Haribo Sugarless Gummy Bears of Ass Destruction *VOMIT/DIARRHEA ALERT*

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I take on the infamous Haribo Sugarless Gummy Bears and loose miserably. Stick around for the very end. And sorry about my outro. The audio would NOT line up with me talking.



Thank you everyone so much for watching! I have new challenge videos coming
out soon! What do you think I should do next?

TheLovelyChris says:

Definitly not copied from LA Beast.

boci122 says:

Sugar free = xylitol sweetener. It pulls all the water from your
intestines, hence diarrea explosion.

alzar197 says:

♫gummy bears bouncing here and there and out you’re ass♫

Smash Stuff 300 says:

I enjoyed the video until I heard the word “anime”

dreyrugr says:

someone should shoot a gay porn after eating this. 

Pastor Casket says:

Wow… a 5 pound bag is 100.00! Seriously?!

abchasi27 says:

Gummy Bears: Vomit the Rainbow

itsmegp46 says:

People that do things like this shouldn’t be allowed to breed.

L Ryuzaki says:

I can fap to this

queen of choas says:

That sugar free stuff they use is found in laxatives.

otomodachifan says:

I wonder if sugarless gummy worms have the same effect. Once I had a few of
those, but I did not feel the wrath of the devil. If the gummy worms do the
same thing, I was probably spared because 1. I ate very few (although I
have heard that some people ate just about a handful and they still felt
lava coming out of their butt) and 2. I have chronic constipation issues so
its laxative effect would probably help me in small doses even though I
already take both a laxative and a stimulant.

Amber Webb says:

You are a LEGEND for putting yourself through all that agony. Satan bears.

loay abbas says:

He looks like Harry Osborn 

Benjamin Boyd says:

Lmao. .11:58

Noah Shepherd says:

Why anyone would do this is beyond me. But I salute you, good sir.

Lim Kaiser says:

one question. How the fuck are these candies permitted to sell if they give
you diarrhea and unicorn vomiting? 

alzar197 says:

those things will tear your ass up worse than taco bell

Mike H says:

Dude listening you you eat.. You sound like an army of vaginas walking
through the mud. 

Steve Thomas says:

Ah mate, I saw L.A. Beast’s 5lb sugar free Gummi Bear challenge video a
while back and that was certainly brutal (but funny). But with your one, I
really got much more of a sense just how fucked up this makes you feel. And
you did a fifth of that?! o_O

All power to you because I had/have no intention of even trying to consume
that amount of animal fat and gelatin and whatever other craopla they put
in there :)

You seem as likeable as ole’ Beasty Boy too

Addy Meow says:

I might puke just from watching this.

Henry Medina says:

I think you should do a jar of Kraft extra smooth peanut peanut. Guaranteed
to fail. Infact ill put 100$ down to say you can’t do it. 

Michel Linschoten says:

La beast ate 5 pounds of those fuckers.

drew draper says:

ooooo ur cute kik me at najai draper or i have the be

danward1988 says:

It’s entertainment dick head who cares if he’s chewing with his mouth full 

JessePinkman13 says:

what a sissy the beast did 5 lbs

oldjeff100 says:

As soon as a saw Diarrhea i was in.

Bobby Walker says:

it has coconut oil in it..which is a natural laxative so when you eat too
much this is what happens..it also has quite a bit of artificial
ingredients, so probably not a good idea to eat them at all..def. not good
for your health

Kingkaew Jinapen says:

okay… if i want to throw up because some junk i ate, i just eat this? has

Sean Johnson says:

How to stay home from school, eat a pound of these and your good to go

Staples Spam says:

Wasn’t he on “We’re the millers”?

Shanti Shanti says:

I did this totally on accident with sugar free wafers one time, lol.

Sue Ling says:

My friend how you could you a lot now look at you poor man


I have hust two words of advice for you. DONT!

WhatWillYouFind says:

Torrential vomiting *casually puts gummies into trash with exorcism liquid.*
Son, you learned a valuable lesson today about the potential of learning
how to vomit and crap at the same time! :D

Kya Cruz says:

What the fuck is wrong with you 

Hi It Me says:

Why do people keep doing this knowing the consequence?

Rachel says:

The more that comes out of your mouth it less that will come out the other
end so I’d actually consider yourself lucky (after watching the aftermath
of some others doing this!)

MissMinnie says:

Go to 7:53 and watch from there for the puke and diarrhea

Co⊙zEb○Yz says:

Soo fuckin stupid!

steven meloche says:

well if you have not ate the gummy bears you wouldnt have got really sick
simple as that do a challenge with fruits its better or no challenge or get
sick i dont give a flying shit

DragonAurora says:

“This was a bad idea.”

Ya think???

Raymond Lamers says:

Awesome silent hill tattoo… Unfortunatly you beat me to it

parkour master says:

i would say that this guy looks pretty close to macklemore in my opinion of

Dominic Winston says:

Those gummy bears just roared out of you didn’t they xD

Tatsuhiro Sato says:

Well done clip! Only wihed as you did show us the puke aspect, you forgot
to show us the ‘end results’ in toilet! Also, since when did Haribo
discontinue their product?

FireTiger941 says:

8:30 I laughed so hard I gave myself a hernia!! LOL

Ryan Scully says:

I didn’t do this on video, but one time
My friend dated me to do a Hot & Cold
Gauntlet one time,
So the hot gauntlet was
1st Ghost chilli pepper
2nd Trinidad moruga scorpion pepper
3rd Sciracha (I forgot how to spell it)
4th Stay in a hot room for 2 hours with Radiator on and fireplace
On at full heat (I was sweatin’)
The cold gauntlet was 1st
6 Diffrent Flavoured ice cream cones (Strawberry, Vanilla,
Chocolate, Mint, Toffee Fudge, Cranberry & Raspberry (6)
2nd Stick my face in a freezer for 13 minutes
3rd Eat a whole 2 caramel MCdonald Mcflurrys
4th Drink 10 Energy drinks (5 red bulls, and 5 cans of Ripper
Monster cans (the yellow can of monster)
*they must be Sitting in a fridge for 30 minutes at full cold)
Wow! What a gauntlet
P.S I was sitting in a toilet for 3 whole hours and vomiting for a whole

AzerothZealot says:

kudos on the unicorn vomiting

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