doesn’t have the high levels of magnesium that
many do). Antidepressants help with anxiety and stress which is a dominant
trigger for most people with IBS, again more trial and error. It also helps
with the depression and suicidal thoughts that many end up experiencing
when they find their lives circling the drain. Loperamide (Imodium) has
proven a life saver for many people with IBS, however some peoples bodies
adjust to it and they end up requiring more and more, Lomotil can be
prescribed and monitored by your GP. Simethicone can help with gas,
activated charcoal is said to be best but can interfere with other
medications so isn’t suitable for some treatment regimes. Peppermint oil
capsules and peppermint tea help calm the stomach.

Exercise will often trigger IBS in the first 10 minutes, but depending on
the person will often cease if you continue after your attack so exercising
at home is ideal. Frequent small ‘safe’ meals help, rice cakes are a
lifesaver and adding safe proteins like nut butters, egg whites, etc will
keep a person fuller for longer.

It’s very easy when you have IBS to fall into depression and when that
happens, tackling the problem head-on kind of falls away. You convince
yourself that you’re never going to get better and that you’ve tried
everything. With IBS you’ve got to tackle it as a fight, with aggression or
it will kill you.

traceyanne anne says:

i wish you were in the UK, i am suffering with all those symptoms, its very
depressing, i am also around 20 pounds over weight, even though i eat
healthy!!… HEEELLPPPPP

Kornhulio18 says:

Misleading title…. It should be “5 Simple Steps to >alleviate< IBS without Drugs" As a contrast it should go: "1 Hard Step to >Cure< IBS without Drugs” What would that 1 hard step be? Understanding it’s buried root causes in your subconsciousness. It’s something which happened most likely in your childhood (or even later) which shouldn’t have happened back then. Unless you can reach your deepest abyss in your soul / mind and understand it’s hidden message you’ll never be able to heal yourself from psychosomatic diseases like IBS. That’s the truth in my honest opinion. A pretty effective method to understand yourself better, getting to the core of your suffering and buried fears is something I’ve picked up from a book and which I practiced. It’s wonderfull and costs no dollar for therapy or any other efforts operating form the outside. What the heck, it’s all about the inside. Weird society. It’s this one thing called……. DARKNESS. Here’s the idea: At night, go in your basement or any other dark room and make all the lights go out, all of them! You should see NOTHING only black! You will face many many fears at the beginning and want to leave immediately I promise but if you calm down and concentrate on your deep breath the fears will go away soon. Think of all the horror movies you’ve watched, it’s gonna be fun :)
The most important thing is to OPEN YOUR EYES right from the beginning and
being concious of the endless darkness around you it will be like a mirror
of your own self. Why? Because it’s nothing there only you and the darkness
which “reflect” nohting else but yourself. It will be ugly inside I’m gonna
assure you. But after a while you will love that beautiful darkness and
silence. You can do it for hours, take your time and explore your
incredible deep and unique soul. It’s so much worthy spend time in timeless
times of today. After the experience of darkness you will notice a new
depth in your view, you will be more relaxed and especially more concious
of your subconciousness.
For me, it was a wonderfull discovery especially after all the
psychotherapies I had and other attempts to understand myself. I’m not
cured yet but I think I’m on the right way. I’m taking my time. Spread your
love (and darkness:)

Idaho Girl says:

Is this why we can wake up feeling hung over (like we were drinking) when
we have not?

Hancel De Torres says:

Hi everyone,one quick question, does IBS include throwing up/puking? One of
my symptom is I puke everythig I eat, however, the doctor said I have ÏBS”.
I am having second thoughts on the result. I have done both Endoscopy (
gastroscopy & colonoscopy) and CT-Scan. Thanks!

Sara C says:


26.2addiction says:

Doctors have the know how, but unfortunately my doctor is like the on e you
described early on in this video. “Take more fiber” that was it. How can I
convince a guy who doesn’t want to go any further than this to help me
individualize a treatment specific to my needs? Thank you for your great
videos!!! Most helpful

Lyric WasHere says:

well the ER dr prescribed bentyl for what he thought was Ibs..he guessed
that’s what i had after a normal vaginal aultrasound and CT scan with
barium. He just said your pelvic pain could be ibs, Crohns but at the er
they can’t do a colostomy test. So for now i’m taking a med every 6hrs.
Shit i thought i had appendicitis.


nut bar ,money making. IBS bull

Just cut out the carbs and simple sugars and have 2 tbs of physillium Husk

don l says:

Cedars Sinai Dr uses natural herbs oregano,berberine,garlic, and others
which are as effective as rifaximin,,,not impressed

ineveraskedfor says:

All who suffer from this kind of disease, please direct your attention at
celiac disease and gluten intolerance.
Try to avoid eating all wheat-containing products (buns, cakes, pizza,
spagetti, white bread (all ordinar bread to be honest), crackers, in one
word – flour (wheat in particular) )
AND watch how are you feel. (It should take a time from several days to
several months, depending on weight of a case)

Dope Boy says:

So you ate a bunch of crap and feel the first wave of attack squeeze
through your guts. You brace the wall and clench your jaw as multiple farts
explode from your butt crack. Some poor guy beside you gets blamed for the
smell and a fight erupts. You can’t help but start punching the guy too
because the smell is revolting. It smells like it came from a zombie’s ass.

Arioch67 says:

so how can i get prescribe rifamaxin to see if it helps my gi doc thinks
dexilant will help but really it just helps the acid reflux 

Sean Vlismas says:

The thing is this isn’t curing IBS. It is learning how to deal with it best
for you.

Jenny Roses says:

confused as to why this video is titled “5 simple steps to cure IBS without
drugs” when the suggestion is to get your doctor to prescribe drugs…

Rusty Shakelferd says:

This guy has the face of a murderer. Murderface.

Stan V says:


prettylolitadoll says:

When I drink water even a little I get bloated. Everything I eat or drink
cases sever bloating and constipation. When I begin getting these problems
I was drinking 4-5 liters a water a day and eating over 30-50 gram of fiber
a day. What is going on?

Saw 3 doctors. One told me to eat more fiber. I told and tried to show this
doctor how much fiber I was eating. He didn’t look or care. Got a
colonoscopy but came up clean. I’m lost mad don’t care anymore and have
started binge eating and gained weight and depressed. 

Brodzzzzz says:


Misana says:

Thanks for sharing this.

shaunathomas00 says:

I’ve tried a lot of the probiotics to treat my IBS (yogurt, pills,
fermented products). The only one that seems to help my IBS is
lacto-fermented sauerkraut.

Good Heart says:

Probiotics often contain sugars and/or fibers that feed bacteria, also the
bad guys. Choose a probiotic without this. Dairy products contains an agent
that slows down your gut – either giving you constipation, and/or giving
the bad bacteria more time to eat…

trionic1000 says:

I have suffered very painful, severe IBS-D for 15 years and tried pretty
much everything. The best help I have found is opiates.
Codeine/morphine/hydro etc. eliminates diarrhea and takes away the pain.
The cons is the difficulty in getting a prescription and getting addicted..
Me.. I’d rather continue being addicted than suffering from disabling pain
the rest of my life :)

lorena bora says:

i love u doctor! thanks

Michelle O says:

probiotics make me feel so horrid i’d rather suffer from IBS then take them

Erkica Platz says:

Was it Rifamycin you refer to?

Marc Charles says:

I had that too and cured it with probiotics. Im not saying the will work
for everyone, but i had that bloated thing for years, and it led to really
bad 3 day long migraines. Probiotics cured me within a week.

Dennis Price says:

I have suffered with Irritable Bowel Syndrome with severe constipation. I
switched to a high fruit high vegetable high potato plant based low fat
diet with drinking 3-5 liters of water a day. I usually have a #2 at least
once a day if not more. when you eat fat, it can really clog up your
digestion system as it takes a long time to digest. if you eat any overt
fats, save them for your last meal of the day.

Brian Christopher says:

The real probiotics come from the stool of another healthy individual. Look
up fecal bacterial therapy or stool transplant. My guess is your problems
began after consuming antibiotics which disrupted your bacterial ecology we
as humans absolutely depend on. Don’t give up on the power of bacteria,
just those found in packaged products. You also have a chronic, hidden
bacteria and/or fungal infection that will consume these types of
probiotics for food. If you have any questions, I’d love to help

HealthyBodyify says:

Some physicians do not seem to diagnose IBS not Leaky Gut (
http://dess.me/Lkygt ) And I am literally fed up of visiting them because
they will go through all the boring routines of stool examination etc…
Thanks for the video

freedom dove says:

You should see a naturopathic doctor or really do a lot of research on your
own. Preferably both. You’ve damaged the insides of your tract. I hesitate
to recommend anything b/c idk your health status, but there is one thing
you *might* want to try if it’s right for you, and that’s aloe vera juice.
It depends, though. It has a laxative effect, so be aware of that. I
wouldn’t use it for extended periods, either–take breaks every couple
months for a month or so. Look for organic. Start slowly.


There’s one other thing I started adding to my diet and that is “Ground
Flax Seed”, this has both Soluble and insoluble fibre and will help
alleviate IBS-C and IBS-D symptoms. Since I started using the ground flax
seed, I have less days with constipation and instead of only going once
every 8 days, I am much more regular now, going at least 3-4 times/week. I
got ALL my information online by simply searching it on google. Just do the
research, you will be amazed what you will learn. Good luck.

Brian Christopher says:

Because most physicians don’t know how to think outside their eight years
of medical indoctrination. Sad, but true. ADVICE: The truth behind most
digestive illness is microflora derangement, known as dysbiosis. It’s
basically an imbalance or a deficiency in beneficial bacteria in the gut,
often caused by the misuse or antibiotics or other prescriptive drugs
(antacids, NSAID’s, oral steroids). The best way to correct this imbalance
is w/ the best probiotic in the world. FECAL BACTERIOTHERAPY

Linda Cleveland says:

How much coconut oil do you take? Where do you get it? Are you on a special
diet? 615-456-8499

MrFreakface999 says:

This is 100% common sense; a damaged intestine=an irritated intestine= IBS

Alias Asgar says:

coconut oil may work for you but what about others? can you generalize it
for every one? there are many ways to treat IBS

MrHbc3 says:

Dumber yet Martinez. Romance (Roman derived) means derived from Latin. If
you can, conjugate the word “to love” for example in both Latin and
Spanish. They are almost the same. If you forgot your Latin, the present
tense in Latin is Amo, Amas, Amat, Amamos, Amatis, Amant. Look familiar, my
Spanish self described know it all

xxxCRAZYLOVExxx says:

i already stopped the medicine, but now i can’t make it go away, i only
used laxative pills for 4 days, tried stoping but was stil constipated, i
haven’t ate a thing all day cause it will make it worse. i went to see the
ENT to help me get cured, but the pills he prescribed made me worse wit
this constipation, omg now i have more problems FUCK!!

Jack Valentino says:

EXACTLY, going wheat and dairy free is ideal in curing IBS, because both
wheat and dairy are types of food that cannot be digested effectively, so
elimination is crucial for recovery!!

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